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charlotte temple(夏洛特·藤布尔)-第29章

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     She soon recovered; and fixing her eyes on Mrs。 Temple; cried〃You 

know not; Madam; what you do; you know not whom you are relieving; or 

you   would   curse   me   in   the   bitterness   of   your   heart。   Come   not   near   me; 

Madam; I shall contaminate you。 I am the viper that stung your peace。 I 

am the woman who turned the poor Charlotte out to perish in the street。 

Heaven have mercy! I see her now;〃 continued she looking at Lucy; 〃such; 

such was the fair bud of innocence that my vile arts blasted ere it was half 

blown。 〃 

     It was in vain that Mr。 and Mrs。 Temple intreated her to be composed 

and to   take   some   refreshment。  She   only  drank half   a   glass of   wine;   and 

then told them that she had been separated from her husband seven years; 

the    chief   of  which     she   had   passed    in   riot;  dissipation;    and    vice;  till; 

overtaken   by   poverty   and   sickness;   she   had   been   reduced   to   part   with 

every  valuable;   and   thought   only  of   ending   her   life  in   a   prison;   when   a 

benevolent   friend   paid   her   debts   and   released   her;   but   that   her   illness 

encreasing;   she      had    no  possible   means      of   supporting     herself;   and    her 

friends were weary of relieving her。 〃I have fasted;〃 said she; 〃two days; 


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                                      CHARLOTTE TEMPLE 

and last night lay my aching head on the cold pavement: indeed it was but 

just that I should experience those miseries myself which I had unfeelingly 

inflicted on others。〃 

     Greatly as Mr。 Temple had reason to detest Mrs。 Crayton; he could not 

behold   her   in   this   distress   without   some   emotions   of   pity。   He   gave   her 

shelter   that   night   beneath   his   hospitable   roof;   and   the   next   day   got   her 

admission into an hospital; where having lingered a few weeks; she died; a 

striking   example   that   vice;   however   prosperous   in   the   beginning;   in   the 

end leads only to misery and shame。 

        F I N I S。 


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