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a dome of many-coloured glass(多彩玻璃顶)-第11章

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West;       Each is the wind I like the best。 

    The pine trees toss him their cones with glee; The flowers bend low in 

courtesy; Each wave flings up a shower of pearls; The flag in front of the 

school     unfurls。       Laughing;     dancing;    sunny    wind;        Whistling; 

howling;   rainy   wind;       North;   South;   East   and   West;     Each   is   the 

wind I like the best。 

                                   The Pleiades 

    By day you cannot see the sky For it is up so very high。 You look and 

look; but it's so blue That you can never see right through。 

    But when night comes it is quite plain; And all the stars are there again。 

They seem just like old friends to me; I've known them all my life you see。 

    There is the dipper first; and there Is Cassiopeia in her chair; Orion's 

belt; the Milky Way; And lots I know but cannot say。 

    One group looks like a swarm of bees; Papa says they're the Pleiades; 

But I think they must be the toy Of some nice little angel boy。 

    Perhaps his jackstones which to…day He has forgot to put away; And 

left them lying on the sky Where he will find them bye and bye。 

    I wish he'd come and play with me。 We'd have such fun; for it would 


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                              A Dome of Many…Coloured Glass 

be A most unusual thing for boys To feel that they had stars for toys! 

    THE END 


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