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sons of the soil-第68章

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Conches they'll come to Blangy。 I'm an old offender; and I shall get

three months。〃

〃What can we do against the gendarmerie; old drunkard?〃 said Vaudoyer。

〃Why! cut the legs of their horses with our scythes。 That'll bring

them down; their muskets are not loaded; and when they find us ten to

one against them they'll decamp。 If the three villages all rose and

killed two or three gendarmes; they couldn't guillotine the whole of

us。 They'd have to give way; as they did on the other side of

Burgundy; where they sent a regiment。 Bah! that regiment came back

again; and the peasants cut the woods just as much as they ever did。〃

〃If we kill;〃 said Vaudoyer; 〃it is better to kill one man; the

question is; how to do it without danger and frighten those Arminacs

so that they'll be driven out of the place。〃

〃Which one shall we kill?〃 asked Laroche。

〃Michaud;〃 said Courtecuisse。 〃Vaudoyer is right; he's perfectly

right。 You'll see that when a keeper is sent to the shades there won't

be one of them willing to stay even in broad daylight to watch us。 Now

they're there night and day;demons!〃

〃Wherever one goes;〃 said old Mother Tonsard;who was seventy…eight

years old; and presented a parchment face honey…combed with the small…

pox; lighted by a pair of green eyes; and framed with dirty…white

hair; which escaped in strands from a red handkerchief;〃wherever one

goes; there they are! they stop us; they open our bundles; and if

there's a single branch; a single twig of a miserable hazel; they

seize the whole bundle; and they say they'll arrest us。 Ha; the

villains! there's no deceiving them; if they suspect you; you've got

to undo the bundle。 Dogs! all three are not worth a farthing! Yes;

kill 'em; and it won't ruin France; I tell you。〃

〃Little Vatel is not so bad;〃 said Madame Tonsard。

〃He!〃 said Laroche; 〃he does his business; like the others; when

there's a joke going he'll joke with you; but you are none the better

with him for that。 He's worse than the rest;heartless to poor folks;

like Michaud himself。〃

〃Michaud has got a pretty wife; though;〃 said Nicolas Tonsard。

〃She's with young;〃 said the old woman; 〃and if this thing goes on

there'll be a queer kind of baptism for the little one when she


〃Oh! those Arminacs!〃 cried Marie Tonsard; 〃there's no laughing with

them; and if you did; they'd threaten to arrest you。〃

〃You've tried your hand at cajoling them; have you?〃 said


〃You may bet on that。〃

〃Well;〃 said Tonsard with a determined air; 〃they are men like other

men; and they can be got rid of。〃

〃But I tell you;〃 said Marie; continuing her topic; 〃they won't be

cajoled; I don't know what's the matter with them; that bully at the

pavilion; he's married; but Vatel; Gaillard; and Steingel are not;

they've not a woman belonging to them; indeed; there's not a woman in

the place who would marry them。〃

〃Well; we shall see how things go at the harvest and the vintage;〃

said Tonsard。

〃They can't stop the gleaning;〃 said the old woman。

〃I don't know that;〃 remarked Madame Tonsard。 〃Groison said that the

mayor was going to publish a notice that no one should glean without a

certificate of pauperism; and who's to give that certificate? Himself;

of course。 He won't give many; I tell you! And they say he is going to

issue an order that no one shall enter the fields till the carts are

all loaded。〃

〃Why; the fellow's a pestilence!〃 cried Tonsard; beside himself with


〃I heard that only yesterday;〃 said Madame Tonsard。 〃I offered Groison

a glass of brandy to get something out of him。〃

〃Groison! there's another lucky fellow!〃 said Vaudoyer; 〃they've built

him a house and given him a good wife; and he's got an income and

clothes fit for a king。 There was I; field…keeper for twenty years;

and all I got was the rheumatism。〃

〃Yes; he's very lucky;〃 said Godain; 〃he owns property〃

〃And we go without; like the fools that we are;〃 said Vaudoyer。 〃Come;

let's be off and find out what's going on at Conches; they are not so

patient over there as we are。〃

〃Come on;〃 said Laroche; who was none too steady on his legs。 〃If I

don't exterminate one of two of those fellows may I lose my name。〃

〃You!〃 said Tonsard; 〃you'd let them put the whole district in prison;

