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the essays of montaigne, v15-第13章

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care for the interment。  Periander did more wonderfully; who extended his
conjugal affection (more regular and legitimate) to the enjoyment of his
wife Melissa after she was dead。  Does it not seem a lunatic humour in
the Moon; seeing she could no otherwise enjoy her darling Endymion; to
lay…him for several months asleep; and to please herself with the
fruition of a boy who stirred not but in his sleep?  I likewise say that
we love a body without a soul or sentiment when we love a body without
its consent and desire。  All enjoyments are not alike: there are some
that are hectic and languishing: a thousand other causes besides good…
will may procure us this favour from the ladies; this is not a sufficient
testimony of affection: treachery may lurk there; as well as elsewhere:
they sometimes go to't by halves:

              〃Tanquam thura merumque parent
               Absentem marmoreamve putes:〃

     '〃As if they are preparing frankincense and wine 。  。  。 you might
     think her absent or marble。〃Martial; xi。 103; 12; and 59; 8。'

I know some who had rather lend that than their coach; and who only
impart themselves that way。  You are to examine whether your company
pleases them upon any other account; or; as some strong…chined groom;
for that only; in what degree of favour and esteem you are with them:

                              〃Tibi si datur uni;
                    Quem lapide illa diem candidiore notat。〃

     '〃Wherefore that is enough; if that day alone is given us which she
     marks with a whiter stone。〃Catullus; lxviii。 147。'

What if they eat your bread with the sauce of a more pleasing

               〃Te tenet; absentes alios suspirat amores。〃

               '〃She has you in her arms; her thoughts are with
               other absent lovers。〃Tibullus; i。 6; 35。'

What? have we not seen one in these days of ours who made use of this act
for the purpose of a most horrid revenge; by that means to kill and
poison; as he did; a worthy lady?

Such as know Italy will not think it strange if; for this subject; I seek
not elsewhere for examples; for that nation may be called the regent of
the world in this。  They have more generally handsome and fewer ugly
women than we; but for rare and excellent beauties we have as many as
they。  I think the same of their intellects: of those of the common sort;
they have evidently far more brutishness is immeasurably rarer there;
but in individual characters of the highest form; we are nothing indebted
to them。  If I should carry on the comparison; I might say; as touching
valour; that; on the contrary; it is; to what it is with them; common and
natural with us; but sometimes we see them possessed of it to such a
degree as surpasses the greatest examples we can produce: The marriages
of that country are defective in this; their custom commonly imposes so
rude and so slavish a law upon the women; that the most distant
acquaintance with a stranger is as capital an offence as the most
intimate; so that all approaches being rendered necessarily substantial;
and seeing that all comes to one account; they have no hard choice to
make; and when they have broken down the fence; we may safely presume
they get on fire:

          〃Luxuria ipsis vinculis; sicut fera bestia;
          irritata; deinde emissa。〃

     '〃Lust; like a wild beast; being more excited by being bound;
     breaks from his chains with greater wildness。〃Livy; xxxiv。 4。'

They must give them a little more rein:

         〃Vidi ego nuper equum; contra sua frena tenacem;
          Ore reluctanti fulminis ire modo〃:

     '〃I saw; the other day; a horse struggling against his bit;
     rush like a thunderbolt。〃Ovid; Amor。; iii。 4; 13。'

the desire of company is allayed by giving it a little liberty。  We are
pretty much in the same case they are extreme in constraint; we in
licence。  'Tis a good custom we have in France that our sons are received
into the best families; there to be entertained and bred up pages; as in
a school of nobility; and 'tis looked upon as a discourtesy and an
affront to refuse this to a gentleman。  I have taken notice (for; so many
families; so many differing forms) that the ladies who have been
strictest with their maids have had no better luck than those who allowed
them a greater liberty。  There should be moderation in these things; one
must leave a great deal of their conduct to their own discretion; for;
when all comes to all; no discipline can curb them throughout。  But it is
true withal that she who comes off with flying colours from a school of
liberty; brings with her whereon to repose more confidence than she who
comes away sound from a severe and strict school。

