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the army of the cumberland-第31章

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ommunications and Tullahoma。  The Manchester pike passed through Hoover's Gap and reached the 〃barrens〃 by ascending a long; difficult canon called Matt's Hollow。  The Wartrace road passed through Liberty Gap; and from there it ran into the road along the railroad through Bellbuckle Gap。  The direct road to Shelbyville goes through Guy's Gap。

Rosecrans was satisfied from the information he had received that Bragg intended to fight in his intrenchments at Shelbyville; in the event of the army advancing in that direction。  The 〃effective total present;〃 as reported by Bragg as the strength of his army on June 20; 1863; at Shelbyville; was 43;089; of all arms。  If he were attacked at Shelbyville and beaten; he would then be in good position to retreat to his strong intrenchments at Tullahoma; and on his retreat could so retard Rosecrans's advance through the narrow winding roads leading up to the 〃barrens;〃 as to fully protect his own line of retreat and inflict severe loss on the advancing force without exposing his own troops。  Rosecrans's plan of campaign was to render useless Bragg's intrenchments by turning his right; and then if possible secure his line of retreat by moving on the railroad bridge at Elk River。  Bragg by this means would either be forced to accept battle on ground chose by Rosecrans; or be compelled to beat a retreat on a disadvantageous line; neither as direct nor by as good roads as he would have from Shelbyville and Tullahoma due south。  To carry out this plan it was necessary to impress Bragg with the idea that our advance would be in force on Shelbyville; and; if possible; to keep up this impression until the main body of our army reached Manchester。  The success of this would keep Bragg's attention on the movement on his front at Shelbyville; and enable our army to pass through the dangerous defile of Hoover's Gap; a narrow passage…way three miles long; between two hills; and so on through Matt's Hollow; an equally dangerous defile; being a gorge two miles long with hardly room anywhere for wagons to pass each other。  These passes were only eight miles from Hardee's headquarters and sixteen from Shelbyville。

The plan then of Rosecrans in the advance on Tullahoma; was to make a feint with Granger's corps and the main portion of the cavalry; on Polk's command in his strong position at Shelbyville; and to mass the three main corps on Bragg's right at Wartrace。  The army being all ready for the opening campaign; on the 23d of June General R。 B。 Mitchell with his commandthe First Cavalry Divisioncommenced the advance from Triune on the Eaglesville and Shelbyville pike; in the feint on Polk's command; made a furious attack on Bragg's cavalry and drove in his infantry guards on their main force; pressing the whole line on that front。  Granger with the three divisions of his corps and Brannan's division of Thomas's corps; on that day moved with three days' rations from Triune to Salem。

On the same day; Palmer's division and a brigade of cavalry marched to the vicinity of Bradyville; for the purpose of seizing with his advance the head of the defile leading over an obscure road by Lumley's Station to Manchester; and so up to the 〃barrens。〃  All the other troops were supplied with twelve days' rations of bread; coffee; sugar; and salt; with six days' pork and bacon; and six days' meat on hoof; and were held in readiness to move southward。 These movements being made; the next day the entire army pressed forward on the advance。

In the evening of the 23d; the corps commanders met at army headquarters。  The plan of the campaign was fully explained to them; and each one received in writing his orders as to his part in the movement。

〃Major…General McCook's corps to advance on the Shelbyville road; turn to the left; move two divisions by Millersburg; and advancing on the Wartrace road seize and hold Liberty Gap。  The third division to advance on Fosterville and cover the crossing of General Granger's command from the Middleton road; and then move by Christiana to join the rest of the corps。

〃General Granger to advance on the Middleton road; threatening that place; and cover the passing of General Brannan's division of the Fourteenth Corps; which was to pass by Christiana and bivouac with the rear division of the Twentieth Corps。

〃The Fourteenth Corps; Major…General Thomas; to advance on the Manchester pike; seize and hold with its advance; if practicable; Hoover's Gap; and bivouac so as to command and cover that and the Millersburg road; so that McCook and himself could be within supporting distances of each other。

