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satires of circumstance-第14章

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Where Dunkery frowns on Exon Moor;
And when the four weeks neared their end;
   And their swift sweets outwore;
I said; 'What shall I do to own
Those beauties bright as tulips blown;
And keep you here with me alone
   As mine for evermore?'

〃And as she drowsed within my van
On Exon Wild by Dunkery Tor …
And as she drowsed within my van;
   And dawning turned to day;
She heavily raised her sloe…black eyes
And murmured back in softest wise;
'One more thing; and the charms you prize
   Are yours henceforth for aye。

〃'And swear I will I'll never go
While Dunkery frowns on Exon Moor
To meet the Cornish Wrestler Joe
   For dance and dallyings。
If you'll to yon cathedral shrine;
And finger from the chest divine
Treasure to buy me ear…drops fine;
   And richly jewelled rings。'

〃I said:  'I am one who has gathered gear
From Marlbury Downs to Dunkery Tor;
Who has gathered gear for many a year
   From mansion; mart and fair;
But at God's house I've stayed my hand;
Hearing within me some command …
Curbed by a law not of the land
   From doing damage there。'

〃Whereat she pouts; this Love of mine;
As Dunkery frowns on Exon Moor;
And still she pouts; this Love of mine;
   So cityward I go。
But ere I start to do the thing;
And speed my soul's imperilling
For one who is my ravishing
   And all the joy I know;

〃I come to lay this charge on thee …
On Exon Wild by Dunkery Tor …
I come to lay this charge on thee
   With solemn speech and sign:
Should things go ill; and my life pay
For botchery in this rash assay;
You are to take hers likewiseyea;
   The month the law takes mine。

〃For should my rival; Wrestler Joe;
Where Dunkery frowns on Exon Moor …
My reckless rival; Wrestler Joe;
   My Love's possessor be;
My tortured spirit would not rest;
But wander weary and distrest
Throughout the world in wild protest:
   The thought nigh maddens me!〃


Thus did he speakthis brother of mine …
On Exon Wild by Dunkery Tor;
Born at my birth of mother of mine;
   And forthwith went his way
To dare the deed some coming night 。 。 。
I kept the watch with shaking sight;
The moon at moments breaking bright;
   At others glooming gray。

For three full days I heard no sound
Where Dunkery frowns on Exon Moor;
I heard no sound at all around
   Whether his fay prevailed;
Or one malign the master were;
Till some afoot did tidings bear
How that; for all his practised care;
   He had been caught and jailed。

They had heard a crash when twelve had chimed
By Mendip east of Dunkery Tor;
When twelve had chimed and moonlight climbed;
   They watched; and he was tracked
By arch and aisle and saint and knight
Of sculptured stonework sheeted white
In the cathedral's ghostly light;
   And captured in the act。

Yes; for this Love he loved too well
Where Dunkery sights the Severn shore;
All for this Love he loved too well
   He burst the holy bars;
Seized golden vessels from the chest
To buy her ornaments of the best;
At her ill…witchery's request
   And lure of eyes like stars 。 。 。

When blustering March confused the sky
In Toneborough Town by Exon Moor;
When blustering March confused the sky
   They stretched him; and he died。
Down in the crowd where I; to see
The end of him; stood silently;
With a set face he lipped to me …
   〃Remember。〃  〃Ay!〃 I cried。

By night and day I shadowed her
From Toneborough Deane to Dunkery Tor;
I shadowed her asleep; astir;
   And yet I could not bear …
Till Wrestler Joe anon began
To figure as her chosen man;
And took her to his shining van …
   To doom a form so fair!

He made it handsome for her sake …
And Dunkery smiled to Exon Moor …
He made it handsome for her sake;
   Painting it out and in;
And on the door of apple…green
A bright brass knocker soon was seen;
And window…curtains white and clean
   For her to sit within。

And all could see she clave to him
As cleaves a cloud to Dunkery Tor;
Yea; all could see she clave to him;
   And every day I said;
〃A pity it seems to part those two
That hourly grow to love more true:
Yet she's the wanton woman who
   Sent one to swing till dead!〃

That blew to blazing all my hate;
While Dunkery frowned on Exon Moor;
And when the river swelled; her fate
   Came to her pitilessly 。 。 。
I dogged her; crying:  〃Across that plank
They use as bridge to reach yon bank
A coat and hat lie limp and dank;
   Your goodman's; can they be?〃

