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on the highroads; were connected with them; and who; since highwaymen no longer exist; have advantageously and aptly filled their vacant place。
  The host; his mind at ease about his bill; placed pen; ink and paper upon the table。 By a lucky chance the pen was tolerably good and Raoul began to write。 The host remained standing in front of him; looking with a kind of involuntary admiration at his handsome face; bining both gravity and sweetness of expression。 Beauty has always been and always will be all…powerful。
  〃He's not a guest like the other one here just now;〃 observed mine host to Olivain; who had rejoined his master to see if he wanted anything; 〃and your young master has no appetite。〃
  〃My master had appetite enough three days ago; but what can one do? he lost it the day before yesterday。〃
  And Olivain and the host took their way together toward the inn; Olivain; according to the custom of serving…men well pleased with their place; relating to the tavern…keeper all that he could say in favor of the young gentleman; whilst Raoul wrote on thus:
  〃Sir;  After a four hours' march I stop to write to you; for I miss you every moment; and I am always on the point of turning my head as if to reply when you speak to me。 I was so bewildered by your departure and so overe with grief at our separation; that I am sure I was able to but very feebly express all the affection and gratitude I feel toward you。 You will forgive me; sir; for your heart is of such a generous nature that you can well understand all that has passed in mine。 I entreat you to write to me; for you form a part of my existence; and; if I may venture to tell you so; I also feel anxious。 It seemed to me as if you were yourself preparing for some dangerous undertaking; about which I did not dare to question you; since you told me nothing。 I have; therefore; as you see; great need of hearing from you。 Now that you are no longer beside me I am afraid every moment of erring。 You sustained me powerfully; sir; and I protest to you that to…day I feel very lonely。 Will you have the goodness; sir; should you receive news from Blois; to send me a few lines about my little friend Mademoiselle de la Valliere; about whose health; when we left; so much anxiety was felt? You can understand; honored and dear guardian; how precious and indispensable to me is the remembrance of the years that I have passed with you。 I hope that you will sometimes; too; think of me; and if at certain hours you should miss me; if you should feel any slight regret at my absence; I shall be overwhelmed with joy at the thought that you appreciate my affection for and my devotion to yourself; and that I have been able to prove them to you whilst I had the happiness of diving with you。〃
  After finishing this letter Raoul felt more posed; he looked well around him to see if Olivain and the host might not be watching him; whilst he impressed a kiss upon the paper; a mute and touching caress; which the heart of Athos might well divine on opening the letter。
  During this time Olivain had finished his bottle and eaten his pie; the horses were also refreshed。 Raoul motioned to the host to approach; threw a crown upon the table; mounted his horse; and posted his letter at Senlis。 The rest that had been thus afforded to men and horses enabled them to continue their journey at a good round pace。 At Verberie; Raoul desired Olivain to make some inquiry about the young man who was preceding them; he had been observed to pass only three…quarters of an hour previously; but he was well mounted; as the tavern…keeper had already said; and rode at a rapid pace。
  〃Let us try and overtake this gentleman;〃 said Raoul to Olivain; 〃like ourselves he is on his way to join the army and may prove agreeable pany。〃
  It was about four o'clock in the afternoon when Raoul arrived at piegne; there he dined heartily and again inquired about the young gentleman who was in advance of them。 He had stopped; like Raoul; at the Hotel of the Bell and Bottle; the best at piegne; and had started again on his journey; saying that he should sleep at Noyon。
  〃Well; let us sleep at Noyon;〃 said Raoul。
  〃Sir;〃 replied Olivain; respectfully; 〃allow me to remark that we have already much fatigued the horses this morning。 I think it would be well to sleep here and to start again very early to…morrow。 Eighteen leagues is enough for the first stage。〃
  〃The te de la Fere wished me to hasten on;〃 replied Raoul; 〃that I might rejoin the prince on the morning of the fourth day; let us push on; then; to Noyon; it will be a stage similar to those we traveled from Blois to Paris。 We shall arrive at eight o'clock。 The horses will have a long night's rest; and at five o'clock to…morrow morning we can be again on the road。〃