but Iif they dare to touch my old mother; there's my gun and it

never misses。〃

〃Well;〃 said Laroche to Vaudoyer; 〃I tell you that if they make a

single prisoner at Conches one gendarme shall fall。〃

〃He has said it; old Laroche!〃 cried Courtecuisse。

〃He has said it;〃 remarked Vaudoyer; 〃but he hasn't done it; and he

won't do it。 What good would it do to get yourself guillotined for

some gendarme or other? No; if you kill; I say; kill Michaud。〃

During this scene Catherine Tonsard stood sentinel at the door to warn

the drinkers to keep silent if any one passed。 In spite of their half…

drunken legs they sprang rather than walked out of the tavern; and

their bellicose temper started them at a good pace on the road to

Conches; which led for over a mile along the park wall of Les Aigues。

Conches was a true Burgundian village; with one street; which was

crossed by the main road。 The houses were built either of brick or of

cobblestones; and were squalid in aspect。 Following the mail…road from

Ville…aux…Fayes; the village was seen from the rear and there it

presented rather a picturesque effect。 Between the road and the

Ronquerolles woods; which continued those of Les Aigues and crowned

the heights; flowed a little river; and several houses; rather

prettily grouped; enlivened the scene。 The church and the parsonage

stood alone and were seen from the park of Les Aigues; which came

nearly up to them。 In front of the church was a square bordered by

trees; where the conspirators of the Grand…I…Vert saw the gendarmerie

and hastened their already hasty steps。 Just then three men on

horseback rode rapidly out of the park of Les Aigues and the peasants

at once recognized the general; his groom; and Michaud the bailiff;

who came at a gallop into the square。 Tonsard and his party arrived a

minute or two after them。 The delinquents; men and women; had made no

resistance; and were standing between five of the Soulanges gendarmes

and fifteen of those from Ville…aux…Fayes。 The whole village had

assembled。 The fathers; mothers; and children of the prisoners were

going and coming and bringing them what they might want in prison。 It

was a curious scene; that of a population one and all exasperated; but

nearly all silent; as though they had made up their minds to a course

of action。 The old women and the young ones alone spoke。 The children;

boys and girls; were perched on piles of wood and heaps of stones to

get a better sight of what was happening。

〃They have chosen their time; those hussars of the guillotine;〃 said

one old woman; 〃they are making a fete of it。〃

〃Are you going to let 'em carry of your man like that? How shall you

manage to live for three months?the best of the year; too; when he

could earn so much。〃

〃It's they who rob us;〃 replied the woman; looking at the gendarmes

with a threatening air。

〃What do you mean by that; old woman?〃 said the sergeant。 〃If you

insult us it won't take long to settle you。〃

〃I meant nothing;〃 said the old woman; in a humble and piteous tone。

〃I heard you say something just now you may have cause to repent of。〃

〃Come; come; be calm; all of you;〃 said the mayor of Conches; who was

also the postmaster。 〃What the devil is the use of talking? These men;

as you know very well; are under orders and must obey。〃

〃That's true; it's the owner of Les Aigues who persecutes us But


Just then the general rode into the square and his arrival caused a

few groans which did not trouble him in the least。 He rode straight up

to the lieutenant in command; and after saying a few words gave him a

paper; the officer then turned to his men and said: 〃Release your

prisoners; the general has obtained their pardon。〃

General Montcornet was then speaking to the mayor; after a few

moments' conversation in a low tone; the latter; addressing the

delinquents; who expected to sleep in prison and were a good deal

surprised to find themselves free; said to them:

〃My friends; thank Monsieur le comte。 You owe your release to him。 He

went to Paris and obtained your pardon in honor of the anniversary of

the king's restoration。 I hope that in future you will conduct

yourself properly to a man who has behaved so well to you; and that

you will in future respect his property。 Long live the King!〃

The peasants shouted 〃Long live the King!〃 with enthusiasm; to avoid

shouting; 〃Hurrah for the Comte de Montcornet!〃

The scene was a bit of policy arranged between the general; the

prefect; and the attorney…general; for they were all a
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