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satires of circumstance-第1章

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Satires of Circumstance; Lyrics and Reveries; with
Miscellaneous Pieces

by Thomas Hardy


Lyrics and Reveries
   In Front of the Landscape
   Channel Firing
   The Convergence of the Twain
   The Ghost of the Past
   After the Visit
   To Meet; or Otherwise
   The Difference
   The Sun on the Bookcase
   〃When I set out for Lyonnesse〃
   A Thunderstorm in Town
   The Torn Letter
   Beyond the Last Lamp
   The Face at the Casement
   Lost Love
   〃My spirit will not haunt the mound〃
   〃Wessex Heights
   In Death divided
   The Place on the Map
   Where the Picnic was
   The Schreckhorn
   A Singer asleep
   A Plaint to Man
   God's Funeral
   Spectres that grieve
   〃Ah; are you digging on my grave?〃
Satires of Circumstance
   At Tea
   In Church
   By her Aunt's Grave
   In the Room of the Bride…elect
   At the Watering…place
   In the Cemetery
   Outside the Window
   In the Study
   At the Altar…rail
   In the Nuptial Chamber
   In the Restaurant
   At the Draper's
   On the Death…bed
   Over the Coffin
   In the Moonlight
   The Discovery
   Before and after Summer
   At Day…close in November
   The Year's Awakening
   Under the Waterfall
   The Spell of the Rose
   St。 Launce's revisited
Poems of 1912…13…
   The Going
   Your Last Drive
   The Walk
   Rain on a Grace
   〃I found her out there〃
   Without Ceremony
   The Haunter
   The Voice
   His Visitor
   A Circular
   A Dream or No
   After a Journey
   A Death…ray recalled
   Beeny Cliff
   At Castle Boterel
   The Phantom Horsewoman
Miscellaneous Pieces
   The Wistful Lady
   The Woman in the Rye
   The Cheval…Glass
   The Re…enactment
   Her Secret
   〃She charged  me〃
   The Newcomer's Wife
   A Conversation at Dawn
   A King's Soliloquy
   The Coronation
   Aquae Sulis
   Seventy…four and Twenty
   The Elopement
   〃I rose up as my custom is〃
   A Week
   Had you wept
   Bereft; she thinks she dreams
   In the British Museum
   In the Servants' Quarters
   The Obliterate Tomb
   〃Regret not me〃
   The Recalcitrants
   Starlings on the Roof
   The Moon looks in
   The Sweet Hussy
   The Telegram
   The Moth…signal
   Seen by the Waits
   The Two Soldiers
   The Death of Regret
   In the Days of Crinoline
   The Roman Gravemounds
   The Workbox
   The Sacrilege
   The Abbey Mason
   The Jubilee of a Magazine
   The Satin Shoes
   Exeunt Omnes
   A Poet
   〃Men who march away〃


Plunging and labouring on in a tide of visions;
   Dolorous and dear;
Forward I pushed my way as amid waste waters
   Stretching around;
Through whose eddies there glimmered the customed landscape
   Yonder and near;

Blotted to feeble mist。  And the coomb and the upland
Ancient chalk…pit; milestone; rills in the grass…flat
   Stroked by the light;
Seemed but a ghost…like gauze; and no substantial
   Meadow or mound。

What were the infinite spectacles bulking foremost
   Under my sight;
Hindering me to discern my paced advancement
   Lengthening to miles;
What were the re…creations killing the daytime
   As by the night?

O they were speechful faces; gazing insistent;
   Some as with smiles;
Some as with slow…born tears that brinily trundled
   Over the wrecked
Cheeks that were fair in their flush…time; ash now with anguish;
   Harrowed by wiles。

Yes; I could see them; feel them; hear them; address them …
   Halo…bedecked …
And; alas; onwards; shaken by fierce unreason;
   Rigid in hate;
Smitten by years…long wryness born of misprision;
   Dreaded; suspect。

Then there would breast me shining sights; sweet seasons
   Further in date;
Instruments of strings with the tenderest passion
   Vibrant; beside
Lamps long extinguished; robes; cheeks; eyes with the earth's crust
   Now corporate。

Also there rose a headland of hoary aspect
   Gnawed by the tide;
Frilled by the nimb of the morning as two friends stood there
   Guilelessly glad …
Wherefore they knew nottouched by the fringe of an ecstasy
   Scantly descried。

Later images too did the day unfurl me;
   Shadowed and sad;
Clay cadavers of those who had shared in the dramas;
   Laid now at ease;
Passions all spent; chiefest the one of the broad brow

