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swan song-第4章

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pipe? Call me what instrument you will; though you can fret me;
you cannot play upon me!〃 'laughs and clasps' Bravo! Encore!
Bravo! Where the devil is there any old age in that? I'm not old;
that is all nonsense; a torrent of strength rushes over me; this
is life; freshness; youth! Old age and genius can't exist
together。 You seem to be struck dumb; Nikitushka。 Wait a second;
let me come to my senses again。 Oh! Good Lord! Now then; listen!
Did you ever hear such tenderness; such music? Sh! Softly;

  〃The moon had set。 There was not any light;
   Save of the lonely legion'd watch…stars pale
   In outer air; and what by fits made bright
   Hot oleanders in a rosy vale
   Searched by the lamping fly; whose little spark
   Went in and out; like passion's bashful hope。〃

'The noise of opening doors is heard' What's that?

IVANITCH。 There are Petrushka and Yegorka coming back。 Yes; you
have genius; genius; my master。

SVIETLOVIDOFF。 'Calls; turning toward the noise' Come here to me;
boys! 'To IVANITCH' Let us go and get dressed。 I'm not old! All
that is foolishness; nonsense! 'laughs gaily' What are you crying
for? You poor old granny; you; what's the matter now? This won't
do! There; there; this won't do at all! Come; come; old man;
don't stare so! What makes you stare like that? There; there!
'Embraces him in tears' Don't cry! Where there is art and genius
there can never be such things as old age or loneliness or
sickness 。 。 。 and death itself is half 。 。 。 'Weeps' No; no;
Nikitushka! It is all over for us now! What sort of a genius am
I? I'm like a squeezed lemon; a cracked bottle; and youyou are
the old rat of the theatre 。 。 。 a prompter! Come on! 'They go'
I'm no genius; I'm only fit to be in the suite of Fortinbras; and
even for that I am too old。。。。 Yes。。。。 Do you remember those
lines from Othello; Nikitushka?

  〃Farewell the tranquil mind! Farewell content!
   Farewell the plumed troops and the big wars
   That make ambition virtue! O farewell!
   Farewell the neighing steed and the shrill trump;
   The spirit…stirring drum; the ear…piercing fife;
   The royal banner; and all quality;
   Pride; pomp and circumstance of glorious war!〃

IVANITCH。 Oh! You're a genius; a genius!

SVIETLOVIDOFF。 And again this:

  〃Away! the moor is dark beneath the moon;
   Rapid clouds have drunk the last pale beam of even:
   Away! the gathering winds will call the darkness soon;
   And profoundest midnight shroud the serene lights of heaven。〃

They go out together; the curtain falls slowly。

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