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you dare not arrest them;〃 said Sibilet。 〃They think they frighten
you! They have confederates at Ville…aux…Fayes; for even the
prosecuting attorney seems to have ignored the verdicts against them。〃
〃I think;〃 said Michaud; seeing that the general looked thoughtful;
〃that if you are willing to spend a good deal of money you can still
protect the property。〃
〃It is better to spend money than to act harshly;〃 remarked Sibilet。
〃What is your plan?〃 asked the general of his bailiff。
〃It is very simple;〃 said Michaud。 〃Inclose the whole forest with
walls; like those of the park; and you will be safe; the slightest
depredation then becomes a criminal offence and is taken to the
〃At a franc and a half the square foot for the material only; Monsieur
le comte would find his wall would cost him a third of the whole value
of Les Aigues;〃 said Sibilet; with a laugh。
〃Well; well;〃 said Montcornet; 〃I shall go and see the attorney…
general at once。〃
〃The attorney…general;〃 remarked Sibilet; gently; 〃may perhaps share
the opinion of his subordinate; for the negligence shown by the latter
is probably the result of an agreement between them。〃
〃Then I wish to know it!〃 cried Montcornet。 〃If I have to get the
whole of them turned out; judges; civil authorities; and the attorney…
general to boot; I'll do it; I'll go the Keeper of the Seals; or to
the king himself。〃
At a vehement sign made by Michaud the general stopped short and said
to Sibilet; as he turned to retrace his steps; 〃Good day; my dear
fellow;〃words which the steward understood。
〃Does Monsieur le comte intend; as mayor; to enforce the necessary
measures to repress the abuse of gleaning?〃 he said; respectfully。
〃The harvest is coming on; and if we are to publish the statutes about
certificates of pauperism and the prevention of paupers from other
districts gleaning our land; there is no time to be lost。〃
〃Do it at once; and arrange with Groison;〃 said the count。 〃With such
a class of people;〃 he added; 〃we must follow out the law。〃
So; without a moment's reflection; Montcornet gave in to a measure
that Sibilet had been proposing to him for more than a fortnight; to
which he had hitherto refused to consent; but now; in the violence of
anger caused by Vatel's mishap; he instantly adopted it as the right
thing to do。
When Sibilet was at some distance the general said in a low voice to
his bailiff:
〃Well; my dear Michaud; what is it; why did you make me that sign?〃
〃You have an enemy within the walls; general; yet you tell him plans
which you ought not to confide even to the secret police。〃
〃I share your suspicions; my dear friend;〃 replied Montcornet; 〃but I
don't intend to commit the same fault twice over。 I shall not part
with another steward till I'm sure of a better。 I am waiting to get
rid of Sibilet; till you understand the business of steward well
enough to take his place; and till Vatel is fit to succeed you。 And
yet; I have no ground of complaint against Sibilet。 He is honest and
punctual in all his dealings; he hasn't kept back a hundred francs in
all these five years。 He has a perfectly detestable nature; and that's
all one can say against him。 If it were otherwise; what would be his
plan in acting as he does?〃
〃General;〃 said Michaud; gravely; 〃I will find out; for undoubtedly he
has one; and if you would only allow it; a good bribe to that old
scoundrel Fourchon will enable me to get at the truth; though after
what he said just now I suspect the old fellow of having more secrets
than one in his pouch。 That swindling old cordwainer told me himself
they want to drive you from Les Aigues。 And let me tell you; for you
ought to know it; that from Conches to Ville…aux…Fayes there is not a
peasant; a petty tradesman; a farmer; a tavern…keeper who isn't laying
by his money to buy a bit of the estate。 Fourchon confided to me that
Tonsard has already put in his claim。 The idea that you can be forced
to sell Les Aigues has gone from end to end of the valley like an
infection in the air。 It may be that the steward's present house; with
some adjoining land; will be the price paid for Sibilet's spying。
Nothing is ever said among us that is not immediately known at Ville…
aux…Fayes。 Sibilet is a relative of your enemy Gaubertin。 What you
have just said about the attorney…general and the others will probably
