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sons of the soil-第24章

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serpent; and in avoiding; as one would murder; the infliction of a

blow to the self…love of any one lower than one's self。 An injury done

to a person's interest; no matter how great it may be at the time; is

forgiven or explained in the long run; but self…love; vanity; never

ceases to bleed from a wound given; and never forgives it。 The moral

being is actually more sensitive; more living as it were; than the

physical being。 The heart and the blood are less impressible than the

nerves。 In short; our inward being rules us; no matter what we do。 You

may reconcile two families who have half…killed each other; as in

Brittany and in La Vendee during the civil wars; but you can no more

reconcile the calumniators and the calumniated than you can the

spoilers and the despoiled。 It is only in epic poems that men curse

each other before they kill。 The savage; and the peasant who is much

like a savage; seldom speak unless to deceive an enemy。 Ever since

1789 France has been trying to make man believe; against all evidence;

that they are equal。 To say to a man; 〃You are a swindler;〃 may be

taken as a joke; but to catch him in the act and prove it to him with

a cane on his back; to threaten him with a police…court and not follow

up the threat; is to remind him of the inequality of conditions。 If

the masses will not brook any species of superiority; is it likely

that a swindler will forgive that of an honest man?

Montcornet might have dismissed his steward under pretext of paying

off a military obligation by putting some old soldier in his place;

Gaubertin and the general would have understood the matter; and the

latter; by sparing the steward's self…love would have given him a

chance to withdraw quietly。 Gaubertin; in that case; would have left

his late employer in peace; and possibly he might have taken himself

and his savings to Paris for investment。 But being; as he was;

ignominiously dismissed; the man conceived against his late master one

of those bitter hatreds which are literally a part of existence in

provincial life; the persistency; duration; and plots of which would

astonish diplomatists who are trained to let nothing astonish them。 A

burning desire for vengeance led him to settle at Ville…aux…Fayes; and

to take a position where he could injure Montcornet and stir up

sufficient enmity against to force him to sell Les Aigues。

The general was deceived by appearances; for Gaubertin's external

behavior was not of a nature to warn or to alarm him。 The late steward

followed his old custom of pretending; not exactly poverty; but

limited means。 For years he had talked of his wife and three children;

and the heavy expenses of a large family。 Mademoiselle Laguerre; to

whom he had declared himself too poor to educate his son in Paris;

paid the costs herself; and allowed her dear godson (for she was

Claude Gaubertin's sponsor) two thousand francs a year。

The day after the quarrel; Gaubertin came; with a keeper named

Courtecuisse; and demanded with much insolence his release in full of

all claims; showing the general the one he had obtained from his late

mistress in such flattering terms; and asking; ironically; that a

search should be made for the property; real and otherwise; which he

was supposed to have stolen。 If he had received fees from the wood…

merchants on their purchases and from the farmers on their leases;

Mademoiselle Laguerre; he said; had always allowed it; not only did

she gain by the bargains he made; but everything went on smoothly

without troubling her。 The country…people would have died; he

remarked; for Mademoiselle; whereas the general was laying up for

himself a store of difficulties。

Gaubertinand this trait is frequently to be seen in the majority of

those professions in which the property of others can be taken by

means not foreseen by the Codeconsidered himself a perfectly honest

man。 In the first place; he had so long had possession of the money

extorted from Mademoiselle Laguerre's farmers through fear; and paid

in assignats; that he regarded it as legitimately acquired。 It was a

mere matter of exchange。 He thought that in the end he should have

quite as much risk with coin as with paper。 Besides; legally;

Mademoiselle had no right to receive any payment except in assignats。

〃Legally〃 is a fine; robust adverb; which bolsters up many a fortune!

Moreover; he reflected that ever since great estates and land…agents

had existed; that is; ever since the origin of society; the said

agents had set up; for their own use; an argument such as we find our

cooks using in this present day。 Here it is; in its simplicity:

〃If my mistress;〃 says the cook; 〃went to market herself; she would

have to pay more for her provisions than I charge her; she is the

gainer; and the profits I make do more good in my hands than in those

of the dealers。〃

〃If Mademoiselle;〃 thought Gaubertin; 〃were to manage Les Aigues

herself; she would never get thirty thousand francs a year out of it;

the peasants; the dealers; the workmen would rob her of the rest。 It

is much better that I should have it; and so enable her to live in


The Catholic religion; and it alone; is able to prevent these

capitulations of conscience。 But; ever since 1789 religion has no

influence on two thirds of the French people。 The peasants; whose

minds are keen and whose poverty drives them to imitation; had

reached; specially in the valley of Les Aigues; a frightful state of

demoralization。 They went to mass on Sundays; but only at the outside

of the church; where it was their custom to meet and transact business

and make their weekly bargains。

We can now estimate the extent of the evil done by the careless

indifference of the great singer to the management of her property。

Mademoiselle Laguerre betrayed; through mere selfishness; the

interests of those who owned property; who are held in perpetual

hatred by those who own none。 Since 1792 the land…owners of Paris have

become of necessity a combined body。 If; alas; the feudal families;

less numerous than the middle…class families; did not perceive the

necessity of combining in 1400 under Louis XI。; nor in 1600 under

Richelieu; can we expect that in this nineteenth century of progress

the middle classes will prove to be more permanently and solidly

combined that the old nobility? An oligarchy of a hundred thousand

rich men presents all the dangers of a democracy with none of its

advantages。 The principle of 〃every man for himself and for his own;〃

the selfishness of individual interests; will kill the oligarchical

selfishness so necessary to the existence of modern society; and which

England has practised with such success for the last three centuries。

Whatever may be said or done; land…owners will never understand the

necessity of the sort of internal discipline which made the Church

such an admirable model of government; until; too late; they find

themselves in danger from one another。 The audacity with which

communism; that living and acting logic of democracy; attacks society

from the moral side; shows plainly that the Samson of to…day; grown

prudent; is undermining the foundations of the cellar; instead of

shaking the pillars of the hall。



The estate of Les Aigues could not do without a steward; for the

general had no intention of renouncing his winter pleasures in Paris;

where he owned a fine house in the rue Neuve…des…Mathurines。 He

therefore looked about for a successor to Gaubertin; but it is very

certain that his search was not as eager as that of Gaubertin himself;

who was seeking for the right person to put in his way。

Of all confidential positions there is none that requires more trained

knowledge of its kind; or more activity; than that of land…steward to

a great estate。 The difficulty of finding the right man is only fully

known to those wealthy landlords whose property lies beyond a certain

circle around Paris; beginning at a distance of about one hundred and

fifty miles。 At that point agricultural productions for the markets of

Paris; which warrant rentals on long leases (collected often by other

tenants who are rich themselves); cease to be cultivated。 The farmers

who raise them drive to the city in their own cabriolets to pay their

rents in good bank…bills; unless they send the money through their

agents in the markets。 For this reason; the farms of the Seine…et…

Oise; Seine…et…Marne; the Oise; the Eure…et…Loir; the Lower Seine; and

the Loiret are so desirable that capital cannot always be invested

there at one and a half per cent。 Compared to the returns on estates

in Holland; England; and Belgium; this result is enormous。 But at one

hundred miles from Paris an estate requires such variety of working;

its products are so different in kind; that it becomes a business;

with all the risks attendant on manufacturing。 The wealthy
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