So did beset me scenes miscalled of the bygone;
   Over the leaze;
Past the clump; and down to where lay the beheld ones;
  Yea; as the rhyme
Sung by the sea…swell; so in their pleading dumbness
   Captured me these。

For; their lost revisiting manifestations
   In their own time
Much had I slighted; caring not for their purport;
   Seeing behind
Things more coveted; reckoned the better worth calling
   Sweet; sad; sublime。

Thus do they now show hourly before the intenser
   Stare of the mind
As they were ghosts avenging their slights by my bypast
   Body…borne eyes;
Show; too; with fuller translation than rested upon them
   As living kind。

Hence wag the tongues of the passing people; saying
   In their surmise;
〃Ahwhose is this dull form that perambulates; seeing nought
   Round him that looms
Whithersoever his footsteps turn in his farings;
   Save a few tombs?〃


That night your great guns; unawares;
Shook all our coffins as we lay;
And broke the chancel window…squares;
We thought it was the Judgment…day

And sat upright。  While drearisome
Arose the howl of wakened hounds:
The mouse let fall the altar…crumb;
The worms drew back into the mounds;

The glebe cow drooled。  Till God called; 〃No;
It's gunnery practice out at sea
Just as before you went below;
The world is as it used to be:

〃All nations striving strong to make
Red war yet redder。  Mad as hatters
They do no more for Christes sake
Than you who are helpless in such matters。

〃That this is not the judgment…hour
For some of them's a blessed thing;
For if it were they'd have to scour
Hell's floor for so much threatening 。 。 。

〃Ha; ha。  It will be warmer when
I blow the trumpet (if indeed
I ever do; for you are men;
And rest eternal sorely need)。〃

So down we lay again。  〃I wonder;
Will the world ever saner be;〃
Said one; 〃than when He sent us under
In our indifferent century!〃

And many a skeleton shook his head。
〃Instead of preaching forty year;〃
My neighbour Parson Thirdly said;
〃I wish I had stuck to pipes and beer。〃

Again the guns disturbed the hour;
Roaring their readiness to avenge;
As far inland as Stourton Tower;
And Camelot; and starlit Stonehenge。

April 1914。


(Lines on the loss of the 〃Titanic〃)


   In a solitude of the sea
   Deep from human vanity;
And the Pride of Life that planned her; stilly couches she。


   Steel chambers; late the pyres
   Of her salamandrine fires;
Cold currents thrid; and turn to rhythmic tidal lyres。


   Over the mirrors meant
   To glass the opulent
The sea…worm crawlsgrotesque; slimed; dumb; indifferent。


   Jewels in joy designed
   To ravish the sensuous mind
Lie lightless; all their sparkles bleared and black and blind。


   Dim moon…eyed fishes near
   Gaze at the gilded gear
And query:  〃What does this vaingloriousness down here?〃 。 。 。


   Well:  while was fashioning
   This creature of cleaving wing;
The Immanent Will that stirs and urges everything


   Prepared a sinister mate
   For herso gaily great …
A Shape of Ice; for the time far and dissociate。


   And as the smart ship grew
   In stature; grace; and hue;
In shadowy silent distance grew the Iceberg too。


   Alien they seemed to be:
   No mortal eye could see
The intimate welding of their later history;


   Or sign that they were bent
   By paths coincident
On being anon twin halves of one august event;


   Till the Spinner of the Years
   Said 〃Now!〃  And each one hears;
And consummation comes; and jars two hemispheres。


We two kept house; the Past and I;
   The Past and I;
I tended while it hovered nigh;
   Leaving me never alone。
It was a spectral housekeeping
   Where fell no jarring tone;
As strange; as still a housekeeping
   As ever has been known。

As daily I went up the stair
   And down the stair;
I did not mind the Bygone there …
   The Present once to me;
Its moving meek companionship
   I wished might ever be;
There was in that companionship
   Something of ecstasy。

It dwelt with me just as it was;
   Just as it was
When first its prospects gave me pause
   In wayward wanderings;
Before the years had torn old troths
   As they tear all sweet things;
Before gaunt griefs had torn old troths
   And dulled old rapturings。

And then its form began to fade;
   Began to fade;
Its gentle echoes faintlier played
   At eves upon my ear
Than when the autumn's look embrowned
   The lonely chambers here;
The autumn's settling shades embrowned
   Nooks that it haunted near。

And so with time my vision less;
   Yea; less and less
Makes of that Past my housemistress;
   It dwindles in my eye;
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