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rthos; listen to this; first; not a syllable to either of our friends of what you have heard; it is unnecessary for them to know the service we are going to render them。〃
  〃Very well; I understand。〃
  〃Go to the stable; you will find Musqueton there; saddle your horses; put your pistols in your saddle…bags; take out the horses and lead them to the street below this; so that there will be nothing to do but mount them; all the rest is my business。〃
  Porthos made no remark; but obeyed; with the sublime confidence he had in his friend。
  〃I go;〃 he said; 〃only; shall I enter the chamber where those gentlemen are?〃
  〃No; it is not worth while。〃
  〃Well; do me the kindness to take my purse。 which I left on the mantelpiece。〃
  〃All right。〃
  He then proceeded; with his usual calm gait; to the stable and went into the very midst of the soldiery; who; foreigner as he was; could not help admiring his height and the enormous strength of his great limbs。
  At the corner of the street he met Musqueton and took him with him。
  D'Artagnan; meantime; went into the house; whistling a tune which he had begun before Porthos went away。
  〃My dear Athos; I have reflected on your arguments and I am convinced。 I am sorry to have had anything to do with this matter。 As you say; Mazarin is a knave。 I have resolved to fly with you; not a word  be ready。 Your swords are in the corner; do not forget them; they are in many circumstances very useful; there is Porthos's purse; too。〃
  He put it into his pocket。 The two friends were perfectly stupefied。
  〃Well; pray; is there anything to be so surprised at?〃 he said。 〃I was blind; Athos has made me see; that's all; e here。〃
  The two friends went near him。
  〃Do you see that street? There are the horses。 Go out by the door; turn to the right; jump into your saddles; all will be right; don't be uneasy at anything except mistaking the signal。 That will be the signal when I call out  Jesus Seigneur!〃
  〃But give us your word that you will e too; D'Artagnan;〃 said Athos。
  〃I swear I will; by Heaven。〃
  〃'Tis settled;〃 said Aramis; 〃at the cry ‘Jesus Seigneur' we go out; upset all that stands in our way; run to our horses; jump into our saddles; spur them; is that all?〃
  〃See; Aramis; as I have told you; D'Artagnan is first amongst us all;〃 said Athos。
  〃Very true;〃 replied the Gascon; 〃but I always run away from pliments。 Don't forget the signal: ‘Jesus Seigneur!'〃 and he went out as he came in; whistling the self…same air。
  The soldiers were playing or sleeping; two of them were singing in a corner; out of tune; the psalm: 〃On the rivers of Babylon。〃
  D'Artagnan called the sergeant。 〃My dear friend; General Cromwell has sent Monsieur Mordaunt to fetch me。 Guard the prisoners well; I beg of you。〃
  The sergeant made a sign; as much as to say he did not understand French; and D'Artagnan tried to make him prehend by signs and gestures。 Then he went into the stable; he found the five horses saddled; his own amongst the rest。
  〃Each of you take a horse by the bridle;〃 he said to Porthos and Musqueton; 〃turn to the left; so that Athos and Aramis may see you clearly from the window。〃
  〃They are ing; then?〃 said Porthos。
  〃In a moment。〃
  〃You didn't forget my purse?〃
  〃No; be easy。〃
  Porthos and Musqueton each took a horse by the bridle and proceeded to their post。
  Then D'Artagnan; being alone; struck a light and lighted a small bit of tinder; mounted his horse and stopped at the door in the midst of the soldiers。 There; caressing as he pretended; the animal with his hand; he put this bit of burning tinder in his ear。 It was necessary to be as good a horseman as he was to risk such a scheme; for no sooner had the animal felt the burning tinder than he uttered a cry of pain and reared and jumped as if he had been mad。
  The soldiers; whom he was nearly trampling; ran away。
  〃Help! help!〃 cried D'Artagnan; 〃stop  my horse has the staggers。〃
  In an instant the horse's eyes grew bloodshot and he was white with foam。
  〃Help!〃 cried D'Artagnan。 〃What! will you let me be killed? Jesus Seigneur!〃
  No sooner had he uttered this cry than the door opened and Athos and Aramis rushed out。 The coast; owing to the Gascon's stratagem; was clear。
  〃The prisoners are escaping! the prisoners are escaping!〃 cried the sergeant。
  〃Stop! stop!〃 cried D'Artagnan; giving rein to his famous steed; who; darting forth; overturned several men。
  〃Stop! stop!〃 cried the soldiers; and ran for their arms。
  But the prisoners were in their saddles and lost no time hastening to the nearest gate。
