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to be built of a single arch with shelving roadway by which to ride
from the lower side of the forest to a much larger portion of it;
purchased by her; which lay upon the slopes of the hills。 The gate of
the Avonne was built as a place of meeting for the huntsmen; and we
know the magnificence bestowed by the architects of that day upon all
buildings intended for the delight of the crown and the nobility。 Six
avenues branched away from it; their place of meeting forming a half…
moon。 In the centre of the semi…circular space stood an obelisk
surmounted by a round shield; formerly gilded; bearing on one side the
arms of Navarre and on the other those of the Countess de Moret。
Another half…moon; on the side toward the river; communicated with the
first by a straight avenue; at the opposite end of which the steep
rise of the Venetian…shaped bridge could be seen。 Between two elegant
iron railings of the same character as that of the magnificent railing
which formerly surrounded the garden of the Place Royale in Paris; now
so unfortunately destroyed; stood a brick pavilion; with stone courses
hewn in facets like those of the chateau; with a very pointed roof and
window…casings of stone cut in the same manner。 This old style; which
gave the building a regal air; is suitable only to prisons when used
in cities; but standing in the heart of forests it derives from its
surroundings a splendor of its own。 A group of trees formed a screen;
behind which the kennels; an old falconry; a pheasantry; and the
quarters of the huntsmen were falling into ruins; after being in their
day the wonder and admiration of Burgundy。
In 1595; the royal hunting…parties set forth from this magnificent
pavilion; preceded by those fine dogs so dear to Rubens and to Paul
Veronese; the huntsmen mounted on high…steeping steeds with stout and
blue…white satiny haunches; seen no longer except in Wouverman's
amazing work; followed by footmen in livery; the scene enlivened by
whippers…in; wearing the high top…boots with facings and the yellow
leathern breeches which have come down to the present day on the
canvas of Van der Meulen。 The obelisk was erected in commemoration of
the visit of the Bearnais; and his hunt with the beautiful Comtesse de
Moret; the date is given below the arms of Navarre。 That jealous
woman; whose son was afterwards legitimatized; would not allow the
arms of France to figure on the obelisk; regarding them as a rebuke。
At the time of which we write; when the general's eyes rested on this
splendid ruin; moss had gathered for centuries on the four faces of
the roof; the hewn…stone courses; mangled by time; seemed to cry with
yawning mouths against the profanation; disjointed leaden settings let
fall their octagonal panes; so that the windows seemed blind of an eye
here and there。 Yellow wallflowers bloomed about the copings; ivy slid
its white rootlets into every crevice。
All things bespoke a shameful want of care;the seal set by mere
life…possessors on the ancient glories that they possess。 Two windows
on the first floor were stuffed with hay。 Through another; on the
ground…floor; was seen a room filled with tools and logs of wood;
while a cow pushed her muzzle through a fourth; proving that
Courtecuisse; to avoid having to walk from the pavilion to the
pheasantry; had turned the large hall of the central building into a
stable;a hall with panelled ceiling; and in the centre of each panel
the arms of all the various possessors of Les Aigues!
Black and dirty palings disgraced the approach to the pavilion; making
square inclosures with plank roofs for pigs; ducks; and hens; the
manure of which was taken away every six months。 A few ragged garments
were hung to dry on the brambles which boldly grew unchecked here and
there。 As the general came along the avenue from the bridge; Madame
Courtecuisse was scouring a saucepan in which she had just made her
coffee。 The forester; sitting on a chair in the sun; considered his
wife as a savage considers his。 When he heard a horse's hoofs he
turned round; saw the count; and seemed taken aback。
〃Well; Courtecuisse; my man;〃 said the general; 〃I'm not surprised
that the peasants cut my woods before Messrs。 Gravelot can do so。 So
you consider your place a sinecure?〃
〃Indeed; Monsieur le comte; I have watched the woods so many nights
that I'm ill from it。 I've got a chill; and I suffer such pain this
morning that my wife has just made me a poultice in that saucepan。〃
〃My good fellow;〃 said the count; 〃I don't know of any pain that a
coffee poultice cures except that of hunger。 Listen to me; you rascal!
