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sons of the soil-第75章

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left the tavern; on their return; the sleepers were shaken and roused;

and every one seemed to them; as before; in his place。

While this orgy was going on Michaud's household was in a scene of

mortal anxiety。 Olympe had felt false pains; and her husband; thinking

she was about to be delivered; rode off instantly in haste for the

doctor。 But the poor woman's pains ceased as soon as she realized that

Michaud was gone; for her mind was so preoccupied by the danger her

husband ran at that hour of the night; in a lawless region filled with

determined foes; that the anguish of her soul was powerful enough to

deaden and momentarily subdue those of the body。 In vain her servant…

woman declared her fears were imaginary; she seemed not to comprehend

a word that was said to her; and sat by the fire in her bed…chamber

listening to every sound。 In her terror; which increased every moment;

she had the man wakened; meaning to give him some order which still

she did not give。 At last; the poor woman wandered up and down; coming

and going in feverish agitation; she looked out of all the windows and

opened them in spite of the cold; then she went downstairs and opened

the door into the courtyard; looking out and listening。 〃Nothing!

nothing!〃 she said。 Then she went up again in despair。 About a quarter

past twelve; she cried out: 〃Here he is! I hear the horse!〃 Again she

went down; followed by the man who went to open the iron gate of the

courtyard。 〃It is strange;〃 she said; 〃that he should return by the

Conches woods!〃

As she spoke she stood still; horrorstruck; motionless; voiceless。 The

man shared her terror; for; in the furious gallop of the horse; the

clang of the empty stirrups; the neigh of the frightened animal; there

was something; they scarcely knew what; of unspeakable warning。 Soon;

too soon for the unhappy wife; the horse reached the gate; panting and

sweating; but alone; he had broken the bridle; no doubt by entangling

it。 Olympe gazed with haggard eyes at the servant as he opened the

gate; she saw the horse; and then; without a word; she ran to the

chateau like a madwoman; when she reached it she fell to the ground

beneath the general's windows crying out: 〃Monsieur; they have

murdered him!〃

The cry was so terrible it awoke the count; he rang violently;

bringing the whole household to their feet; and the groans of Madame

Michaud; who as she lay on the ground; gave birth to a child that died

in being born; brought the general and all the servants about her。

They raised the poor dying woman; who expired; saying to the general:

〃They have murdered him!〃

〃Joseph!〃 cried the count to his valet; 〃go for the doctor; there may

yet be time to save her。 No; better bring the curate; the poor woman

is dead; and her child too。 My God! my God! how thankful I am that my

wife is not here。 And you;〃 he said to the gardener; 〃go and find out

what has happened。〃

〃I can tell you;〃 said the pavilion servant; coming up; 〃Monsieur

Michaud's horse has come back alone; the reins broke; his legs bloody;

and there's a spot of blood on the saddle。〃

〃What can be done at this time of night?〃 cried the count。 〃Call up

Groison; send for the keepers; saddle the horses; we'll beat the


By daybreak; eight personsthe count; Groison; the three keepers; and

two gendarmes sent from Soulanges with their sergeantsearched the

country。 It was not till the middle of the morning that they found the

body of the bailiff in a copse between the mail…road and the smaller

road leading to Ville…aux…Fayes; at the end of the park of Les Aigues;

not far from Conches。 Two gendarmes started; one to Ville…aux…Fayes

for the prosecuting attorney; the other to Soulanges for the justice

of the peace。 Meantime the general; assisted by the sergeant; noted

down the facts。 They found on the road; just above the two pavilions;

the print of the stamping of the horse's feet as he roared; and the

traces of his frightened gallop from there to the first opening in the

woods above the hedge。 The horse; no longer guided; turned into the

wood…path。 Michaud's hat was found there。 The animal evidently took

the nearest way to reach his stable。 The bailiff had a ball though his

back which broke the spine。

Groison and the sergeant studied the ground around the spot where the

horse reared (which might be called; in judicial language; the theatre

of the crime) with remarkable sagacity; but without obtaining any

clue。 The earth was too frozen to show the footprints of the murderer;

