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roughing it-第13章

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among outlaws and yet their relentless scourge; Slade was at once the
most bloody; the most dangerous and the most valuable citizen that
inhabited the savage fastnesses of the mountains。


Really and truly; two thirds of the talk of drivers and conductors had
been about this man Slade; ever since the day before we reached
Julesburg。  In order that the eastern reader may have a clear conception
of what a Rocky Mountain desperado is; in his highest state of
development; I will reduce all this mass of overland gossip to one
straightforward narrative; and present it in the following shape:

Slade was born in Illinois; of good parentage。  At about twenty…six years
of age he killed a man in a quarrel and fled the country。  At St。 Joseph;
Missouri; he joined one of the early California…bound emigrant trains;
and was given the post of train…master。  One day on the plains he had an
angry dispute with one of his wagon…drivers; and both drew their
revolvers。  But the driver was the quicker artist; and had his weapon
cocked first。  So Slade said it was a pity to waste life on so small a
matter; and proposed that the pistols be thrown on the ground and the
quarrel settled by a fist…fight。  The unsuspecting driver agreed; and
threw down his pistolwhereupon Slade laughed at his simplicity; and
shot him dead!

He made his escape; and lived a wild life for awhile; dividing his time
between fighting Indians and avoiding an Illinois sheriff; who had been
sent to arrest him for his first murder。  It is said that in one Indian
battle he killed three savages with his own hand; and afterward cut their
ears off and sent them; with his compliments; to the chief of the tribe。

Slade soon gained a name for fearless resolution; and this was sufficient
merit to procure for him the important post of overland division…agent at
Julesburg; in place of Mr。 Jules; removed。  For some time previously; the
company's horses had been frequently stolen; and the coaches delayed; by
gangs of outlaws; who were wont to laugh at the idea of any man's having
the temerity to resent such outrages。  Slade resented them promptly。

The outlaws soon found that the new agent was a man who did not fear
anything that breathed the breath of life。  He made short work of all
offenders。  The result was that delays ceased; the company's property was
let alone; and no matter what happened or who suffered; Slade's coaches
went through; every time!  True; in order to bring about this wholesome
change; Slade had to kill several mensome say three; others say four;
and others sixbut the world was the richer for their loss。  The first
prominent difficulty he had was with the ex…agent Jules; who bore the
reputation of being a reckless and desperate man himself。  Jules hated
Slade for supplanting him; and a good fair occasion for a fight was all
he was waiting for。  By and by Slade dared to employ a man whom Jules had
once discharged。  Next; Slade seized a team of stage…horses which he
accused Jules of having driven off and hidden somewhere for his own use。
War was declared; and for a day or two the two men walked warily about
the streets; seeking each other; Jules armed with a double…barreled shot
gun; and Slade with his history…creating revolver。  Finally; as Slade
stepped into a store Jules poured the contents of his gun into him from
behind the door。  Slade was plucky; and Jules got several bad pistol
wounds in return。

Then both men fell; and were carried to their respective lodgings; both
swearing that better aim should do deadlier work next time。  Both were
bedridden a long time; but Jules got to his feet first; and gathering his
possessions together; packed them on a couple of mules; and fled to the
Rocky Mountains to gather strength in safety against the day of
reckoning。  For many months he was not seen or heard of; and was
gradually dropped out of the remembrance of all save Slade himself。  But
Slade was not the man to forget him。  On the contrary; common report said
that Slade kept a reward standing for his capture; dead or alive!

