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the ways of men-第18章

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entleman (to  whom I remarked last week 〃that as Sembrich had sung Rosina in  the BARBER; it was rather a shock to see her appear as that  lady's servant in the MARIAGE DE FIGARO〃) looked his blank  amazement until it was explained to him that one of those  operas was a continuation of the other。  After a pause he  remarked; 〃They are not by the same composer; anyway!  Because  the first's by Rossini; and the MARIAGE is by Bon Marche。   I've been at his shop in Paris。〃

The presence of the second category … the would…be fashionable  people … is not so easily accounted for。  Their attendance can  hardly be attributed to love of melody; as they are; if  anything; a shade less musical than the box…dwellers; who; by  the bye; seem to exercise an irresistible fascination; to  judge by the trend of conversation and direction of glasses。   Although an imposing and sufficiently attentive throng; it  would be difficult to find a less discriminating public than  that which gathers nightly in the Metropolitan parterre。  One  wonders how many of those people care for music and how many  attend because it is expensive and 〃swell。〃

They will listen with the same bland contentment to either bad  or good performances so long as a world…renowned artist (some  one who is being paid a comfortable little fortune for the  evening) is on the stage。  The orchestra may be badly led (it  often is); the singers may flat … or be out of voice; the  performance may go all at sixes and sevens … there is never a  murmur of dissent。  Faults that would set an entire audience  at Naples or Milan hissing are accepted herewith ignorant  approval。

The unfortunate part of it is that this weakness of ours has  become known。  The singers feel they can give an American  audience any slipshod performance。  I have seen a favorite  soprano shrug her shoulders as she entered her dressing…room  and exclaim: 〃MON DIEU!  How I shuffled through that act!   They'd have hooted me off the stage in Berlin; but here no one  seems to care。  Did you notice the baritone to…night?  He  wasn't on the key once during our duo。  I cannot sing my best;  try as I will; when I hear the public applauding good and bad  alike!〃

It is strange that our pleasure…loving rich people should have  hit on the opera as a favorite haunt。  We and the English are  the only race who will attend performances in a foreign  language which we don't understand。  How can intelligent  people who don't care for music go on; season after season;  listening to operas; the plots of which they ignore; and which  in their hearts they find dull?

Is it so very amusing to watch two middle…aged ladies nagging  each other; at two o'clock in the morning; on a public square;  as they do in LOHENGRIN?  Do people find the lecture that  Isolde's husband delivers to the guilty lovers entertaining?   Does an opera produce any illusion on my neighbors?  I wish it  did on me!  I see too plainly the paint on the singers' hot  faces and the cords straining in their tired throats!  I sit  on certain nights in agony; fearing to see stout Romeo roll on  the stage in apoplexy!  The sopranos; too; have a way; when  about to emit a roulade; that is more suggestive of a  dentist's chair; and the attendant gargle; than of a love  phrase。

When two celebrities combine in a final duo; facing the public  and not each other; they give the impression of victims whom  an unseen inquisitor is torturing。  Each turn of his screw  draws out a wilder cry。  The orchestra (in the pay of the  demon) does all it can to prevent their shrieks from reaching  the public。  The lovers in turn redouble their efforts; they  are purple in the face and glistening with perspiration。   Defeat; they know; is before them; for the orchestra has the  greater staying power!  The flutes bleat; the trombones grunt;  the fiddles squeal; an epileptic leader cuts wildly into the  air about him。  When; finally; their strength exhausted; the  breathless human beings; with one last ear…piercing note; give  up the struggle and retire; the public; excited by the unequal  contest; bursts into thunders of applause。

Why wouldn't it be a good idea; in order to avoid these  painful exhibitions; to have an arrangement of screens; with  the singing people behind and a company of young and  attractive pantomimists going through the gestures and  movements in front?  Otherwise; how can the most imaginative  natures lose themselves at an opera?  Even when the singers  are comely; there is always that eternal double row of stony… faced witnesses in full view; whom no crimes astonish and no  misfortunes melt。  It takes most of the poetry out of Faust's  first words with Marguerite; to have that short interview  interrupted by a line of old; weary women shouting; 〃Let us  whirl in the waltz o'er the mount and the plain!〃  Or when  Scotch Lucy appears in a smart tea…gown and is good enough to  perform difficult exercises before a half…circle of Italian  gentlemen in pantalets and ladies in court costumes; does she  give any one the illusion of an abandoned wife dying of a  broken heart alone in the Highlands?  Broken heart; indeed!   It's much more likely she'll die of a ruptured blood…vessel!

