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the ways of men-第16章

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nders why card…rooms are not provided  at large balls (as is the custom abroad); where the bored  husbands might find a little solace over 〃bridge;〃 instead of  yawning in the coat…room or making desperate signs to their  wives from the doorway; … signals of distress; by the bye;  that rarely produce any effect。

It is the rebellious husband who is admired and courted;  however。  A curious trait of human nature compels admiration  for whatever is harmful; and forces us; in spite of our better  judgment; to depreciate the useful and beneficent。  The coats… of…arms of all countries are crowded with eagles and lions;  that never yet did any good; living or dead; orators enlarge  on the fine qualities of these birds and beasts; and hold them  up as models; while using as terms of reproach the name of the  goose or the cow; creatures that minister in a hundred ways to  our wants。  Such a spirit has brought helpful; productive  〃better halves〃 to the humble place they now occupy in the  eyes of our people。

As long as men passed their time in fighting and carousing  they were heroes; as soon as they became patient bread…winners  all the romance evaporated from their atmosphere。  The Jewish  Hercules had his revenge in the end and made things  disagreeable for his tormentors。  So far; however; there are  no signs of a revolt among the shorn lambs in this country。   They patiently bend their necks to the collar … the kindest;  most loving and devoted helpmates that ever plodded under the  matrimonial yoke。

When in the East; one watches with admiration the part a  donkey plays in the economy of those primitive lands。  All the  work is reserved for that industrious animal; and little play  falls to his share。  The camel is always bad…tempered; and  when overladen lies down; refusing to move until relieved of  its burden。  The Turk is lazy and selfish; the native women  pass their time in chattering and giggling; the children play  and squabble; the ubiquitous dog sleeps in the sun; but from  daybreak to midnight the little mouse…colored donkeys toil  unceasingly。  All burdens too bulky or too cumbersome for man  are put on his back; the provender which horses and camels  have refused becomes his portion; he is the first to begin the  day's labor; and the last to turn in。  It is impossible to  live long in the Orient or the south of France without  becoming attached to those gentle; willing animals。  The role  which honest 〃Bourico〃 fills so well abroad is played on this  side of the Atlantic by the American husband。

I mean no disrespect to my married compatriots; on the  contrary; I admire them as I do all docile; unselfish beings。   It is well for our women; however; that their lords; like the  little Oriental donkeys; ignore their strength; and are  content to toil on to the end of their days; expecting neither  praise nor thanks in return。

Chapter 14 … 〃CAROLUS〃

IN the early seventies a group of students … dissatisfied with  the cut…and…dried instruction of the Paris art school and  attracted by certain qualities of color and technique in the  work of a young Frenchman from the city of Lille; who was just  beginning to attract the attention of connoisseurs … went in a  body to his studio with the request that he would oversee  their work and direct their studies。  The artist thus chosen  was Carolus…Duran。  Oddly enough; a majority of the youths who  sought him out and made him their master were Americans。

The first modest workroom on the Boulevard Montparnasse was  soon too small to hold the pupils who crowded under this newly  raised banner; and a move was made to more commodious quarters  near the master's private studio。  Sargent; Dannat; Harrison;  Beckwith; Hinckley; and many others whom it is needless to  mention here; will … if these lines come under their notice …  doubtless recall with a thrill of pleasure the roomy one… storied structure in the rue Notre…Dame des Champs where we  established our ATELIER D'ELEVES; a self…supporting  cooperative concern; each student contributing ten francs a  month toward rent; fire; and models; 〃Carolus〃 … the name by  which this master is universally known abroad … not only  refusing all compensation; according to the immutable custom  of French painters of distinction; but; as we discovered  later; contributing too often from his own pocket to help out  the MASSIER at the end of a difficult season; or smooth the  path of some improvident pupil。

Those were cloudless; enchanted days we passed in the tumbled  down old atelier: an ardent springtime of life when the future  beckons gayly and no doubts of success obscure the horizon。   Our young master's enthusiasm fired his circle of pupils; who;  as each succeeding year brought him increasing fame; revelled  in a reflected glory with the generous admiration of youth; in  which there is neither calculation nor shadow of envy。

A portrait of Madame de Portalais; exhibited about this time;  drew all art…loving Paris around the new celebrity's canvas。   Shortly after; the government purchased a painting (of our  master's beautiful wife); now known as LA FEMME AU GANT; for  the Luxembourg Gallery。

It is difficult to overestimate the impetus that a master's  successes impart to the progress of his pupils。  My first  studious year in Paris had been passed in the shadow of an  elderly painter; who was comfortably dozing on the laurels of  thirty years before。  The change from that sleepy environment  to the vivid enthusiasm and dash of Carolus…Duran's studio was  like stepping out of a musty cloister into the warmth and  movement of a market…place。

Here; be it said in passing; lies perhaps the secret of the  dry rot that too often settles on our American art schools。   We; for some unknown reason; do not take the work of native  painters seriously; nor encourage them in proportion to their  merit。  In consequence they retain but a feeble hold upon  their pupils。

Carolus; handsome; young; successful; courted; was an ideal  leader for a band of ambitious; high…strung youths; repaying  their devotion with an untiring interest and lifting clever  and dull alike on the strong wings of his genius。  His visits  to the studio; on which his friend Henner often accompanied  him; were frequent and prolonged; certain Tuesdays being  especially appreciated by us; as they were set apart for his  criticism of original compositions。

When our sketches (the subject for which had been given out in  advance) were arranged; and we had seated ourselves in a big  half…circle on the floor; Carolus would install himself on a  tall stool; the one seat the studio boasted; and chat A PROPOS  of the works before him on composition; on classic art; on the  theories of color and clair…obscur。  Brilliant talks; inlaid  with much wit and incisive criticism; the memory of which must  linger in the minds of all who were fortunate enough to hear  them。  Nor was it to the studio alone that our master's  interest followed us。  He would drop in at the Louvre; when we  were copying there; and after some pleasant words of advice  and encouragement; lead us off for a stroll through the  galleries; interrupted by stations before his favorite  masterpieces。

So important has he always considered a constant study of  Renaissance art that recently; when about to commence his  TRIUMPH OF BACCHUS; Carolus copied one of Rubens's larger  canvases with all the naivete of a beginner。

An occasion soon presented itself for us to learn another side  of our trade by working with our master on a ceiling ordered  of him by the state for the Palace of the Luxembourg。  The  vast studios which the city of Paris provides on occasions of  this kind; with a liberality that should make our home  corporations reflect; are situated out beyond the Exhibition  buildings; in a curious; unfrequented quarter; ignored alike  by Parisians and tourists; where the city stores compromising  statues and the valuable debris of her many revolutions。   There; among throneless Napoleons and riderless bronze steeds;  we toiled for over six months side by side with our master; on  gigantic APOTHEOSIS OF MARIE DE MEDICIS; serving in turn as  painter and painted; and leaving the imprint of our hands and  the reflection of our faces scattered about the composition。   Day after day; when work was over; we would hoist the big  canvas by means of a system of ropes and pulleys; from a  perpendicular to the horizontal position it was to occupy  permanently; and then sit straining our necks and discussing  the progress of the work until the tardy spring twilight  warned us to depart。

The year 1877 brought Carolus…Duran the MEDAILLE D'HONNEUR; a  crowning recompense that set the atelier mad with delight。  We  immediately organized a great (but economical) banquet to  commemorate the event; over which our master presided; with  much modesty; considering the amount of incense we burned  before him; and the speeches we made。  One of our number even  burst into some very bad French verses; asserting that the  painters of the world in general fell back before him …


This allusion to his proficiency in fencing was considered  particularl
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