  In the middle of the street they saw Grimaud and Blaisois; who were ing to find their masters。 With one wave of his hand Athos made Grimaud; who followed the little troop; understand everything; and they passed on like a whirlwind; D'Artagnan still directing them from behind with his voice。
  They passed through the gate like apparitions; without the guards thinking of detaining them; and reached the open country。
  All this time the soldiers were calling out; 〃Stop! stop!〃 and the sergeant; who began to see that he was the victim of an artifice; was almost in a frenzy of despair。 Whilst all this was going on; a cavalier in full gallop was seen approaching。 It was Mordaunt with the order in his hand。
  〃The prisoners!〃 he exclaimed; jumping off his horse。
  The sergeant had not the courage to reply; he showed him the open door; the empty room。 Mordaunt darted to the steps; understood all; uttered a cry; as if his very heart was pierced; and fell fainting on the stone steps。
  In which it is shown that under the most trying Circumstances noble Natures never lose their Courage; nor good Stomachs their Appetites
  The little troop; without looking behind them or exchanging a word; fled at a rapid gallop; fording a little stream; of which none of them knew the name; and leaving on their left a town which Athos declared to be Durham。 At last they came in sight of a small wood; and spurring their horses afresh; rode in its direction。
  As soon as they had disappeared behind a green curtain sufficiently thick to conceal them from the sight of any one who might be in pursuit they drew up to hold a council together。 The two grooms held the horses; that they might take a little rest without being unsaddled; and Grimaud was posted as sentinel。
  〃e; first of all;〃 said Athos to D'Artagnan; 〃my friend; that I may shake hands with you  you; our rescuer  you; the true hero of us all。〃
  〃Athos is right  you have my adoration;〃 said Aramis; in his turn pressing his hand。 〃To what are you not equal; with your superior intelligence; infallible eye; your arm of iron and your enterprising mind!〃
  〃Now;〃 said the Gascon; 〃that is all well; I accept for Porthos and myself everything  thanks and pliments; we have plenty of time to spare。〃
  The two friends; recalled by D'Artagnan to what was also due to Porthos; pressed his hand in their turn。
  〃And now;〃 said Athos; 〃it is not our plan to run anywhere and like madmen; but we must map up our campaign。 What shall we do?〃
  〃What are we going to do; i'faith? It is not very difficult to say。〃
  〃Tell us; then; D'Artagnan。〃
  〃We are going to reach the nearest seaport; unite our little resources; hire a vessel and return to France。 As for me I will give my last sou for it。 Life is the greatest treasure; and speaking candidly; ours hangs by a thread。〃
  〃What do you say to this; Du Vallon?〃
  〃I;〃 said Porthos; 〃I am entirely of D'Artagnan's opinion; this is a ‘beastly' country; this England。〃
  〃You are quite decided; then; to leave it?〃 asked Athos of D'Artagnan。
  〃Egad! I don't see what is to keep me here。〃
  A glance was exchanged between Athos and Aramis。
  〃Go; then; my friends;〃 said the former; sighing。
  〃How; go then?〃 exclaimed D'Artagnan。 〃Let us go; you mean?〃
  〃No; my friend;〃 said Athos; 〃you must leave us。〃
  〃Leave you!〃 cried D'Artagnan; quite bewildered at this unexpected announcement。
  〃Bah!〃 said Porthos; 〃why separate; since we are all together?〃
  〃Because you can and ought to return to France; your mission is acplished; but ours is not。〃
  〃Your mission is not acplished?〃 exclaimed D'Artagnan; looking in astonishment at Athos。
  〃No; my friend;〃 replied Athos; in his gentle but decided voice; 〃we came here to defend King Charles; we have but ill defended him  it remains for us to save him!〃
  〃To save the king?〃 said D'Artagnan; looking at Aramis as he had looked at Athos。
  Aramis contented himself by making a sign with his head。
  D'Artagnan's countenance took an expression of the deepest passion; he began to think he had to do with madmen。
  〃You cannot be speaking seriously; Athos!〃 said he; 〃the king is surrounded by an army; which is conducting him to London。 This army is manded by a butcher; or the son of a butcher  it matters little  Colonel Harrison。 His majesty; I can assure you; will be tried on his arrival in London; I have heard enough from the lips of Oliver Cromwell to know what to expect。〃
  A second look was exchanged between Athos and 
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