  Olivain dared offer no opposition to this determination but he followed his master; grumbling。
  〃Go on; go on;〃 said he; between his teeth; 〃expend your ardor the first day; to…morrow; instead of journeying twenty leagues; you will travel ten; the day after to…morrow; five; and in three days you will be in bed。 There you must rest; young people are such braggarts。〃
  It was easy to see that Olivain had not been taught in the school of the Planchets and the Grimauds。 Raoul really felt tired; but he was desirous of testing his strength; and; brought up in the principles of Athos and certain of having heard him speak a thousand times of stages of twenty…five leagues; he did not wish to fall far short of his model。 D'Artagnan; that man of iron; who seemed to be made of nerve and muscle only; had struck him with admiration。 Therefore; in spite of Olivain's remarks; he continued to urge his steed more and more; and following a pleasant little path; leading to a ferry; and which he had been assured shortened the journey by the distance of one league; he arrived at the summit of a hill and perceived the river flowing before him。 A little troop of men on horseback were waiting on the edge of the stream; ready to embark。 Raoul did not doubt this was the gentleman and his escort; he called out to him; but they were too distant to be heard; then; in spite of the weariness of his beast; he made it gallop but the rising ground soon deprived him of all sight of the travelers; and when he had again attained a new height; the ferryboat had left the shore and was making for the opposite bank。 Raoul; seeing that he could not arrive in time to cross the ferry with the travelers; halted to wait for Olivain。 At this moment a shriek was heard that seemed to e from the river。 Raoul turned toward the side whence the cry had sounded; and shaded his eyes from the glare of the setting sun with his hand。
  〃Olivain!〃 he exclaimed; 〃what do I see below there?〃
  A second scream; more piercing than the first; now sounded。
  〃Oh; sir!〃 cried Olivain; 〃the rope which holds the ferryboat has broken and the boat is drifting。 But what do I see in the water  something struggling?〃
  〃Oh; yes;〃 exclaimed Raoul; fixing his glance on one point in the stream; splendidly illumined by the setting sun; 〃a horse; a rider!〃
  〃They are sinking!〃 cried Olivain in his turn。
  It was true; and Raoul was convinced that some accident had happened and that a man was drowning; he gave his horse its head; struck his spurs into its sides; and the animal; urged by pain and feeling that he had space open before him; bounded over a kind of paling which inclosed the landing place; and fell into the river; scattering to a distance waves of white froth。
  〃Ah; sir!〃 cried Olivain; 〃what are you doing? Good God!〃
  Raoul was directing his horse toward the unhappy man in danger。 This was; in fact; a custom familiar to him。 Having been brought up on the banks of the Loire; he might have been said to have been cradled on its waves; a hundred times he had crossed it on horseback; a thousand times had swum across。 Athos; foreseeing the period when he should make a soldier of the viscount; had inured him to all kinds of arduous undertakings。
  〃Oh; heavens!〃 continued Olivain; in despair; 〃what would the count say if he only saw you now!〃
  〃The count would do as I do;〃 replied Raoul; urging his horse vigorously forward。
  〃But I  but I;〃 cried Olivain; pale and disconsolate rushing about on the shore; 〃how shall I cross?〃
  〃Leap; coward!〃 cried Raoul; swimming on; then addressing the traveler; who was struggling twenty yards in front of him: 〃Courage; sir!〃 said he; 〃courage! we are ing to your aid。〃
  Olivain advanced; retired; then made his horse rear  turned it and then; struck to the core by shame; leaped; as Raoul had done; only repeating:
  〃I am a dead man! we are lost!〃
  In the meantime; the ferryboat had floated away; carried down by the stream; and the shrieks of those whom it contained resounded more and more。 A man with gray hair had thrown himself from the boat into the river and was swimming vigorously toward the person who was drowning; but being obliged to go against the current he advanced but slowly。 Raoul continued his way and was visibly gaining ground; but the horse and its rider; of whom he did not lose sight; were evidently sinking。 The nostrils of the horse were no longer above water; and the rid
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