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rolf in the woods-第52章

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precious despatches。

Now what should he do? Nothing till he had fuller information。 He

sent Quonab back with the sled; instructing him to go to a

certain place two miles off; there camp out of sight and wait。

Then he went in alone。 Again and again he was stung by the

thought; 〃If I had come sooner they might have held out。〃

A number of teams gathered at the largest of a group of houses on

the bank suggested a tavern。 He went in and found many men

sitting down to breakfast。 He had no need to ask questions。 It

was the talk of the table。 Ogdensburg had been captured the day

before。 The story is well known。 Colonel MacDonnell with his

Glengarry Highlanders at Prescott went to drill daily on the ice

of the St。 Lawrence opposite Ogdensburg。 Sometimes they marched

past just out of range; sometimes they charged and wheeled before

coming too near。 The few Americans that held the place watched

these harmless exercises and often cheered some clever manceuvre。

They felt quite safe behind their fortification。 By an unwritten

agreement both parties refrained from firing random shots at each

other。 There was little to suggest enemies entrenched; indeed;

many men in each party had friends in the other; and the British

had several times trotted past within easy range; without

provoking a shot。

On February 22d; the day when Rolf and Quonab struck the

Oswegatchie; the British colonel directed his men as usual;

swinging them ever nearer the American fort; and then; at the

nearest point; executed a very pretty charge。 The Americans

watched it as it neared; but instead of wheeling at the brink the

little army scrambled up with merry shouts; and before the

garrison could realize that this was war; they were overpowered

and Ogdensburg was taken。

The American commander was captured。 Captain Forsyth; the second

in command; had been off on a snowshoe trip; so had escaped。 All

the rest were prisoners; and what to do with the despatches or

how to get official instructions was now a deep problem。 〃When

you don't know a thing to do; don't do a thing;〃 was one of Si

Sylvanne's axioms; also; 〃In case of doubt lay low and say

nothing。〃 Rolf hung around the town all day waiting for light。

About noon a tall; straight; alert man in a buffalo coat drove up

with a cutter。 He had a hasty meal in an inside room。 Rolf sized

him up for an American officer; but there was a possibility of

his being a Canadian。 Rolf tried in vain to get light on him but

the inner door was kept closed; the landlord was evidently in the

secret。 When he came out he was again swaddled in the buffalo

coat。 Rolf brushed past him  here was something hard and long

in the right pocket of the big coat。

The landlord; the guest; and the driver had a whispered

conference。 Rolf went as near as he dared; but got only a

searching look。 The driver spoke to another driver and Rolf heard

the words 〃Black Lake。〃 Yes; that was what he suspected。 Black

Lake was on the inland sleigh route to Alexandria Bay and

Sackett's Harbour。

The driver; a fresh young fellow; was evidently interested in the

landlord's daughter; the stranger was talking with the landlord。

As soon as they had parted; Rolf went to the latter and remarked

quietly: 〃The captain is in a hurry。〃 The only reply was a cold

look and: 〃Guess that's his business。〃 So it was the captain。 The

driver's mitts were on the line back of the stove。 Rolf shook

them so that they fell in a dark corner。 The driver missed his

mitts; and glad of a chance went back in; leaving the officer

alone。 〃Captain Forsyth;〃 whispered Rolf; 〃don't go till I have

talked with you。 I'll meet you a mile down the road。〃

〃Who are you and what do you want?〃 was the curt and hostile

reply; evidently admitting the identification correct however。

Rolf opened his coat and showed his scout badge。

〃Why not talk now if you have any news  come in side。〃 So the

two went to the inner room。 〃Who is this?〃 asked Rolf cautiously

as the landlord came in。

〃He's all right。 This is Titus Flack; the landlord。〃

〃How am I to know that?〃

〃Haven't you heard him called by name all day?〃 said the captain。

Flack smiled; went out and returned with his license to sell

liquor; and his commission as a magistrate of New York State。 The

latter bore his own signature。 He took a pen and reproduced it。

Now the captain threw back his overcoat and stood in the full