and all they found was the paper of a cartridge。 When the attorney and

the judge and Monsieur Gourdon; the doctor; arrived and raised the

body to make the autopsy; it was found that the ball; which

corresponded with the fragments of the wad; was an ammunition ball;

evidently from a military musket; and no such musket existed in the

district of Blangy。 The judge and Monsieur Soudry the attorney; who

came that evening to the chateau; thought it best to collect all the

facts and await events。 The same opinion was expressed by the sergeant

and the lieutenant of the gendarmerie。

〃It is impossible that it can be anything but a planned attack on the

part of the peasants;〃 said the sergeant; 〃but there are two

districts; Conches and Blangy; in each of which there are five or six

persons capable of being concerned in the murder。 The one that I

suspect most; Tonsard; passed the night carousing in the Grand…I…Vert;

but your assistant; general; the miller Langlume; was there; and he

says that Tonsard did not leave the tavern。 They were all so drunk

they could not stand; they took the bride home at half…past one; and

the return of the horse proves that Michaud was murdered between

eleven o'clock and midnight。 At a quarter past ten Groison saw the

whole company assembled at table; and Monsieur Michaud passed there on

his way to Soulanges; which he reached at eleven。 His horse reared

between the two pavilions on the mail…road; but he may have been shot

before reaching Blangy and yet have stayed in the saddle for some

little time。 We should have to issue warrants for at least twenty

persons and arrest them; but I know these peasants; and so do these

gentlemen; you might keep them a year in prison and you would get

nothing out of them but denials。 What could you do with all those who

were at Tonsard's?〃

They sent for Langlume; the miller; and the assistant of General

Montcornet as mayor; he related what had taken place in the tavern;

and gave the names of all present; none had gone out except for a

minute or two into the courtyard。 He had left the room for a moment

with Tonsard about eleven o'clock; they had spoken of the moon and the

weather; and heard nothing。 At two o'clock the whole party had taken

the bride and bridegroom to their own house。

The general arranged with the sergeant; the lieutenant; and the civil

authorities to send to Paris for the cleverest detective in the

service of the police; who should come to the chateau as a workman;

and behave so ill as to be dismissed; he should then take to drinking

and frequent the Grand…I…Vert and remain in the neighborhood in the

character of an ill…wisher to the general。 The best plan they could

follow was to watch and wait for a momentary revelation; and then make

the most of it。

〃If I have to spend twenty thousand francs I'll discover the murderer

of my poor Michaud;〃 the general was never weary of saying。

He went off with that idea in his head; and returned from Paris in the

month of January with one of the shrewdest satellites of the chief of

the detective police; who was brought down ostensibly to do some work

to the interior of the chateau。 The man was discovered poaching。 He

was arrested; and turned off; and soon afterearly in Februarythe

general rejoined his wife in Paris。



One evening in the month of May; when the fine weather had come and

the Parisians had returned to Les Aigues; Monsieur de Troisville;who

had been persuaded to accompany his daughter;Blondet; the Abbe

Brossette; the general; and the sub…prefect of Ville…aux…Fayes; who

was on a visit to the chateau; were all playing either whist or chess。

It was about half…past eleven o'clock when Joseph entered and told his

master that the worthless poaching workman who had been dismissed

wanted to see him;something about a bill which he said the general

still owed him。 〃He is very drunk;〃 added Joseph。

〃Very good; I'll go and speak to him。〃

The general went out upon the lawn to some distance from the house。

〃Monsieur le comte;〃 said the detective; 〃nothing will ever be got out

of these people。 All that I have been able to gather is that if you

continue to stay in this place and try to make the peasants renounce

the pilfering habits which Mademoiselle Laguerre allowed them to

acquire; they will shoot you as wel
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