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malvina of brittany-第8章

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and out of it was thrown upon one pair of shoulders; then it
followed as a natural consequence that that pair of shoulders could
not spare the necessary time to properly finish its meals。  This it
was that was at the root of the decay of English farming。  When
farmers' wives; to say nothing of sons and daughters old enough one
might imagine to be anxious to do something in repayment for the
money and care lavished upon them; had all put their shoulders to
the wheel; then English farming had prospered。  When; on the other
hand; other people shirked their fair share of labour and
responsibility; leaving to one pair of hands 。 。 。

It was the eldest Arlington girl's quite audible remark that pa
could have eaten two helpings of pudding while he had been talking;
that caused Mr。 Arlington to lose the thread of his discourse。  To
put it quite bluntly; what Mr。 Arlington meant to say was this:  He
had never wanted to be a farmerat least not in the beginning。
Other men in his position; having acquired competency by years of
self…sacrificing labour; would have retired to a well…earned
leisure。  Having yielded to persuasion and taken on the job; he was
going to see it through; and everybody else was going to do their
share or there would be trouble。

Mr。 Arlington; swallowing the remains of his glass in a single gulp;
spoilt a dignified exit by violently hiccoughing; and Mrs。 Arlington
rang the bell furiously for the parlourmaid to clear away。  The
pudding passed untouched from before the very eyes of the twins。  It
was a black…currant pudding with brown sugar。

That night Mrs。 Arlington appears to have confided in the twins;
partly for her own relief and partly for their moral benefit。  If
Mrs。 Arlington had enjoyed the blessing in disguise of a less
indulgent mother; all might have been well。  By nature Mrs。
Arlington had been endowed with an active and energetic temperament。
〃Miss Can't…sit…still…a…minute;〃 her nurse had always called her。
Unfortunately it had been allowed to sink into disuse; was now in
all probability beyond hope of recovery。  Their father was quite
right。  When they had lived in Bayswater and the business was in
Mincing Lane it did not matter。  Now it was different。  A farmer's
wife ought to be up at six; she ought to see that everybody else was
up at six; servants looked after; kept up to the mark; children
encouraged by their mother's example。  Organisation。  That was what
was wanted。  The day mapped out; to every hour its appointed task。
Then; instead of the morning being gone before you could turn
yourself round; and confusion made worse confounded by your leaving
off what you were doing and trying to do six things at once that you
couldn't remember whether you had done or whether you hadn't 。 。 。

Here Mrs。 Arlington appears to have dissolved into tears。  Generally
speaking; she was a placid; smiling; most amiable lady; quite
delightful to have about the house provided all you demanded of her
were pleasant looks and a sunny disposition。  The twins appear to
have joined their tears to hers。  Tucked in and left to themselves;
one imagines the problem being discussed with grave seriousness;
much whispered conversation; then slept upon; the morning bringing
with it ideas。  The result being that the next evening; between high
tea and supper; Mrs。 Muldoon; answering herself the knock at the
door; found twin figures standing hand in hand on the Professor's

They asked her if 〃the Fairy〃 was in。


There was no need of the proverbial feather。  Mrs。 Muldoon made a
grab at the settle but missed it。  She caught at a chair; but that
gave way。  It was the floor that finally stopped her。

〃We're so sorry;〃 apologised Victor。  〃We thought you knew。  We
ought to have said Mademoiselle Malvina。〃

Mrs。 Muldoon regained her feet; and without answering walked
straight into the study。

〃They want to know;〃 said Mrs。 Muldoon; 〃if the Fairy's in。〃  The
Professor; with his back to the window; was reading。  The light in
the room was somewhat faint。

〃Who wants to know?〃 demanded the Professor。

〃The twins from the Manor House;〃 explained Mrs。 Muldoon。

〃But what?but who?〃 began the Professor。

〃Shall I say 'not at home'?〃 suggested Mrs。 Muldoon。  〃Or hadn't you
better see them yourself。〃

〃Show them in;〃 directed the Professor。

They came in; looking a little scared and still holding one another
by the hand。  They wished the Professor good evening; and when he
rose they backed away from him。  The Professor shook hands with
them; but they did not let go; so that Victoria gave him her right
hand and Victor his left; and then at the Professor's invitation
they sat themselves down on the extreme edge of the sofa。