I rode through my forest yesterday; and then through those of Monsieur
de Soulanges and Monsieur de Ronquerolles。 Theirs are carefully
watched and preserved; while mine is in a shameful state。〃
〃Ah; monsieur! but they are the old lords of the neighborhood;
everybody respects their property。 How can you expect me to fight
against six districts? I care for my life more than for your woods。 A
man who would undertake to watch your woods as they ought to be
watched would get a ball in his head for wages in some dark corner of
the forest〃
〃Coward!〃 cried the general; trying to control the anger the man's
insolent reply provoked in him。 〃Last night was as clear as day; yet
it cost me three hundred francs in actual robbery and over a thousand
in future damages。 You will leave my service unless you do better。 All
wrong…doing deserves some mercy; therefore these are my conditions:
You may have the fines; and I will pay you three francs for every
indictment you bring against these depredators。 If I don't get what I
expect; you know what you have to expect; and no pension either。
Whereas; if you serve me faithfully and contrive to stop these
depredations; I'll give you an annuity of three hundred francs for
life。 You can think it over。 Here are six ways;〃 continued the count;
pointing to the branching roads; 〃there's only one for you to take;
as for me also; who am not afraid of balls; try and find the right
Courtecuisse; a small man about forty…six years of age; with a full…
moon face; found his greatest happiness in doing nothing。 He expected
to live and die in that pavilion; now considered by him HIS pavilion。
His two cows were pastured in the forest; from which he got his wood;
and he spent his time in looking after his garden instead of after the
delinquents。 Such neglect of duty suited Gaubertin; and Courtecuisse
knew it did。 The keeper chased only those depredators who were the
objects of his personal dislike;young women who would not yield to
his wishes; or persons against whom he held a grudge; though for some
time past he had really felt no dislikes; for every one yielded to him
on account of his easy…going ways with them。
Courtecuisse had a place always kept for him at the table of the
Grand…I…Vert; the wood…pickers feared him no longer; indeed; his wife
and he received many gifts in kind from them; his wood was brought in;
his vineyard dug; in short; all delinquents at whom he blinked did him
Counting on Gaubertin for the future; and feeling sure of two acres
whenever Les Aigues should be brought to the hammer; he was roughly
awakened by the curt speech of the general; who; after four quiescent
years; was now revealing his true character;that of a bourgeois rich
man who was determined to be no longer deceived。 Courtecuisse took his
cap; his game…bag; and his gun; put on his gaiters and his belt (which
bore the very recent arms of Montcornet); and started for Ville…aux…
Fayes; with the careless; indifferent air and manner under which
country…people often conceal very deep reflections; while he gazed at
the woods and whistled to the dogs to follow him。
〃What! you complain of the Shopman when he proposes to make your
fortune?〃 said Gaubertin。 〃Doesn't the fool offer to give you three
francs for every arrest you make; and the fines to boot? Have an
understanding with your friends and you can bring as many indictments
as you please;hundreds if you like! With one thousand francs you can
buy La Bachelerie from Rigou; become a property owner; live in your
own house; and work for yourself; or rather; make others work for you;
and take your ease。 Onlynow listen to meyou must manage to arrest
only such as haven't a penny in the world。 You can't shear sheep
unless the wool is on their backs。 Take the Shopman's offer and leave
him to collect the costs;if he wants them; tastes differ。 Didn't old
Mariotte prefer losses to profits; in spite of my advice?〃
Courtecuisse; filled with admiration for these words of wisdom;
returned home burning with the desire to be a land…owner and a
bourgeois like the rest。
When the general reached Les Aigues he related his expedition to
〃Monsieur le comte did very right;〃 said the steward; rubbing his
hands; 〃but he must not