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sons of the soil-第39章

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furious; that's the whole of it。 You must remember that the law and

the government are always strongest everywhere; even in Burgundy。 In

case of an outbreak the general could bring a regiment of cavalry

here; if necessary。〃

The abbe made a sign to Madame Michaud from behind the countess;

telling her to say no more about her fears; which were doubtless the

effect of that second sight which true passion bestows。 The soul;

dwelling exclusively on one only being; grasps in the end the moral

elements that surround it; and sees in them the makings of the future。

The woman who loves feels the same presentiments that later illuminate

her motherhood。 Hence a certain melancholy; a certain inexplicable

sadness which surprises men; who are one and all distracted from any

such concentration of their souls by the cares of life and the

continual necessity for action。 All true love becomes to a woman an

active contemplation; which is more or less lucid; more or less

profound; according to her nature。

〃Come; my dear; show your home to Monsieur Emile;〃 said the countess;

whose mind was so pre…occupied that she forgot La Pechina; who was the

ostensible object of her visit。

The interior of the restored pavilion was in keeping with its

exterior。 On the ground…floor the old divisions had been replaced; and

the architect; sent from Paris with his own workmen (a cause of bitter

complaint in the neighborhood against the master of Les Aigues); had

made four rooms out of the space。 First; an ante…chamber; at the

farther end of which was a winding wooden staircase; behind which came

the kitchen; on either side of the antechamber was a dining…room and a

parlor panelled in oak now nearly black; with armorial bearings in the

divisions of the ceilings。 The architect chosen by Madame de

Montcornet for the restoration of Les Aigues had taken care to put the

furniture of this room in keeping with its original decoration。

At the time of which we write fashion had not yet given an exaggerated

value to the relics of past ages。 The carved settee; the high…backed

chairs covered with tapestry; the consoles; the clocks; the tall

embroidery frames; the tables; the lustres; hidden away in the second…

hand shops of Auxerre and Ville…aux…Fayes were fifty per…cent cheaper

than the modern; ready…made furniture of the faubourg Saint Antoine。

The architect had therefore bought two or three cartloads of well…

chosen old things; which; added to a few others discarded at the

chateau; made the little salon of the gate of the Avonne an artistic

creation。 As to the dining…room; he painted it in browns and hung it

with what was called a Scotch paper; and Madame Michaud added white

cambric curtains with green borders at the windows; mahogany chairs

covered with green cloth; two large buffets and a table; also in

mahogany。 This room; ornamented with engravings of military scenes;

was heated by a porcelain stove; on each side of which were sporting…

guns suspended on the walls。 These adornments; which cost but little;

were talked of throughout the whole valley as the last extreme of

oriental luxury。 Singular to say; they; more than anything else;

excited the envy of Gaubertin; and whenever he thought of his fixed

determination to bring Les Aigues to the hammer and cut it in pieces;

he reserved for himself; 〃in petto;〃 this beautiful pavilion。

On the next floor three chambers sufficed for the household。 At the

windows were muslin curtains which reminded a Parisian of the

particular taste and fancy of bourgeois requirements。 Left to herself

in the decoration of these rooms; Madame Michaud had chosen satin

papers; on the mantel…shelf of her bedroomwhich was furnished in

that vulgar style of mahogany and Utrecht velvet which is seen

everywhere; with its high…backed bed and canopy to which embroidered

muslin curtains are fastenedstood an alabaster clock between two

candelabra covered with gauze and flanked by two vases filled with

artificial flowers protected by glass shades; a conjugal gift of the

former cavalry sergeant。 Above; under the roof; the bedrooms of the

cook; the man…of…all…work; and La Pechina had benefited by the recent


〃Olympe; my dear; you did not tell me all;〃 said the countess;