be reported before you have reached the Prefecture。 You don't know
what the inhabitants of this district are。〃
〃Don't I know them? I know they are the scum of the earth! Do you
suppose I am going to yield to such blackguards?〃 cried the general。
〃Good heavens; I'd rather burn Les Aigues myself!〃
〃No need to burn it; let us adopt a line of conduct which will baffle
the schemes of these Lilliputians。 Judging by threats; general; they
are resolved on war to the knife against you; and therefore since you
mention incendiarism; let me beg of you to insure all your buildings;
and all your farmhouses。〃
〃Michaud; do you know whom they mean by 'Shopman'? Yesterday; as I was
riding along by the Thune; I heard some little rascals cry out; 'The
Shopman! here's the Shopman!' and then they ran away。〃
〃Ask Sibilet; the answer is in his line; he likes to make you angry;〃
said Michaud; with a pained look。 〃Butif you will have an answer
well; that's a nickname these brigands have given you; general。〃
〃What does it mean?〃
〃It means; generalwell; it refers to your father。〃
〃Ha! the curs!〃 cried the count; turning livid。 〃Yes; Michaud; my
father was a shopkeeper; an upholsterer; the countess doesn't know it。
Oh! that I should everwell! after all; I have waltzed with queens
and empresses。 I'll tell her this very night;〃 he cried; after a
〃They also call you a coward;〃 continued Michaud。
〃They ask how you managed to save yourself at Essling when nearly all
your comrades perished。〃
The accusation brought a smile to the general's lips。 〃Michaud; I
shall go at once to the Prefecture!〃 he cried; with a sort of fury;
〃if it is only to get the policies of insurance you ask for。 Let
Madame la comtesse know that I have gone。 Ha; ha! they want war; do
they? Well; they shall have it; I'll take my pleasure in thwarting
them;every one of them; those bourgeois of Soulanges; and their
peasantry! We are in the enemy's country; therefore prudence! Tell the
foresters to keep within the limits of the law。 Poor Vatel; take care
of him。 The countess is inclined to be timid; she must know nothing of
all this; otherwise I could never get her to come back here。〃
Neither the general nor Michaud understood their real peril。 Michaud
had been too short a time in this Burgundian valley to realize the
enemy's power; though he saw its action。 The general; for his part;
believed in the supremacy of the law。
The law; such as the legislature of these days manufactures it; has
not the virtue we attribute to it。 It strikes unequally; it is so
modified in many of its modes of application that it virtually refutes
its own principles。 This fact may be noted more or less distinctly
throughout all ages。 Is there any historian ignorant enough to assert
that the decrees of the most vigilant of powers were ever enforced
throughout France?for instance; that the requisitions of the
Convention for men; commodities; and money were obeyed in Provence; in
the depths of Normandy; on the borders of Brittany; as they were at
the great centres of social life? What philosopher dares deny that a
head falls to…day in such or such department; while in a neighboring
department another head stays on its shoulders though guilty of a
crime identically the same; and often more horrible? We ask for
equality in life; and inequality reigns in law and in the death
When the population of a town falls below a certain figure the
administrative system is no longer the same。 There are perhaps a
hundred cities in France where the laws are vigorously enforced; and
there the intelligence of the citizens rises to the conception of the
problem of public welfare and future security which the law seeks to
solve; but throughout the rest of France nothing is comprehended
beyond immediate gratification; people rebel against all that lessens
it。 Therefore in nearly one half of France we find a power of inertia
which defeats all legal action; both municipal and governmental。 This
resistance; be it understood; does not affect the essential things of
public polity。 The collection of taxes; recruiting; punishment of
great crimes; as a general thing do systematically go on; but outside
of such recognized necessities; all legislative decrees which affect
customs; morals; private interests; and certain abuses; are a dead
letter; owing to the sullen opposition of the people。 At the very
moment when this book is going to press; this dumb resi