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sons of the soil-第66章

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the mill…races and the sluices of a few manufactories; presented an

animated scene; all the more charming because inclosed in the greenery

of forests; while the long valley of Les Aigues offered a glorious

contrast to the dark foil of the heights above the town itself。

Gaubertin had built himself a house on the level of the delta;

intending to make a place which should improve the locality and render

the lower town as desirable as the upper。 It was a modern house built

of stone; with a balcony of iron railings; outside blinds; painted

windows; and no ornament but a line of fret…work under the eaves; a

slate roof; one story in height with a garret; a fine courtyard; and

behind it an English garden bathed by the waters of the Avonne。 The

elegance of the place compelled the department to build a fine edifice

nearly opposite to it for the sub…prefecture; provisionally lodged in

a mere kennel。 The town itself also built a town…hall。 The law…courts

had lately been installed in a new edifice; so that Ville…aux…Fayes

owed to the active influence of its present mayor a number of really

imposing public buildings。 The gendarmerie had also built barracks

which completed the square formed by the marketplace。

These changes; on which the inhabitants prided themselves; were due to

the impetus given by Gaubertin; who within a day or two had received

the cross of the Legion of honor; in anticipation of the coming

birthday of the king。 In a town so situated and so modern there was of

course; neither aristocracy nor nobility。 Consequently; the rich

merchants of Ville…aux…Fayes; proud of their own independence;

willingly espoused the cause of the peasantry against a count of the

Empire who had taken sides with the Restoration。 To them the

oppressors were the oppressed。 The spirit of this commercial town was

so well known to the government that they send there as sub…prefect a

man with a conciliatory temper; a pupil of his uncle; the well…known

des Lupeaulx; one of those men; accustomed to compromise; who are

familiar with the difficulties and necessities of administration; but

whom puritan politicians; doing infinitely worse things; call corrupt。

The interior of Gaubertin's house was decorated with the unmeaning

commonplaces of modern luxury。 Rich papers with gold borders; bronze

chandeliers; mahogany furniture of a new pattern; astral lamps; round

tables with marble tops; white china with gilt lines for dessert; red

morocco chairs and mezzo…tint engravings in the dining…room; and blue

cashmere furniture in the salon;all details of a chilling and

perfectly unmeaning character; but which to the eyes of Ville…aux…

Fayes seemed the last efforts of Sardanapalian luxury。 Madame

Gaubertin played the role of elegance with great effect; she assumed

little airs and was lackadaisical at forty…five years of age; as

though certain of the homage of her court。

We ask those who really know France; if these housesthose of Rigou;

Soudry; and Gaubertinare not a perfect presentation of the village;

the little town; and the seat of a sub…prefecture?

Without being a man of mind; or a man of talent; Gaubertin had the

appearance of being both。 He owed the accuracy of his perception and

his consummate art to an extreme keenness after gain。 He desired

wealth; not for his wife; not for his children; not for himself; not

for his family; not for the reputation that money gives; after the

gratification of his revenge (the hope of which kept him alive) he

loved the touch of money; like Nucingen; who; it was said; kept

fingering the gold in his pockets。 The rush of business was

Gaubertin's wine; and though he had his belly full of it; he had all

the eagerness of one who was empty。 As with valets of the drama;

intrigues; tricks to play; mischief to organize; deceptions;

commercial over…reachings; accounts to render and receive; disputes;

and quarrels of self…interest; exhilarated him; kept his blood in

circulation; and his bile flowing。 He went and came on foot; on

horseback; in a carriage; by water; he was at all auctions and timber

sales in Paris; thinking of everything; keeping hundreds of wires in

his hands and never getting them tangled。

Quick; decided in his movements as in his ideas; short and squat in

figure; with a thin nose; a fiery eye; an ear on the 〃qui vive;〃 there

was something of the hunting…dog about him。 His brown face; very round

and sunburned; from which the tanned ears stood out predominantly;