〃Major…General Crittenden to leave Van Cleve's division of the Twenty…first Army Corps at Murfreesboro; concentrate at Bradyville with the other two; and await orders。〃

One brigade of cavalry under Turchin was sent with Crittenden to establish a lookout toward McMinnville。  All the remaining cavalry under Stanley was to meet Mitchell as he came in from Versailles and at once attack the rebel cavalry at Middleton。

These movements were all promptly executed in the midst of heavy drenching rains; as it only could rain in the mountains and hills of Tennessee; whenever the Army of the Cumberland made a forward movement。  The ground was so softened on all the dirt roads as to render them next to impassable。

The Twentieth Corps; consisting of Johnson's; Davis's; and Sheridan's divisions; started on the Shelbyville pike; and by different cross roads moved to the left to Millersburg; where Davis's and Sheridan's divisions encamped for the night。  Johnson's division was advanced up to Liberty Gap; with the Thirty…ninth Indiana; under Colonel Harrison; thrown forward to skirmish。  Harrison developed the enemy in front of the Gap。  Willich's brigade was moved forward; and drove the skirmishers in the rebel front back upon their main line; placed on the crest of the hills; on each side of the entrance to the gap。  Here the enemy was too strongly posted to attack his front。  Another brigade under Colonel John F。 Miller; who had been transferred from Negley's division to Johnson's; was then brought forward。  These two brigades were at once deployed in line; making a front of such length as to envelop both flanks of the enemy's line; and advancing; these brigades gallantly drove the rebels through the defile; a distance of two miles。  After clearing the gap; the troops returned to the north end of it and there bivouacked。 On the following day; late in the afternoon; an attack was made on Willich's and Miller's brigades; to drive them out of the north end of the gap。  Johnson's failure to hold the southern entrance enabled the enemy again to enter it; and to secure it entirely they made this attack。  The engagement opened with a heavy fire on the centre of the command; the enemy attacking in force。  They were handsomely repulsed。  Renewing the attack; Hardee then endeavored to secure positions on the hills to the right and left; so as to command Johnson's flanks with his fire; but each movement was met by Johnson's troops; supported by Carlin's brigade of Davis's division; and every attack was repulsed。  Beaten at every point; late in the evening the enemy withdrew entirely; taking position at Bellbuckle。  The fighting at Liberty Gap was the most severe of the campaign; and in this attack Johnson's command; including Carlin's brigade; lost two hundred and thirty…one killed and wounded。  The enemy's loss was still greater。  It was in repelling one of the attacks on the left that Colonel Miller fell severely wounded with a minie ball through his left eye while leading his brigade。

On the 24th; General Thomas moved direct on the Manchester pike from Murfreesboro; Reynold's division in advance; starting at 4 o'clock in the morning; under orders; if possible; to seize and hold Hoover's Gap。  At 7 A。M。; Rousseau's division followed in support of Reynold's division; which encountered the mounted videttes of the enemy a few miles beyond our picket station; forced them upon their reserve; and then resolutely pressing on drove the entire force on the run; through Hoover's Gap and beyond McBride's Creek。 Wilder; finding the enemy about to attack him with two brigades from the division of Fairfield; occupied a strong position on the hills at the southern entrance of the gap。  Reynolds at once moved his two infantry brigades forward and occupied the gap in the rear of Wilder's command; prepared to resist the enemy on the front。 Wilder's brigade was immediately attacked by the enemy's force。 Reynolds supported him at once with his other brigades; which were posted on the ridge of woods on the extreme right to prevent the enemy turning our right flank; then heavily engaged by a superior force。  With these reinforcements the enemy was driven back out of the woods; and three regiments were posted on the right; making that position secure。  Major Coolidge; commanding the brigade of regulars of Rousseau's division; was ordered to reinforce Reynolds; and every preparation was made for an attack on the following morning。  The other brigades of Rousseau's command; with Negley's division; occupied the gap in the rear of Reynolds during the night。 Early on the morning of the 25th; Scribner was ordered with his brigade to
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