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my doctor's hood; but as I had not brought those
garments with me; we borrowed and I proudly wore
the cap and gown of the Unitarian minister。 It was
a small but really beautiful parade; and all the cos…
tumes for it were designed by the state president;
Miss Jeannette Rankin; to whose fine work; by the
way; combined with the work of her friends; the
winning of Montana was largely due。
In Butte the big strike was on; and the town was
under martial law。 A large banquet was given us
there; and when we drove up to the club…house
where this festivity was to be held we were stopped
by two armed guards who confronted us with stern
faces and fixed bayonets。 The situation seemed so
absurd that I burst into happy laughter; and thus
deeply offended the earnest young guards who were
grasping the fixed bayonets。 This sad memory was
wiped out; however; by the interest of the banquet
a very delightful affair; attended by the mayor of
Butte and other local dignitaries。
In Nevada the most interesting feature of the
campaign was the splendid work of the women。 In
each of the little towns there was the same spirit
of ceaseless activity and determination。 The presi…
dent of the State Association; Miss Anne Martin;
who was at the head of the campaign work; accom…
panied me one Sunday when we drove seventy miles
in a motor and spoke four times; and she was also
my companion in a wonderful journey over the
mountains。 Miss Martin was a tireless and worthy
leader of the fine workers in her state。
In Missouri; under the direction of Mrs。 Walter
McNabb Miller; and in Nebraska; where Mrs。 E。
Draper Smith was managing the campaign; we had
some inspiring meetings。 At Lincoln Mrs。 William
Jennings Bryan introduced me to the biggest audi…
ence of the year; and the programme took on a special
interest from the fact that it included Mrs。 Bryan's
debut as a speaker for suffrage。 She is a tall and
attractive woman with an extremely pleasant voice;
and she made an admirable speechclear; terse; and
much to the point; putting herself on record as a
strong supporter of the woman…suffrage movement。
There was also an amusing aftermath of this occa…
sion; which Secretary Bryan himself confided to me
several months later when I met him in Atlantic
City。 He assured me; with the deep sincerity he
assumes so well; that for five nights after my speech
in Lincoln his wife had kept him awake listening to
her report of itand he added; solemnly; that he
now knew it ‘‘by heart。''
A less pleasing memory of Nebraska is that I lost
my voice there and my activities were sadly inter…
rupted。 But I was taken to the home of Mr。 and
Mrs。 Francis A。 Brogan; of Omaha; and supplied
with a trained nurse; a throat specialist; and such
care and comfort that I really enjoyed the enforced
restknowing; too; that the campaign committee
was carrying on our work with great enthusiasm。
In Missouri one of our most significant meetings
was in Bowling Green; the home of Champ Clark;
Speaker of the House。 Mrs。 Clark gave a reception;
made a speech; and introduced me at the meeting;
as Mrs。 Bryan had done in Lincoln。 She is one of
the brightest memories of my Missouri experience;
for; with few exceptions; she is the most entertaining
woman I have ever met。 Subsequently we had an
all…day motor journey together; during which Mrs。
Clark rarely stopped talking and I even more rarely
stopped laughing。
From 1887 to 1914 we had a suffrage convention
every year; and I attended each of them。 In pre…
ceding chapters I have mentioned various convention
episodes of more or less importance。 Now; looking
back over them all as I near the end of these remi…
niscences; I recall a few additional incidents which
had a bearing on later events。
There was; for example; the much…discussed at…
tack on suffrage during the Atlanta convention of
1895; by a prominent clergyman of that city whose
name I mercifully withhold。 On the Sunday pre…
ceding our arrival this gentleman preached a sermon
warning every one to keep away from our meetings;
as our effort was not to secure the franchise for
women; but to encourage the intermarriage of the
black and white races。 Incidentally he declared that
the suffragists were trying to break up the homes
of America and degrade the morals of women; and
that we were all infidels and blasphemers。 He ended
with a personal attack on me; saying that on the
previous Sunday I had preached in the Epworth
Memorial Methodist Church of Cleveland; Ohio; a
sermon which was of so blasphemous a nature that
nothing could purify the church after it except to
burn it down。
As usual at our conventions; I had been announced
to preach the sermon at our Sunday conference; and
I need hardly point out that the reverend gentle…
man's charge created a deep public interest in this
effort。 I had already selected a text; but I im…
mediately changed my plans and announced that
I would repeat the sermon I had delivered in Cleve…
land and which the Atlanta minister considered so
blasphemous。 The announcement brought out an
audience which filled the Opera House and called
for a squad of police officers to keep in order the
street crowd that could not secure entrance。 The
assemblage had naturally expected that I would
make some reply to the clergyman's attack; but I
made no reference whatever to him。 I merely re…
peated; with emphasis; the sermon I had delivered
in Cleveland。
At the conclusion of the service one of the trustees
of my reverend critic's church came and apologized
for his pastor。 He had a high regard for him; the
trustee said; but in this instance there could be no
doubt in the mind of any one who had heard both
sermons that of the two mine was the tolerant; the
reverent; and the Christian one。 The attack made
many friends for us; first because of its injustice;
and next because of the good…humored tolerance
with which the suffragists accepted it。
The Atlanta convention; by the way; was ar…
ranged and largely financed by the Misses Howard
three sisters living in Columbus; Georgia; and each
an officer of the Georgia Woman Suffrage Association。
It is a remarkable fact that in many of our Southern
states the suffrage movement has been led by three
sisters。 In Kentucky the three Clay sisters were
for many years leaders in the work。 In Texas the
three Finnegan sisters did splendid work; in Loui…
siana the Gordon sisters were our stanchest allies;
while in Virginia we had the invaluable aid of Mary
Johnston; the novelist; and her two sisters。 We
used to say; laughingly; if there was a failure to
organize any state in the South; that it must be due
to the fact that no family there had three sisters
to start the movement。
From the Atlanta convention we went directly
to Washington to attend the convention of the
National Council of Women; and on the first day
of this council Frederick Douglass came to the meet…
ing。 Mr。 Douglass had a special place in the hearts
of suffragists; for the reason that at the first con…
vention ever held for woman suffrage in the United
States (at Seneca Falls; New York) he was the only
person present who stood by Elizabeth Cady Stan…
ton when she presented her resolution in favor of
votes for women。 Even Lucretia Mott was startled
by this radical step; and privately breathed into the
ear of her friend; ‘‘Elizabeth; thee is making us
ridiculous!'' Frederick Douglass; however; took the
floor in defense of Mrs。 Stanton's motion; a service
we suffragists never forgot。
Therefore; when the presiding officer of the council;
Mrs。 May Wright Sewall; saw Mr。 Douglass enter the
convention hall in Washington on this particular morn…
ing; she appointed Susan B。 Anthony and me a com…
mittee to escort him to a seat on the platform; which
we gladly did。 Mr。 Douglass made a short speech
and then left the building; going directly to his home。
There; on entering his hall; he had an attack of heart
failure and dropped dead as he was removing his
overcoat。 His death cast a gloom over the con…
vention; and his funeral; which took place three
days later; was attended by many prominent men
and women who were among the delegates。 Miss
Anthony and I were invited to take part in the
funeral services; and she made a short address;
while I offered a prayer。
The event had an aftermath in Atlanta; for it
led our clerical enemy to repeat his charges against
us; and to offer the funeral of Frederick Douglass as
proof that we were hand in glove with the negro
Under the gracious direction of Miss Kate Gordon
and the Louisiana Woman Suffrage Association; we
held an especially inspiring convention in New
Orleans in 1903。 In no previous convention were
arrangements more perfect