uniform of an army officer。 He opened his satchel and took out a

paper; but Rolf caught sight of another packet addressed to

General Hampton。 The small one was merely a map。 〃I think that

packet in there is meant for me;〃 remarked Rolf。

〃We haven't seen your credentials yet;〃 said the officer。 〃I have

them two miles back there;〃 and Rolf pointed to the woods。

〃Let's go;〃 said the captain and they arose。 Kittering had a way

of inspiring confidence; but in the short; silent ride of two

miles the captain began to have his doubts。 The scout badge might

have been stolen; Canadians often pass for Americans; etc。 At

length they stopped the sleigh; and Rolf led into the woods。

Before a hundred yards the officer said; 〃Stop;〃 and Rolf stopped

to find a pistol pointed at his head。 〃Now; young fellow; you've

played it pretty slick; and I don't know yet what to make of it。

But I know this; at the very first sign of treachery I'll blow

your brains out anyway。〃 It gave Rolf a jolt。 This was the first

time he had looked down a pistol barrel levelled at him。 He used

to think a pistol a little thing; an inch through and a foot

long; but he found now it seemed as big as a flour barrel and

long enough to reach eternity。 He changed colour but quickly

recovered; smiled; and said: 〃Don't worry; in five minutes you

will know it's all right。〃

Very soon a sharp bark was heard in challenge; and the two

stepped into camp to meet Quonab and little dog Skookum。

〃Doesn't look much like a trap;〃 thought the captain after he had

cast his eyes about and made sure that no other person was in the

camp; then aloud; 〃Now what have you to show me? 〃

〃Excuse me; captain; but how am I to know you are Captain

Forsyth? It is possible for a couple of spies to give all the

proof you two gave me。〃

The captain opened his bag and showed first his instructions

given before he left Ogdensburg four days ago; he bared his arm

and showed a tattooed U。 S。 A。; a relic of Academy days; then his

linen marked J。 F。; and a signet ring with similar initials; and

last the great packet of papers addressed to General Hampton。

Then he said: 〃When you hand over your despatches to me I will

give mine to you and we shall have good guarantee each of the other。〃

Rolf rose; produced his bundle of papers; and exchanged them for

those held by Forsyth; each felt that the other was safe。 They

soon grew friendly; and Rolf heard of some stirring doings on the

lake and preparations for a great campaign in the spring。

After half an hour the tall; handsome captain left them and

strode away; a picture of manly vigour。 Three hours later they

were preparing their evening meal when Skookum gave notice of a

stranger approaching。 This was time of war; Rolf held his rifle

ready; and a moment later in burst the young man who had been

Captain Forsyth's driver。

His face was white; blood dripped from his left arm; and in his

other hand was the despatch bag。 He glanced keenly at Rolf。 〃Are

you General Hampton's scout?〃 Rolf nodded and showed the badge on

his breast。 〃Captain Forsyth sent this back;〃 he gasped。 〃His

last words were; 'Burn the despatches rather than let the British

get them。' They got him  a foraging party  there was a spy at

the hotel。 I got away; but my tracks are easy to follow unless it

drifts。 Don't wait。〃

Poor boy; his arm was broken; but he carried out the dead

officer's command; then left them to seek for relief in the


Night was near; but Rolf broke camp at once and started eastward

with the double packet。 He did not know it then; but learned

afterward that these despatches made clear the weakness of

Oswego; Rochester; and Sackett's Harbour; their urgent need of

help; and gave the whole plan for an American counter attack on

Montreal。 But he knew they were valuable; and they must at once

be taken to General Hampton。

It was rough; hard going in the thick woods and swamps away from

the river; for he did not dare take the ice route now; but they

pushed on for three hours; then; in the gloom; made a miserable

camp in a cedar swamp。

At dawn they were off again。 To their disgust the weather now was

dead calm; there was no drift to hide their tracks; the trail was

as plain as a highway wherever they went。 They came to a beaten

road; followed that for half a mile; then struck off on the true

line。 But they had no idea that they were followed until; after

an hour of travel; the sun came up
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