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sons of the soil-第71章

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〃So you are gleaning; are you; though my wife helps you to earn so

much money?〃

〃Hey! my dear gentleman; may God preserve you in good health! but;

don't you see; my grandson squanders all I earn; and I'm forced to

scratch up a little wheat to get bread in the winter;yes; yes; I

glean just a bit; it all helps。〃

The gleaning proved of little profit to the gleaners。 The farmers and

tenant…farmers; finding themselves backed up; took care that their

wheat was well reaped; and superintended the making of the sheaves and

their safe removal; so that little or none of the pillage of former

years could take place。

Accustomed to get a good proportion of wheat in their gleaning; the

false as well as the true poor; forgetting the count's pardon at

Conches; now felt a deep but silent anger against him; which was

aggravated by the Tonsards; Courtecuisse; Bonnebault; Laroche;

Vaudoyer; Godain; and their adherents。 Matters went worse still after

the vintage; for the gathering of the refuse grape was not allowed

until Sibilet had examined the vines with extreme care。 This last

restriction exasperated these sons of the soil to the highest pitch;

but when so great a social distance separates the angered class from

the threatened class; words and threats are lost; nothing comes to the

surface or is perceived but facts; meantime the malcontents work

underground like moles。

The fair of Soulanges took place as usual quite peacefully; except for

certain jarrings between the leading society and the second…class

society of Soulanges; brought about by the despotism of the queen; who

could not tolerate the empire founded and established over the heart

of the brilliant Lupin by the beautiful Euphemie Plissoud; for she

herself laid permanent claim to his fickle fervors。

The count and countess did not appear at the fair nor at the Tivoli

fete; and that; again; was counted a wrong by the Soudrys; the

Gaubertins; and their adherents; it was pride; it was disdain; said

the Soudry salon。 During this time the countess was filling the void

caused by Emile's return to Paris with the immense interest and

pleasure all fine souls take in the good they are doing; or think they

do; and the count; for his part; applied himself no less zealously to

changes and ameliorations in the management of his estate; which he

expected and believed would modify and benefit the condition of the

people and hence their characters。 Madame de Montcornet; assisted by

the advice and experience of the Abbe Brossette; came; little by

little; to have a thorough and statistical knowledge of all the poor

families of the district; their respective condition; their wants;

their means of subsistence; and the sort of help she must give to each

to obtain work so as not to make them lazy or idle。

The countess had placed Genevieve Niseron; La Pechina; in a convent at

Auxerre; under pretext of having her taught to sew that she might

employ her in her own house; but really to save her from the shameful

attempts of Nicolas Tonsard; whom Rigou had managed to save from the

conscription。 The countess also believed that a religious education;

the cloister; and monastic supervision; would subdue the ardent

passions of the precocious little girl; whose Montenegrin blood seemed

to her like a threatening flame which might one day set fire to the

domestic happiness of her faithful Olympe。

So all was at peace at the chateau des Aigues。 The count; misled by

Sibilet; reassured by Michaud; congratulated himself on his firmness;

and thanked his wife for having contributed by her benevolence to the

immense comfort of their tranquillity。 The question of the sale of his

timber was laid aside till he should go to Paris and arrange with the

dealers。 He had not the slightest notion of how to do business; and he

was in total ignorance of the power wielded by Gaubertin over the

current of the Yonne;the main line of conveyance which supplied the

timber of the Paris market。



Towards the middle of September Emile Blondet; who had gone to Paris

to publish a book; returned to refresh himself at Les Aigues and to

think over the work he was planning for the winter。 At Les Aigues; the

loving and sincere qualities which succeed adolescence in a young

man's soul reappeared in the used…up journalist。

〃What a fine soul!〃 was the comment of the count and the countess when

they spoke of him。

Men who are accustomed to move among the abysses of social nature; to

understand all and to repress nothing; make themselves an oasis in the

heart; where they forget their perversities and those of others; they

become within that narrow and sacred circle;saints; there; they

possess the delicacy of women; they give themselves up to a momentary

realization of their ideal; they become angelic for some one being who

adores them; and they are not playing comedy; they join their soul to

innocence; so to speak; they feel the need to brush off the mud; to

heal their sores; to bathe their wounds。 At Les Aigues Emile Blondet

was without bitterness; without sarcasm; almost without wit; he made

no epigrams; he was gentle as a lamb; and platonically tender。

〃He is such a good young fellow that I miss him terribly when he is

not here;〃 said the general。 〃I do wish he could make a fortune and

not lead that Paris life of his。〃

Never did the glorious landscape and park of Les Aigues seem as

luxuriantly beautiful as it did just then。 The first autumn days were

beginning; when the earth; languid from her procreations and delivered

of her products; exhales the delightful odors of vegetation。 At this

time the woods; especially; are delicious; they begin to take the

russet warmth of Sienna earth; and the green…bronze tones which form

the lovely tapestry beneath which they hide from the cold of winter。

Nature; having shown herself in springtime jaunty and joyous as a

brunette glowing with hope; becomes in autumn sad and gentle as a

blonde full of pensive memories; the turf yellows; the last flowers

unfold their pale corollas; the white…eyed daisies are fewer in the

grass; only their crimson calices are seen。 Yellows abound; the shady

places are lighter for lack of leafage; but darker in tone; the sun;

already oblique; slides its furtive orange rays athwart them; leaving

long luminous traces which rapidly disappear; like the train of a

woman's gown as she bids adieu。

On the morning of the second day after his arrival; Emile was at a

window of his bedroom; which opened upon a terrace with a balustrade

from which a noble view could be seen。 This balcony ran the whole

length of the apartments of the countess; on the side of the chateau

towards the forests and the Blangy landscape。 The pond; which would

have been called a lake were Les Aigues nearer Paris; was partly in

view; so was the long canal; the Silver…spring; coming from across the

pavilion of the Rendezvous; crossed the lawn with its sheeny ribbon;

reflecting the yellow sand。

Beyond the park; between the village and the walls; lay the cultivated

parts of Blangy;meadows where the cows were grazing; small

properties surrounded by hedges; filled with fruit of all kinds; nut

and apple trees。 By way of frame; the heights on which the noble

forest…trees were ranged; tier above tier; closed in the scene。 The

countess had come out in her slippers to look at the flowers in her

balcony; which were sending up their morning fragrance; she wore a

cambric dressing…gown; beneath which the rosy tints of her white

shoulders could be seen; a coquettish little cap was placed in a

bewitching manner on her hair; which escaped it recklessly; her little

feet showed their warm flesh color through the transparent stockings;

the cambric gown; unconfined at the waist; floated open as the breeze

took it; and showed an embroidered petticoat。

〃Oh! are you there?〃 she said。


〃What are you looking at?〃

〃A pretty question! You have torn me from the contemplation of Nature。

Tell me; countess; will you go for a walk in the woods this morning

before breakfast?〃

〃What an idea! You know I have a horror of walking。〃

〃We will only walk a little way; I'll drive you in the tilbury and

take Joseph to hold the horses。 You have never once set foot in your

forest; and I have just noticed something very curious; a phenomenon;

there are spots where the tree…tops are the color of Florentine

bronze; the leaves are dried〃

〃Well; I'll dress。〃

〃Oh; if you do; we can't get off for two hours。 Take a shawl; put on a

bonnet; and boots; that's all you want。 I shall tell them to harness。〃

〃You always make me do what you want; I'll be ready in a minute。〃

〃General;〃 said Blondet; waking the count; who grumbled and turned

over; like a man who wants his morning sleep。 〃We are going for a

drive; won't you come?〃

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