for he always wore a cap;was in keeping with that character。 His

nose turned up; his tightly…closed lips could never have opened to say

a kindly thing。 His bushy whiskers formed a pair of black and shiny

tufts beneath the highly…colored cheek…bones; and were lost in his

cravat。 Hair that was pepper…and…salt in color and frizzled naturally

in stages like those of a judge's wig; seeming scorched by the fury of

the fire which heated his brown skull and gleamed in his gray eyes

surrounded by circular wrinkles (no doubt from a habit of always

blinking when he looked across the country in full sunlight);

completed the characteristics of his physiognomy。 His lean and

vigorous hands were hairy; knobbed; and claw…like; like those of men

who do their share of labor。 His personality was agreeable to those

with whom he had to do; for he wrapped it in a misleading gayety; he

knew how to talk a great deal without saying a word of what he meant

to keep unsaid。 He wrote little; so as to deny anything that escaped

him which might prove unfavorable in its after effects upon his

interests。 His books and papers were kept by a cashier;an honest

man; whom men of Gaubertin's stamp always seek to get hold of; and

whom they make; in their own selfish interests; their first dupe。

When Rigou's little green chaise appeared; towards twelve o'clock; in

the broad avenue which skirts the river; Gaubertin; in cap; boots; and

jacket; was returning from the wharves。 He hastened his steps;

feeling very sure that Rigou's object in coming over could only be

〃the great affair。〃

〃Good morning; gendarme; good morning; paunch of gall and wisdom;〃 he

said; giving a little slap to the stomachs of his two visitors。 〃We

have business to talk over; and; faith! we'll do it glass in hand;

that's the true way to take things。〃

〃If you do your business that way; you ought to be fatter than you

are;〃 said Rigou。

〃I work too hard; I'm not like you two; confined to the house and

bewitched there; like old dotards。 Well; well; after all that's the

best way; you can do your business comfortably in an arm…chair; with

your back to the fire and your belly at table; custom goes to you; I

have to go after it。 But now; come in; come in! the house is yours for

the time you stay。〃

A servant; in blue livery edged with scarlet; took the horse by the

bridle and led him into the courtyard; where were the offices and the


Gaubertin left his guests to walk about the garden for a moment; while

he went to give his orders and arrange about the breakfast。

〃Well; my wolves;〃 he said; as he returned; rubbing his hands; 〃the

gendarmerie of Soulanges were seen this morning at daybreak; marching

towards Conches; no doubt they mean to arrest the peasants for

depredations; ha; ha! things are getting warm; warm! By this time;〃 he

added; looking at his watch; 〃those fellows may have been arrested。〃

〃Probably;〃 said Rigou。

〃Well; what do you all say over there? Has anything been decided?〃

〃What is there to decide?〃 asked Rigou。 〃We have no part in it;〃 he

added; looking at Soudry。

〃How do you mean nothing to decide? If Les Aigues is sold as the

result of our coalition; who is to gain five or six hundred thousand

francs out of it? Do you expect me to; all alone? No; my inside is not

strong enough to split up two millions; with three children to

establish; and a wife who hasn't the first idea about the value of

money; no; I must have associates。 Here's the gendarme; he has plenty

of funds all ready。 I know he doesn't hold a single mortgage that

isn't ready to mature; he only lends now on notes at sight of which I

endorse。 I'll go into this thing by the amount of eight hundred

thousand francs; my son; the judge; two hundred thousand; and I count

on the gendarme for two hundred thousand more; now; how much will you

put in; skull…cap?〃

〃All the rest;〃 replied Rigou; stiffly。

〃The devil! well; I wish I had my hand where your heart is!〃 exclaimed

Gaubertin。 〃Now what are you going to do?〃

〃Whatever you do; tell your plan。〃

〃My plan;〃 said Gaubertin; 〃is to take double; and sell half to the

Conches; and Cerneux; and Blangy folks who want to buy。 Soudry has his

clients; and you yours; and I; mine。 That's not the difficulty。 The

thing is; how are we going to arrange among ourselves? How shall we

divide up the great lots?〃

〃Nothing easier;〃 said Rigou。 〃We'll each take what 
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