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sons of the soil-第57章

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application。 Each poem contained in the first canto a description of

the 〃object sung;〃 preceded (as in the case of Gourdon) by a species

of invocation; of which the following is a model:

  I sing the good game that belongeth to all;

  The game; be it known; of the Cup and the Ball;

  Dear to little and great; to the fools and the wise;

  Charming game! where the cure of all tedium lies;

  When we toss up the ball on the point of a stick

  Palamedus himself might have envied the trick;

  O Muse of the Loves and the Laughs and the Games;

  Come down and assist me; for; true to your aims;

  I have ruled off this paper in syllable squares。

  Come; help me

After explaining the game and describing the handsomest cup…and…balls

recorded in history; after relating what fabulous custom it had

formerly brought to the Singe…Vert and to all dealers in toys and

turned ivories; and finally; after proving that the game attained to

the dignity of statics; Gourdon ended the first canto with the

following conclusion; which will remind the erudite reader of all the

conclusions of the first cantos of all these poems:

  'Tis thus that the arts and the sciences; too;

  Find wisdom in things that seemed silly to you。

The second canto; invariably employed to depict the manner of using

〃the object;〃 explaining how to exhibit it in society and before

women; and the benefit to be derived therefrom; will be readily

conceived by the friends of this virtuous literature from the

following quotation; which depicts the player going through his

performance under the eyes of his chosen lady:

  Now look at the player who sits in your midst;

  On that ivory ball how his sharp eye is fixt;

  He waits and he watches with keenest attention;

  Its least little movement in all its precision;

  The ball its parabola thrice has gone round;

  At the end of the string to which it is bound。

  Up it goes! but the player his triumph has missed;

  For the disc has come down on his maladroit wrist;

  But little he cares for the sting of the ball;

  A smile from his mistress consoles for it all。

It was this delineation; worthy of Virgil; which first raised a doubt

as to Delille's superiority over Gourdon。 The word 〃disc;〃 contested

by the opinionated Brunet; gave matter for discussions which lasted

eleven months; in fact; until Gourdon the scientist; one evening when

all present were on the point of getting seriously angry; annihilated

the anti…discers by observing:

〃The moon; called a DISC by poets; is undoubtedly a ball。〃

〃How do you know that?〃 retorted Brunet。 〃We have never seen but one


The third canto told the regulation story;in this instance; the

famous anecdote of the cup…and…ball which all the world knows by

heart; concerning a celebrated minister of Louis XVI。 According to the

sacred formula delivered by the 〃Debats〃 from 1810 to 1814; in praise

of these glorious words; Gourdon's ode 〃borrowed fresh charms from

poesy to embellish the tale。〃

The fourth canto summed up the whole; and concluded with these daring

words;not published; be it remarked; from 1810 to 1814; in fact;

they did not see the light till 1824; after Napoleon's death。

  'Twas thus that I sang in the time of alarms。

  Oh; if kings would consent to bear no other arms;

  And people enjoyed what was best for them all;

  The sweet little game of the Cup and the Ball;

  Our Burgundy then might be free of all fear;

  And return to the good days of Saturn and Rhea。

These fine verses were published in a first and only edition from the

press of Bournier; printer of Ville…aux…Fayes。 One hundred

subscribers; in the sum of three francs; guaranteed the dangerous

precedent of immortality to the poem;a liberality that was all the

greater because these hundred persons had heard the poem from

beginning to end a hundred times over。

Madame Soudry had lately suppressed the cup…and…ball; which usually

lay on a pier…table in the salon and for the last seven years had

given rise to endless quotations; for she finally discovered in the

toy a rival to her own attractions。

As to the author; who boasted of future poems in his desk; it is

enough to quote the terms in which he mentioned to the leading society

of Soulanges a rival candidate for literary honors。

〃Have you heard a curious piece of news?〃 he had said; two years

earlier。 〃There is another poet in Burgundy! Yes;〃 he added; remarking

the astonishment on all faces; 〃he comes from Macon。 But you could

never imagine the subjects he takes up;a perfect jumble; absolutely

unintelligible;lakes; stars; waves; billows! not a single

philosophical image; not even a didactic effort! he is ignorant of the

very meaning of poetry。 He calls the sky by its name。 He says 'moon;'

