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the history and practice of the art of photography-第24章

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 Refraction of Light。  20

 Roach's Tripple Compound of Bromine。  67

 Sand Clock。  70

 Sealing paper。 To make  77

 Second operation。  94

 Sensitive。  ib

 Silver。 Bromide of  35

    Cloride of  31

    Iodide of  32

    Ioduret of  33

    Nitrate of  89

    Oxide of  28

    Solution of Chloride of  59

 Sixth operation。  74

 Soda Hyposulphite of  72

 Solar and Stellar Light。  21

 Still for purifying water;  54

 Submitting the Plate to the action of Light  69

 Synopsis of Mr。 Hunt's Treatise on Light;  29

 Talbotype Camera。  50

 Theory on Light。  14

 Third operation。  69

 Wall Flower。  37

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