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sons of the soil-第22章

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she doubtless thought she had never seen her looking so well。

The annual pickings of Gaubertin and Mademoiselle Cochet; their wages

and perquisites; became so large that the most affectionate relative

could not possibly have been more devoted than they to their kindly

mistress。 There is really no describing how a swindler cossets his

dupe。 A mother is not so tender nor so solicitous for a beloved

daughter as the practitioner of tartuferie for his milch cow。 What

brilliant success attends the performance of Tartufe behind the closed

doors of a home! It is worth more than friendship。 Moliere died too

soon; he would otherwise have shown us the misery of Orgon; wearied by

his family; harassed by his children; regretting the blandishments of

Tartufe; and thinking to himself; 〃Ah; those were the good times!〃

During the last eight years of her life the mistress of Les Aigues

received only thirty thousand francs of the fifty thousand really

yielded by the estate。 Gaubertin had reached the same administrative

results as his predecessor; though farm rents and territorial products

were notably increased between 1791 and 1815;not to speak of

Madame's continual purchases。 But Gaubertin's fixed idea of acquiring

Les Aigues at the old lady's death led him to depreciate the value of

the magnificent estate in the matter of its ostensible revenues。

Mademoiselle Cochet; a sharer in the scheme; was also to share the

profits。 As the ex…divinity in her declining years received an income

of twenty thousand francs from the Funds called consolidated (how

readily the tongue of politics can jest!); and with difficulty spent

the said sum yearly; she was much surprised at the annual purchases

made by her steward to use up the accumulating revenues; remembering

how in former times she had always drawn them in advance。 The result

of having few wants in her old age seemed; to her mind; a proof of the

honesty and uprightness of Gaubertin and Mademoiselle Cochet。

〃Two pearls!〃 she said to the persons who came to see her。

Gaubertin kept his accounts with apparent honesty。 He entered all

rentals duly。 Everything that could strike the feeble mind of the late

singer; so far as arithmetic went; was clear and precise。 The steward

took his commission on all disbursements;on the costs of working the

estate; on rentals made; on suits brought; on work done; on repairs of

every kind;details which Madame never dreamed of verifying; and for

which he sometimes charged twice over by collusion with the

contractors; whose silence was bought by permission to charge the

highest prices。 These methods of dealing conciliated public opinion in

favor of Gaubertin; while Madame's praise was on every lip; for

besides the payments she disbursed for work; she gave away large sums

of money in alms。

〃May God preserve her; the dear lady!〃 was heard on all sides。

The truth was; everybody got something out of her; either indirectly

or as a downright gift。 In reprisals; as it were; of her youth the old

actress was pillaged; so discreetly pillaged; however; that those who

throve upon her kept their depredations within certain limits lest

even her eyes might be opened and she should sell Les Aigues and

return to Paris。

This system of 〃pickings〃 was; alas! the cause of Paul…Louis Carter's

assassination; he committed the mistake of advertising the sale of his

estate and allowing it to be known that he should take away his wife;

on whom a number of the Tonsards of Lorraine were battening。 Fearing

to lose Madame des Aigues; the marauders on the estate forbore to cut

the young trees; unless pushed to extremities by finding no branches

within reach of shears fastened to long poles。 In the interests of

robbery; they did as little harm as they could; although; during the

last years of Madame's life; the habit of cutting wood became more and

more barefaced。 On certain clear nights not less than two hundred

bundles were taken。 As to the gleaning of fields and vineyards; Les

Aigues lost; as Sibilet had pointed out; not less than one quarter of

its products。

Madame des Aigues had forbidden Cochet to marry during her lifetime;

with the selfishness often shown in all countries by a mistress to a

maid; which is not more irrational than the mania for keeping

possession; until our last gasp; of property that is utterly useless

to our material comfort; at the risk of being poisoned by impatient

heirs。 Twenty days after the old lady's burial Mademoiselle Cochet

married the brigadier of the gendarmerie of Soulanges; named Soudry; a

handsome man; forty…two years of age; who; ever since 1800 (in which

year the gendarmerie was formed) had come every day to Les Aigues to

see the waiting…maid; and dined with her at least three times a week

at the Gaubertins'。

During Madame's lifetime dinner was served to her and to her company

by themselves。 Neither Cochet nor Gaubertin; in spite of their great

familiarity with the mistress; was ever admitted to her table; the

leading lady of the Academie Royale retained; to her last hour; her

sense of etiquette; her style of dress; her rouge and her heeled

slippers; her carriage; her servants; and the majesty of her

deportment。 A divinity at the Opera; a divinity within her range of

Parisian social life; she continued a divinity in the country

solitudes; where her memory is still worshipped; and still holds its

own against that of the old monarchy in the minds of the 〃best

society〃 of Soulanges。

Soudry; who had paid his addresses to Mademoiselle Cochet from the

time he first came into the neighborhood; owned the finest house in

Soulanges; an income of six thousand francs; and the prospect of a

retiring pension whenever he should quit the service。 As soon as

Cochet became Madame Soudry she was treated with great consideration

in the town。 Though she kept the strictest secrecy as to the amount of

her savings;which were intrusted; like those of Gaubertin; to the

commissary of wine…merchants of the department in Paris; a certain

Leclercq; a native of Soulanges; to whom Gaubertin supplied funds as

sleeping partner in his business;public opinion credited the former

waiting…maid with one of the largest fortunes in the little town of

twelve hundred inhabitants。

To the great astonishment of every one; Monsieur and Madame Soudry

acknowledged as legitimate; in their marriage contract; a natural son

of the gendarme; to whom; in future; Madame Soudry's fortune was to

descend。 At the time when this son was legally supplied with a mother;

he had just ended his law studies in Paris and was about to enter into

practice; with the intention of fitting himself for the magistracy。

It is scarcely necessary to remark that a mutual understanding of

twenty years had produced the closest intimacy between the families of

Gaubertin and Soudry。 Both reciprocally declared themselves; to the

end of their days; 〃urbi et orbi;〃 to be the most upright and

honorable persons in all France。 Such community of interests; based on

the mutual knowledge of the secret spots on the white garment of

conscience; is one of the ties least recognized and hardest to untie

in this low world。 You who read this social drama; have you never felt

a conviction as to two persons which has led you to say to yourself;

in order to explain the continuance of a faithful devotion which made

your own egotism blush; 〃They must surely have committed some crime


After an administration of twenty…five years; Gaubertin; the land…

steward; found himself in possession of six hundred thousand francs in

money; and Cochet had accumulated nearly two hundred and fifty

thousand。 The rapid and constant turning over and over of their funds

in the hands of Leclercq and Company (on the quai Bethume; Ile Saint

Louis; rivals of the famous house of Grandet) was a great assistance

to the fortunes of all parties。 On the death of Mademoiselle Laguerre;

Jenny; the steward's eldest daughter was asked in marriage by

Leclercq。 Gaubertin expected at that time to become owner of Les

Aigues by means of a plot laid in the private office of Lupin; the

notary; whom the steward had set up and maintained in business within

the last twelve years。

Lupin; a son of the former steward of the estate of Soulanges; had

lent himself to various slight peculations;investments at fifty per

cent below par; notices published surreptitiously; and all the other

manoeuvres; unhappily common in the provinces; to wrap a mantle; as

the saying is; over the clandestine manipulations of property。 Lately

a company has been formed in Paris; so they say; to levy contributions

upon such plotters under a threat of outbidding them。 But in 1816

France was not; as it is now; lighted by a flaming publicity; the

accomplices might safely count on dividing Les Aigues among them; that

is; between Cochet; the notary; and Gaubertin; the latter of whom

reserved to h
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