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importation of foreign goods which secure to them the monopoly of

the home market。 It was probably in imitation of them; and to put

themselves upon a level with those who; they found; were disposed

to oppress them; that the country gentlemen and farmers of Great

Britain in so far forgot the generosity which is natural to their

station as to demand the exclusive privilege of supplying their

countrymen with corn and butcher's meat。 They did not perhaps

take time to consider how much less their interest could be

affected by the freedom of trade than that of the people whose

example they followed。

     To prohibit by a perpetual law the importation of foreign

corn and cattle is in reality to enact that the population and

industry of the country shall at no time exceed what the rude

produce of its own soil can maintain。

     There seem; however; to be two cases in which it will

generally be advantageous to lay some burden upon foreign for the

encouragement of domestic industry。

     The first is; when some particular sort of industry is

necessary for the defence of the country。 The defence of Great

Britain; for example; depends very much upon the number of its

sailors and shipping。 The Act of Navigation; therefore; very

properly endeavours to give the sailors and shipping of Great

Britain the monopoly of the trade of their own country in some

cases by absolute prohibitions and in others by heavy burdens

upon the shipping of foreign countries。 The following are the

principal dispositions of this Act。

     First; all ships; of which the owners and three…fourths of

the mariners are not British subjects; are prohibited; upon pain

of forfeiting ship and cargo; from trading to the British

settlements and plantations; or from being employed in the

coasting trade of Great Britain。

     Secondly; a great variety of the most bulky articles of

importation can be brought into Great Britain only; either in

such ships as are above described; or in ships of the country

where those goods are purchased; and of which the owners;

masters; and three…fourths of the mariners are of that particular

country; and when imported even in ships of this latter kind;

they are subject to double aliens' duty。 If imported in ships of

any other country; the penalty is forfeiture of ship and goods。

When this act was made; the Dutch were; what they still are; the

great carriers of Europe; and by this regulation they were

entirely excluded from being the carriers to Great Britain; or

from importing to us the goods of any other European country。

     Thirdly; a great variety of the most bulky articles of

importation are prohibited from being imported; even in British

ships; from any country but that in which they are produced;

under pains of forfeiting ship and cargo。 This regulation; too;

was probably intended against the Dutch。 Holland was then; as

now; the great emporium for all European goods; and by this

regulation British ships were hindered from loading in Holland

the goods of any other European country。

     Fourthly; salt fish of all kinds; whale…fins; whale…bone;

oil; and blubber; not caught by and cured on board British

vessels; when imported into Great Britain; are subjected to

double aliens' duty。 The Dutch; as they are they the principal;

were then the only fishers in Europe that attempted to supply

foreign nations with fish。 By this regulation; a very heavy

burden was laid upon their supplying Great Britain。

     When the Act of Navigation was made; though England and

Holland were not actually at war; the most violent animosity

subsisted between the two nations。 It had begun during the

government of the Long Parliament; which first framed this act;

and it broke out soon after in the Dutch wars during that of the

Protector and of Charles the Second。 It is not impossible;

therefore; that some of the regulations of this famous act may

have proceeded from national animosity。 They are as wise;

however; as if they had all been dictated by the most deliberate

wisdom。 National animosity at that particular time aimed at the

very same object which the most deliberate wisdom would have

recommended; the diminution of the naval power of Holland; the

only naval power which could endanger the security of England。

     The Act of Navigation is not favourable to foreign commerce;

or to the growth of that opulence which can arise from it。 The

interest of a nation in its commercial relations to foreign

nations is; like that of a merchant with regard to the different

people with whom he deals; to buy as cheap and to sell as dear as

possible。 But it will be most likely to buy cheap; when by the

most perfect freedom of trade it encourages all nations to bring

to it the goods which it has occasion to purchase; and; for the

same reason; it will be most likely to sell dear; when its

markets are thus filled with the greatest number of buyers。 The

Act of Navigation; it is true; lays no burden upon foreign ships

that come to export the produce of British industry。 Even the

ancient aliens' duty; which used to be paid upon all goods

exported as well as imported; has; by several subsequent acts;

been taken off from the greater part of the articles of

exportation。 But if foreigners; either by prohibitions or high

duties; are hindered from coming to sell; they cannot always

afford to come to buy; because coming without a cargo; they must

lose the freight from their own country to Great Britain。 By

diminishing the number of sellers; therefore; we necessarily

diminish that of buyers; and are thus likely not only to buy

foreign goods dearer; but to sell our own cheaper; than if there

was a more perfect freedom of trade。 As defence; however it is of

much more importance than opulence; the Act of Navigation is;

perhaps; the wisest of all the commercial regulations of England。

     The second case; in which it will generally be advantageous

to lay some burden upon foreign for the encouragement of domestic

industry is; when some tax is imposed at home upon the produce of

the latter。 In this case; it seems reasonable that an equal tax

should be imposed upon the like produce of the former。 This would

not give the monopoly of the home market to domestic industry;

nor turn towards a particular employment a greater share of the

stock and labour of the country than what would naturally go to

it。 It would only hinder any part of what would naturally go to

it from being turned away by the tax into a less natural

direction; and would leave the competition between foreign and

domestic industry; after the tax; as nearly as possible upon the

same footing as before it。 In Great Britain; when any such tax is

laid upon the produce of domestic industry; it is usual at the

same time; in order to stop the clamorous complaints of our

merchants and manufacturers that they will be undersold at home;

to lay a much heavier duty upon the importation of all foreign

goods of the same kind。

     This second limitation of the freedom of trade according to

some people should; upon some occasions; be extended much farther

than to the precise foreign commodities which could come into

competition with those which had been taxed at home。 When the

necessaries of life have been taxed any country; it becomes

proper; they pretend; to tax not only the like necessaries of

life imported from other countries; but all sorts of foreign

goods which can come into competition with anything that is the

produce of domestic industry。 Subsistence; they say; becomes

necessarily dearer in consequence of such taxes; and the price of

labour must always rise with the price of the labourers'

subsistence。 Every commodity; therefore; which is the produce of

domestic industry; though not immediately taxed itself; becomes

dearer in consequence of such taxes; because the labour which

produces it becomes so。 Such taxes; therefore; are really

equivalent; they say; to a tax upon every particular commodity

produced at home。 In order to put domestic upon the same footing

with foreign industry; therefore; it becomes necessary; they

think; to lay some duty upon every foreign commodity equal to

this enhancement of the price of the home commodities with which

it can come into competition。

     Whether taxes upon the necessaries of life; such as those in

Great Britain upon soap; salt; leather; candles; etc。;

necessarily raise the price of labour; and consequently that of

all other commodities; I shall consider hereafter when I come to

treat of taxes。 Supposing; however; in the meantime; that they

have this effect; and they have it undoubtedly; this general

enhancement of the price of all commodities; in consequence of

that of labour; is a case which differs in the two following

respects from that of a particular commodity of which the price

was enhanced by a particular tax immediately imposed upon it。

     First; it might always be known with great exactness how far

the price of such a commodity could be enhanced by such a tax:

but how far the general enhancement of the price of labour m
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