〃I hope we do not disturb you;〃 said Victor。  〃We wanted to see
Mademoiselle Malvina。〃

〃Why do you want to see Mademoiselle Malvina?〃 inquired the

〃It is something very private;〃 said Victor。

〃We wanted to ask her a great favour;〃 said Victoria。

〃I'm sorry;〃 said the Professor; 〃but she isn't in。  At least; I
don't think so。〃  (The Professor never was quite sure。  〃She slips
in and out making no more noise than a wind…driven rose leaf;〃 was
Mrs。 Muldoon's explanation。)  〃Hadn't you better tell me?  Leave me
to put it to her。〃

They looked at one another。  It would never do to offend the wise
and learned Christopher。  Besides; a magician; it is to be assumed;
has more ways than one of learning what people are thinking。

〃It is about mamma;〃 explained Victoria。  〃We wondered if Malvina
would mind changing her。〃

The Professor had been reading up Malvina。  It flashed across him
that this had always been her speciality:  Changing people。  How had
the Arlington twins discovered it?  And why did they want their
mother changed?  And what did they want her changed into?  It was
shocking when you come to think of it!  The Professor became
suddenly so stern; that if the twins could have seen his
expressionwhich; owing to the fading light; they couldn'tthey
would have been too frightened to answer。

〃Why do you want your mother changed?〃 demanded the Professor。  Even
as it was his voice alarmed them。

〃It's for her own good;〃 faltered Victoria。

〃Of course we don't mean into anything;〃 explained Victor。

〃Only her inside;〃 added Victoria。

〃We thought that Malvina might be able to improve her;〃 completed

It was still very disgraceful。  What were we coming to when children
went about clamouring for their mothers to be 〃improved〃!  The
atmosphere was charged with indignation。  The twins felt it。

〃She wants to be;〃 persisted Victoria。  〃She wants to be energetic
and to get up early in the morning and do things。〃

〃You see;〃 added Victor; 〃she was never properly brought up。〃

The Professor maintains stoutly that his only intention was a joke。
It was not even as if anything objectionable had been suggested。
The Professor himself had on occasions been made the confidant of

〃Best woman that ever lived; if only one could graft a little energy
upon her。  No sense of time。  Too easy…going。  No idea of keeping
people up to the mark。〃  So Mr。 Arlington; over the nuts and wine。

〃It's pure laziness。  Oh; yes; it is。  My friends say I'm so
'restful'; but that's the proper explanation of itborn laziness。
And yet I try。  You have no idea; Professor Littlecherry; how much I
try。〃  So Mrs。 Arlington; laughingly; while admiring the Professor's

Besides; how absurd to believe that Malvina could possibly change
anybody!  Way back; when the human brain was yet in process of
evolution; such things may have been possible。  Hypnotic suggestion;
mesmeric influence; dormant brain cells quickened into activity by
magnetic vibration。  All that had been lost。  These were the days of
George the Fifth; not of King Heremon。  What the Professor was
really after was:  How would Malvina receive the proposal?  Of
course she would try to get out of it。  A dear little thing。  But
could any sane man; professor of mathematics 。 。 。

Malvina was standing beside him。  No one had remarked her entrance。
The eyes of the twins had been glued upon the wise and learned
Christopher。  The Professor; when he was thinking; never saw
anything。  Still; it was rather startling。

〃We should never change what the good God has once fashioned;〃 said
Malvina。  She spoke very gravely。  The childishness seemed to have
fallen from her。

〃You didn't always think so;〃 said the Professor。  It nettled the
Professor that all idea of this being a good joke had departed with
the sound of Malvina's voice。  She had that way with her。

She made a little gesture。  It conveyed to the Professor that his
remark had not been altogether in good taste。

〃I speak as one who has learned;〃 said Malvina。

〃I beg your pardon;〃 said the Professor。  〃I ought not to have said

Malvina accepted the Professor's apology with a bow。

〃But this is something very different;〃 continued the Professor。
Quite another interest had taken hold of the Professor。  It was easy
enough to summon Dame Commonsense to one's aid when Malvina was not
present。  Before 
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