She paled; and went; I close behind …
And Exon frowned to Dunkery Tor;
She went; and I came up behind
   And tipped the plank that bore
Her; fleetly flitting across to eye
What such might bode。  She slid awry;
And from the current came a cry;
   A gurgle; and no more。

How that befell no mortal knew
From Marlbury Downs to Exon Moor;
No mortal knew that deed undue
   But he who schemed the crime;
Which night still covers 。 。 。 But in dream
Those ropes of hair upon the stream
He sees; and he will hear that scream
   Until his judgment…time。

(Inventor of the 〃Perpendicular〃 Style of Gothic Architecture)

The new…vamped Abbey shaped apace
In the fourteenth century of grace;

(The church which; at an after date;
Acquired cathedral rank and state。)

Panel and circumscribing wall
Of latest feature; trim and tall;

Rose roundabout the Norman core
In prouder pose than theretofore;

Encasing magically the old
With parpend ashlars manifold。

The trowels rang out; and tracery
Appeared where blanks had used to be。

Men toiled for pleasure more than pay;
And all went smoothly day by day;

Till; in due course; the transept part
Engrossed the master…mason's art。

… Home…coming thence he tossed and turned
Throughout the night till the new sun burned。

〃What fearful visions have inspired
These gaingivings?〃 his wife inquired;

〃As if your tools were in your hand
You have hammered; fitted; muttered; planned;

〃You have thumped as you were working hard:
I might have found me bruised and scarred。

〃What then's amiss。  What eating care
Looms nigh; whereof I am unaware?〃

He answered not; but churchward went;
Viewing his draughts with discontent;

And fumbled there the livelong day
Till; hollow…eyed; he came away。

… 'Twas said; 〃The master…mason's ill!〃
And all the abbey works stood still。

Quoth Abbot Wygmore:  〃Why; O why
Distress yourself?  You'll surely die!〃

The mason answered; trouble…torn;
〃This long…vogued style is quite outworn!

〃The upper archmould nohow serves
To meet the lower tracery curves:

〃The ogees bend too far away
To give the flexures interplay。

〃This it is causes my distress 。 。 。
So it will ever be unless

〃New forms be found to supersede
The circle when occasions need。

〃To carry it out I have tried and toiled;
And now perforce must own me foiled!

〃Jeerers will say:  'Here was a man
Who could not end what he began!'〃

… So passed that day; the next; the next;
The abbot scanned the task; perplexed;

The townsmen mustered all their wit
To fathom how to compass it;

But no raw artistries availed
Where practice in the craft had failed 。 。 。

… One night he tossed; all open…eyed;
And early left his helpmeet's side。

Scattering the rushes of the floor
He wandered from the chamber door

And sought the sizing pile; whereon
Struck dimly a cadaverous dawn

Through freezing rain; that drenched the board
Of diagram…lines he last had scored …

Chalked phantasies in vain begot
To knife the architectural knot …

In front of which he dully stood;
Regarding them in hopeless mood。

He closelier looked; then looked again:
The chalk…scratched draught…board faced the rain;

Whose icicled drops deformed the lines
Innumerous of his lame designs;

So that they streamed in small white threads
From the upper segments to the heads

Of arcs below; uniting them
Each by a stalactitic stem。

… At once; with eyes that struck out sparks;
He adds accessory cusping…marks;

Then laughs aloud。  The thing was done
So long assayed from sun to sun 。 。 。

… Now in his joy he grew aware
Of one behind him standing there;

And; turning; saw the abbot; who
The weather's whim was watching too。

Onward to Prime the abbot went;
Tacit upon the incident。

… Men now discerned as days revolved
The ogive riddle had been solved;

Templates were cut; fresh lines were chalked
Where lines had been defaced and balked;

And the work swelled and mounted higher;
Achievement distancing desire;

Here jambs with transoms fixed between;
Where never the like before had been …

There little mullions thinly sawn
Where meeting circles once were drawn。

〃We knew;〃 men said; 〃the thing would go
After his craft…wit got aglow;

〃And; once fulfilled what he has designed;
We'll honour him and his great mind!〃

When matters stood thus poised awhile;
And all surroundings shed a smile;

The master…mason on an eve
Homed to his wife and seemed to grieve 。 。 。

… 〃The abbot spoke to me to…day:
He hangs about the works alway。

〃He knows the source as well as I
Of the new style men magnify。

〃He said:  'You pride yourself too much
On your creation。  Is it such?

〃'Surely the hand of God it is
That conjured so; 
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