Philistines in matters musical; like myself; unfortunate  mortals whom the sweetest sounds fail to enthrall when  connected with no memory or idea; or when prolonged beyond a  limited period; must approach the third group with hesitation  and awe。  That they are sincere; is evident。  The rapt  expressions of their faces; and their patience; bear testimony  to this fact。  For a long time I asked myself; 〃Where have I  seen that intense; absorbed attitude before?〃  Suddenly one  evening another scene rose in my memory。

Have you ever visited Tangiers?  In the market…place of that  city you will find the inhabitants crouched by hundreds around  their native musicians。  When we were there; one old duffer …  the Wagner; doubtless; of the place … was having an immense  success。  No matter at what hour of the day we passed through  that square; there was always the same spellbound circle of  half…clad Turks and Arabs squatting silent while 〃Wagner〃  tinkled to them on a three…stringed lute and chanted in a  high…pitched; dismal whine … like the squeaking of an  unfastened door in the wind。  At times; for no apparent  reason; the never…varying; never…ending measure would be  interrupted by a flutter of applause; but his audience  remained mostly sunk in a hypnotic apathy。  I never see a  〃Ring〃 audience now without thinking of that scene outside the  Bab…el…Marsa gate; which has led me to ask different people  just what sensations serious music produced upon them。  The  answers have been varied and interesting。  One good lady who  rarely misses a German opera confessed that sweet sounds acted  upon her like opium。  Neither scenery nor acting nor plot were  of any importance。  From the first notes of the overture to  the end; she floated in an ecstatic dream; oblivious of time  and place。  When it was over she came back to herself faint  with fatigue。  Another professed lover of Wagner said that his  greatest pleasure was in following the different 〃motives〃 as  they recurred in the music。  My faith in that gentleman was  shaken; however; when I found the other evening that he had  mistaken Van Dyck for Jean de Reszke through an entire  performance。  He may be a dab at recognizing his friends the  〃motives;〃 but his discoveries don't apparently go as far as  tenors!

No one doubts that hundreds of people unaffectedly love German  opera; but that as many affect to appreciate it in order to  appear intellectual is certain。

Once upon a time the unworthy member of an ultra…serious  〃Browning〃 class in this city; doubting the sincerity of her  companions; asked permission to read them a poem of the  master's which she found beyond her comprehension。  When the  reading was over the opinion of her friends was unanimous。   〃Nothing could be simpler!  The lines were lucidity itself!   Such close reasoning etc。〃  But dismay fell upon them when the  naughty lady announced; with a peal of laughter; that she had  been reading alternate lines from opposite pages。  She no  longer disturbs the harmony of that circle!

Bearing this tale in mind; I once asked a musician what  proportion of the audience at a 〃Ring〃 performance he thought  would know if alternate scenes were given from two of Wagner's  operas; unless the scenery enlightened them。  His estimate was  that perhaps fifty per cent might find out the fraud。  He put  the number of people who could give an intelligent account of  those plots at about thirty per hundred。

The popularity of music; he added; is largely due to the fact  that it saves people the trouble of thinking。  Pleasant sounds  soothe the nerves; and; if prolonged long enough in a darkened  room will; like the Eastern tom…toms; lull the senses into a  mild form of trance。  This must be what the gentleman meant  who said he wished he could sleep as well in a 〃Wagner〃 car as  he did at one of his operas!

Being a tailless old fox; I look with ever…increasing  suspicion on the too…luxuriant caudal appendages of my  neighbors; and think with amusement of the multitudes who  during the last t
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