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the tale of balen-第10章

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The bed whence never man may rise
They twain; free now from hopes and fears;
Might sleep; and she; as one that hears;
Bowed her bright head:  and very tears
Fell from her cold fierce eyes。

Then Balen prayed her send a priest
To housel them; that ere they ceased
The hansel of the heavenly feast
That fills with light from the answering east
The sunset of the life of man
Might bless them; and their lips be kissed
With death's requickening eucharist;
And death's and life's dim sunlit mist
Pass as a stream that ran。

And so their dying rites were done:
And Balen; seeing the death…struck sun
Sink; spake as he whose goal is won:
〃Now; when our trophied tomb is one;
And over us our tale is writ;
How two that loved each other; two
Born and begotten brethren; slew
Each other; none that reads anew
Shall choose but weep for it。

〃And no good knight and no good man
Whose eye shall ever come to scan
The record of the imperious ban
That made our life so sad a span
Shall read or hear; who shall not pray
For us for ever。〃  Then anon
Died Balan; but the sun was gone;
And deep the stars of midnight shone;
Ere Balen passed away。

And there low lying; as hour on hour
Fled; all his life in all its flower
Came back as in a sunlit shower
Of dreams; when sweet…souled sleep has power
On life less sweet and glad to be。
He drank the draught of life's first wine
Again:  he saw the moorland shine;
The rioting rapids of the Tyne;
The woods; the cliffs; the sea。

The joy that lives at heart and home;
The joy to rest; the joy to roam;
The joy of crags and scaurs he clomb;
The rapture of the encountering foam
Embraced and breasted of the boy;
The first good steed his knees bestrode;
The first wild sound of songs that flowed
Through ears that thrilled and heart that glowed;
Fulfilled his death with joy。

So; dying not as a coward that dies
And dares not look in death's dim eyes
Straight as the stars on seas and skies
Whence moon and sun recoil and rise;
He looked on life and death; and slept。
And there with morning Merlin came;
And on the tomb that told their fame
He wrote by Balan's Balen's name;
And gazed thereon; and wept。

For all his heart within him yearned
With pity like as fire that burned。
The fate his fateful eye discerned
Far off now dimmed it; ere he turned
His face toward Camelot; to tell
Arthur of all the storms that woke
Round Balen; and the dolorous stroke;
And how that last blind battle broke
The consummated spell。

〃Alas;〃 King Arthur said; 〃this day
I have heard the worst that woe might say:
For in this world that wanes away
I know not two such knights as they。〃
This is the tale that memory writes
Of men whose names like stars shall stand;
Balen and Balan; sure of hand;
Two brethren of Northumberland;
In life and death good knights。

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