bluntly; instead of naming it 'the planet of night。' That's what the

desire to be thought original brings men to;〃 added Gourdon;

mournfully。 〃Poor young man! A Burgundian; and sing such stuff as

that!the pity of it! If he had only consulted me; I would have

pointed out to him the noblest of all themes; wine;a poem to be

called the Baccheide; for which; alas! I now feel myself too old。〃

This great poet is still ignorant of his finest triumph (though he

owes it to the fact of being a Burgundian); namely; that of living in

the town of Soulanges; so rounded and perfected within itself that it

knows nothing of the modern Pleiades; not even their names。

A hundred Gourdons made poetry under the Empire; and yet they tell us

it was a period that neglected literature! Examine the 〃Journal de la

Libraire〃 and you will find poems on the game of draughts; on

backgammon; on tricks with cards; on geography; typography; comedy;

etc。;not to mention the vaunted masterpieces of Delille on Piety;

Imagination; Conversation; and those of Berchoux on Gastromania and

Dansomania; etc。 Who can foresee the chances and changes of taste; the

caprices of fashion; the transformations of the human mind? The

generations as they pass along sweep out of sight the last fragments

of the idols they found on their path and set up other gods;to be

overthrown like the rest。

Sarcus; a handsome little man with a dapple…gray head; devoted himself

in turn to Themis and to Flora;in other words; to legislation and a

greenhouse。 For the last twelve years he had been meditating a book on

the History of the Institution of Justices of the Peace; 〃whose

political and judiciary role;〃 he said; 〃had already passed through

several phases; all derived from the Code of Brumaire; year IV。; and

to…day that institution; so precious to the nation; had lost its power

because the salaries were not in keeping with the importance of its

functions; which ought to be performed by irremovable officials。〃

Rated in the community as an able man; Sarcus was the accepted

statesman of Madame Soudry's salon; you can readily imagine that he

was the leading bore。 They said he talked like a book。 Gaubertin

prophesied he would receive the cross of the Legion of honor; but not

until the day when; as Leclercq's successor; he should take his seat

on the benches of the Left Centre。

Guerbet; the collector; a man of parts; a heavy; fat; individual with

a buttery face; a toupet on his bald spot; gold earrings; which were

always in difficulty with his shirt…collar; had the hobby of pomology。

Proud of possessing the finest fruit…garden in the arrondissement; he

gathered his first crops a month later than those of Paris; his hot…

beds supplied him with pine…apples; nectarines; and peas; out of

season。 He brought bunches of strawberries to Madame Soudry with pride

when the fruit could be bought for ten sous a basket in Paris。

Soulanges possessed a pharmaceutist named Vermut; a chemist; who was

more of a chemist than Sarcus was a statesman; or Lupin a singer; or

Gourdon the elder a scientist; or his brother a poet。 Nevertheless;

the leading society of Soulanges did not take much notice of Vermut;

and the second…class society took none at all。 The instinct of the

first may have led them to perceive the real superiority of this

thinker; who said little but smiled at their absurdities so

satirically that they first doubted his capacity and then whispered

tales against it; as for the other class they took no notice of him

one way or the other。

Vermut was the butt of Madame Soudry's salon。 No society is complete

without a victim;without an object to pity; ridicule; despise; and

protect。 Vermut; full of his scientific problems; often came with his

cravat untied; his waistcoat unbuttoned; and his little green surtout


The little man; gifted with the patience of a chemist; could not enjoy

(that is the term employed in the provinces to express the abolition

of domestic rule) Madame Vermut;a charming woman; a lively woman;

capital company (for she could lose forty sous at cards and say

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