After awhile; seeing that Slade's energetic administration had restored
peace and order to one of the worst divisions of the road; the overland
stage company transferred him to the Rocky Ridge division in the Rocky
Mountains; to see if he could perform a like miracle there。  It was the
very paradise of outlaws and desperadoes。  There was absolutely no
semblance of law there。  Violence was the rule。  Force was the only
recognized authority。  The commonest misunderstandings were settled on
the spot with the revolver or the knife。  Murders were done in open day;
and with sparkling frequency; and nobody thought of inquiring into them。
It was considered that the parties who did the killing had their private
reasons for it; for other people to meddle would have been looked upon as
indelicate。  After a murder; all that Rocky Mountain etiquette required
of a spectator was; that he should help the gentleman bury his game
otherwise his churlishness would surely be remembered against him the
first time he killed a man himself and needed a neighborly turn in
interring him。

Slade took up his residence sweetly and peacefully in the midst of this
hive of horse…thieves and assassins; and the very first time one of them
aired his insolent swaggerings in his presence he shot him dead!  He
began a raid on the outlaws; and in a singularly short space of time he
had completely stopped their depredations on the stage stock; recovered a
large number of stolen horses; killed several of the worst desperadoes of
the district; and gained such a dread ascendancy over the rest that they
respected him; admired him; feared him; obeyed him!  He wrought the same
marvelous change in the ways of the community that had marked his
administration at Overland City。  He captured two men who had stolen
overland stock; and with his own hands he hanged them。  He was supreme
judge in his district; and he was jury and executioner likewiseand not
only in the case of offences against his employers; but against passing
emigrants as well。  On one occasion some emigrants had their stock lost
or stolen; and told Slade; who chanced to visit their camp。  With a
single companion he rode to a ranch; the owners of which he suspected;
and opening the door; commenced firing; killing three; and wounding the

From a bloodthirstily interesting little Montana book。 〃The Vigilantes
of Montana;〃 by Prof。  Thos。  J。  Dimsdale。' I take this paragraph:

      〃While on the road; Slade held absolute sway。  He would ride down to
      a station; get into a quarrel; turn the house out of windows; and
      maltreat the occupants most cruelly。  The unfortunates had no means
      of redress; and were compelled to recuperate as best they could。

On one of these occasions; it is said he killed the father of the fine
little half…breed boy Jemmy; whom he adopted; and who lived with his
widow after his execution。  Stories of Slade's hanging men; and of
innumerable assaults; shootings; stabbings and beatings; in which he was
a principal actor; form part of the legends of the stage line。  As for
minor quarrels and shootings; it is absolutely certain that a minute
history of Slade's life would be one long record of such practices。

Slade was a matchless marksman with a navy revolver。  The legends say
that one morning at Rocky Ridge; when he was feeling comfortable; he saw
a man approaching who had offended him some days beforeobserve the fine
memory he had for matters like thatand; 〃Gentlemen;〃 said Slade;
drawing; 〃it is a good twenty…yard shotI'll clip the third button on
his coat!〃  Which he did。  The bystanders all admired it。  And they all
attended the funeral; too。

On one occasion a man who kept a little whisky…shelf at the station did
something which angered Sladeand went and made his will。  A day or two
afterward Slade came in and called for some brandy。  The man reached
under the counter (ostensibly to get a bottlepossibly to get something
else); but Slade smiled upon him that peculiarly bland and satisfied
smile of his which the neighbors had long ago learned to recognize as a
death…warrant in disguise; and told him to 〃none of that!pass out the
high…priced article。〃  So the poor bar…keeper had to turn his back and
get the high…priced brandy from the shelf; and when he faced around again
he was looking into the muzzle of Slade's pistol。  〃And the next
instant;〃 added my informant; impressively; 〃he was one of the deadest
men that ever lived。〃

The stage…drivers and conductors told us that sometimes Slade would leave
a hated enemy wholly unmolested; unnoticed and unmentioned; for weeks
togetherhad done it once or twice at any rate。  And some said they
believed he did it in order to lull the victims into unwatchfulness; so
that he could get the advantage of them; and others said they believed he
saved up an enemy that way; just as a schoolboy saves up a cake; and made
the pleasure go as far as it would by gloating over the anticipation。
One of these cases was that of a Frenchman who had offended Slade。
To the surprise of everybody Slade did not kill him on the spot
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