entering Madame Michaud's bedroom; and leaving Emile and the abbe on

the stairway; whence they descended when they heard her shut the door。

Madame Michaud; to whom the abbe had contrived to whisper a word; was

now anxious to say no more about her fears; which were really greater

than she had intimated; and she therefore began to talk of a matter

which reminded the countess of the object of her visit。

〃I love Michaud; madame; as you know。 Well; how would you like to

have; in your own house; a rival always beside you?〃

〃A rival?〃

〃Yes; madame; that swarthy girl you gave me to take care of loves

Michaud without knowing it; poor thing! The child's conduct; long a

mystery to me; has been cleared up in my mind for some days。〃

〃Why; she is only thirteen years old!〃

〃I know that; madame。 But you will admit that a woman who is three

months pregnant and means to nurse her child herself may have some

fears; but as I did not want to speak of this before those gentlemen;

I talked a great deal of nonsense when you questioned me;〃 said the

generous creature; adroitly。

Madame Michaud was not really afraid of Genevieve Niseron; but for the

last three days she was in mortal terror of some disaster from the


〃How did you discover this?〃 said the countess。

〃From everything and from nothing;〃 replied Olympe。 〃The poor little

thing moves with the slowness of a tortoise when she is obliged to

obey me; but she runs like a lizard when Justin asks for anything; she

trembles like a leaf at the sound of his voice; and her face is that

of a saint ascending to heaven when she looks at him。 But she knows

nothing about love; she has no idea that she loves him。〃

〃Poor child!〃 said the countess with a smile and tone that were full

of naivete。

〃And so;〃 continued Madame Michaud; answering with a smile the smile

of her late mistress; 〃Genevieve is gloomy when Justin is out of the

house; if I ask her what she is thinking of she replies that she is

afraid of Monsieur Rigou; or some such nonsense。 She thinks people

envy her; though she is as black as the inside of a chimney。 When

Justin is patrolling the woods at night the child is as anxious as I

am。 If I open my window to listen for the trot of his horse; I see a

light in her room; which shows me that La Pechina (as they call here)

is watching and waiting too。 She never goes to bed; any more than I

do; till he comes in。〃

〃Thirteen!〃 exclaimed the countess; 〃unfortunate child!〃

〃Unfortunate? no。 This passion will save her。〃

〃From what?〃 asked Madame de Montcornet。

〃From the fate which overtakes nearly all the girls of her age in

these parts。 Since I have taught her cleanliness she is much less ugly

than she was; in fact; there is something odd and wild about her which

attracts men。 She is so changed that you would hardly recognize her。

The son of that infamous innkeeper of the Grand…I…Vert; Nicolas; the

worst fellow in the whole district; wants her; he hunts her like game。

Though I can't believe that Monsieur Rigou; who changes his servant…

girls every year or two is persecuting such a little fright; it is

quite certain that Nicolas Tonsard is。 Justin told me so。 It would be

a dreadful fate; for the people of this valley actually live like

beasts; but Justin and our two servants and I watch her carefully。

Therefore don't be uneasy; madame; she never goes out alone except in

broad daylight; and then only as far as the gate of Conches。 If by

chance she fell into an ambush; her feeling for Justin would give her

strength and wit to escape; for all women who have a preference in

their hearts can resist a man they hate。〃

〃It was about her that I came;〃 said the countess; 〃and I little

thought my visit could be so useful to you。 That child; you know;

can't remain thirteen; and she will probably grow better…looking。〃

〃Oh; madame;〃 replied Olympe; smiling; 〃I am quite sure of Justin。

What a man! what a heart! If you only knew what a depth of gratitude

he feels for his general; to whom; he says; he owes his happiness。 He

is only too devoted; he would risk his life for him here; as he would

on the field of battle; and he forgets sometimes that he will one day

be father of a family。〃

〃Ah! I once regretted losing you;〃 said the countess; with a glance

that made Olympe blush; 〃but I regret it no longer; for I see you

happy。 What a sublime and noble thing is married love!〃 she added;

speaking out the thought she had not dared express before the abbe。

Virginie de Troisville dropped into a revery; and Madame Michaud kept


〃Well; at least the girl is honest; is she not?〃 s
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