Our fathers dressed up their daughters' looks in bashfulness and fear
(their courage and desires being the same); we ours in confidence and
assurance; we understand nothing of the matter; we must leave it to the
Sarmatian women; who may not lie with a man till with their own hands
they have first killed another in battle。  For me; who have no other
title left me to these things but by the ears; 'tis sufficient if;
according to the privilege of my age; they retain me for one of their
counsel。 I advise them then; and us men too; to abstinence; but if the
age we live in will not endure it; at least modesty and discretion。  For;
as in the story of Aristippus; who; speaking to some young men who
blushed to see him go into a scandalous house; said 〃the vice is in not
coming out; not in going in;〃 let her who has no care of her conscience
have yet some regard to her reputation; and though she be rotten within;
let her carry a fair outside at least。

I commend a gradation and delay in bestowing their favours: Plato
'declares that; in all sorts of love; facility and promptness are
forbidden to the defendant。  'Tis a sign of eagerness which they ought to
disguise with all the art they have; so rashly; wholly; and hand…over…
hand to surrender themselves。  In carrying themselves orderly and
measuredly in the granting their last favours; they much more allure our
desires and hide their own。  Let them still fly before us; even those who
have most mind to be overtaken: they better conquer us by flying; as the
Scythians did。  To say the truth; according to the law that nature has
imposed upon them; it is not properly for them either to will or desire;
their part is to suffer; obey; and consent and for this it is that nature
has given them a perpetual capacity; which in us is but at times and
uncertain; they are always fit for the encounter; that they may be always
ready when we are so 〃Pati natee。〃…'〃Born to suffer。〃…Seneca; Ep。; 95。'
And whereas she has ordered that our appetites shall be manifest by a
prominent demonstration; she would have theirs to be hidden and concealed
within; and has furnished them with parts improper for ostentation; and
simply defensive。  Such proceedings as this that follows must be left to
the Amazonian licence: Alexander marching his army through Hyrcania;
Thalestris; Queen of the Amazons; came with three hundred light horse of
her own…sex; well mounted; and armed; having left the remainder of a very
great; army that followed her behind the neighbouring mountains to give
him a visit; where she publicly and in plain terms told him that the fame
of his valour and victories had brought her thither to see him; and to
make him an offer of her forces to assist him in the pursuit of his
enterprises; and that; finding him so handsome; young; and vigorous; she;
who was also perfect in all those qualities; advised that they might lie
together; to the end that from the most valiant woman of the world and
the bravest man then living; there might spring some great and wonderful
issue for the time to come。  Alexander returned her thanks for all the
rest; but; to give leisure for the accomplishment of her last demand;
he detained her thirteen days in that place; which were spent in royal
feasting and jollity; for the welcome of so courageous a princess。

We are; almost throughout; unjust judges of their actions; as they are of
ours。  I confess the truth when it makes against me; as well as when 'tis
on my side。  'Tis an abominable intemperance that pushes them on so often
to change; and that will not let them limit their affection to any one
person whatever; as is evident in that goddess to whom are attributed so
many changes and so many lovers。  But 'tis true withal that 'tis contrary
to the nature of love if it be; not violent; and contrary to the nature
of violence if it be constant。  And they who wonder; exclaim; and keep
such a clutter to find out the causes of this frailty of theirs; as
unnatural and not to be believed; how comes it to pass they do not
discern how often they are themselves guilty of the same; without any
astonishment or miracle at all?  It would; peradventure; be more strange
to see the passion fixed; 'tis not a simply corporeal passion。  If there
be no end to avarice and ambition; there is doubtless no more in desire;
it still lives after satiety; and 'tis impossible to prescribe either
constant satisfaction or end; it ever goes beyond its possession。  A
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