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the ways of men-第19章

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Being a tailless old fox; I look with ever…increasing  suspicion on the too…luxuriant caudal appendages of my  neighbors; and think with amusement of the multitudes who  during the last ten years have sacrificed themselves upon the  altar of grand opera … simple; kindly souls; with little or no  taste for classical music; who have sat in the dark (mentally  and physically); applauding what they didn't understand; and  listening to vague German mythology set to sounds that appear  to us outsiders like music sunk into a verbose dotage。  I am  convinced the greater number would have preferred a jolly  performance of MME。 ANGOT or the CLOCHES DE CORNEVILLE; cut in  two by a good ballet。

It is; however; so easy to be mistaken on subjects of this  kind that generalizing is dangerous。  Many great authorities  have liked tuneless music。  One of the most telling arguments  in its favor was recently advanced by a foreigner。  The  Chinese ambassador told us last winter in a club at Washington  that Wagner's was the only European music that he appreciated  and enjoyed。  〃You see;〃 he added; 〃music is a much older art  with us than in Europe; and has naturally reached a far  greater perfection。  The German school has made a long step in  advance; and I can now foresee a day not far distant when;  under its influence; your music will closely resemble our  own。〃

Chapter 16 … The Poetic CABARETS of Paris

THOSE who have not lived in France can form little idea of the  important place the CAFE occupies in the life of an average  Frenchman; clubs as we know them or as they exist in England  being rare; and when found being; with few exceptions; but  gambling…houses in disguise。  As a Frenchman rarely asks an  acquaintance; or even a friend; to his apartment; the CAFE has  become the common ground where all meet; for business or  pleasure。  Not in Paris only; but all over France; in every  garrison town; provincial city; or tiny village; the CAFE is  the chief attraction; the centre of thought; the focus toward  which all the rays of masculine existence converge。

For the student; newly arrived from the provinces; to whose  modest purse the theatres and other places of amusement are  practically closed; the CAFE is a supreme resource。  His mind  is moulded; his ideas and opinions formed; more by what he  hears and sees there than by any other influence。  A  restaurant is of little importance。  One may eat anywhere。   But the choice of his CAFE will often give the bent to a young  man's career; and indicate his exact shade of politics and his  opinions on literature; music; or art。  In Paris; to know a  man at all is to know where you can find him at the hour of  the APERITIF … what Baudelaire called


When young men form a society among themselves; a CAFE is  chosen as their meeting…place。  Thousands of establishments  exist only by such patronage; as; for example; the Cafe de la  Regence; Place du Theatre Francais; which is frequented  entirely by men who play chess。

Business men transact their affairs as much over their coffee  as in their offices。  The reading man finds at his CAFE the  daily and weekly papers; a writer is sure of the undisturbed  possession of pen; ink; and paper。  Henri Murger; the author;  when asked once why he continued to patronize a certain  establishment notorious for the inferior quality of its beer;  answered; 〃Yes; the beer is poor; but they keep such good  INK!〃

The use of a CAFE does not imply any great expenditure; a  CONSUMMATION costing but little。  With it is acquired the  right to use the establishment for an indefinite number of  hours; the client being warmed; lighted; and served。  From  five to seven; and again after dinner; the HABITUES stroll in;  grouping themselves about the small tables; each new…comer  joining a congenial circle; ordering his drink; and settling  himself for a long sitting。  The last editorial; the newest  picture; or the fall of a ministry is discussed with a  vehemence and an interest unknown to Anglo…Saxon natures。   Suddenly; in the excitement of the discussion; some one will  rise in his place and begin speaking。  If you happen to drop  in at that moment; the lady at the desk will welcome you with;  〃You are just in time!  Monsieur So…and…So is speaking; the  evening promises to be interesting。〃  She is charmed; her  establishment will shine with a reflected light; and new  patrons be drawn there; if the debates are brilliant。  So  universal is this custom that there is hardly an orator to…day  at the French bar or in the Senate; who has not broken his  first lance in some such obscure tournament; under the smiling  glances of the DAME DU COMPTOIR。

Opposite the Palace of the Luxembourg; in the heart of the old  Latin Quarter; stands a quaint building; half hotel; half  CAFE; where many years ago Joseph II。 resided while visiting  his sister; Marie Antoinette。  It is known now as Foyot's;  this name must awaken many happy memories in the hearts of  American students; for it was long their favorite meeting… place。  In the early seventies a club; formed among the  literary and poetic youth of Paris; selected Foyot's as their  〃home〃 during the winter months。  Their summer vacations were  spent in visiting the university towns of France; reciting  verses; or acting in original plays at Nancy; Bordeaux; Lyons;  or Caen。  The enthusiasm these youthful performances created  inspired one of their number with the idea of creating in  Paris; on a permanent footing; a centre where a limited public  could meet the young poets of the day and hear them recite  their verses and monologues in an informal way。

The success of the original 〃Chat Noir;〃 the first CABARET of  this kind; was largely owing to the sympathetic and attractive  nature of its founder; young Salis; who drew around him; by  his sunny disposition; shy personalities who; but for him;  would still be 〃mute; inglorious Miltons。〃  Under his kindly  and discriminating rule many a successful literary career has  started。  Salis's gifted nature combined a delicate taste and  critical acumen with a rare business ability。  His first  venture; an obscure little CAFE on the Boulevard Rochechouart;  in the outlying quarter beyond the Place Pigalle; quickly  became famous; its ever…increasing vogue forcing its happy  proprietor to seek more commodious quarters in the rue Victor  Masse; where the world…famous 〃Chat Noir〃 was installed with  much pomp and many joyous ceremonies。

The old word CABARET; corresponding closely to our English  〃inn;〃 was chosen; and the establishment decorated in  imitation of a Louis XIII。 HOTELLERIE。  Oaken beams supported  the low…studded ceilings: The plaster walls disappeared behind  tapestries; armor; old FAIENCE。  Beer and other liquids were  served in quaint porcelain or pewter mugs; and the waiters  were dressed (merry anachronism) in the costume of members of  the Institute (the Immortal Forty); who had so long led poetry  in chains。  The success of the 〃Black Cat〃 in her new quarters  was immense; all Paris crowding through her modest doors。   Salis had founded Montmartre! … the rugged old hill giving  birth to a generation of writers and poets; and nourishing  this new school at her granite breasts。

It would be difficult to imagine a form of entertainment more  tempting than was offered in this picturesque inn。  In  addition to the first; the entire second floor of the building  had been thrown into one large room; the walls covered with a  thousand sketches; caricatures; and crayon drawings by hands  since celebrated the world over。  A piano; with many chairs  and tables; completed the unpretending installation。  Here;  during a couple of hours each evening; either by the piano or  simply standing in their places; the young poets gave  utterance to the creations of their imagination; the musicians  played their latest inspirations; the RACONTEUR told his  newest story。  They called each other and the better known  among the guests by their names; and joked mutual weaknesses;  eliminating from these gatherings every shade of a perfunctory  performance。

It is impossible to give an idea of the delicate flavor of  such informal evenings … the sensation of being at home that  the picturesque surroundings produced; the low murmur of  conversation; the clink of glasses; the swing of the waltz  movement played by a master hand; interrupted only when some  slender form would lean against the piano and pour forth  burning words of infinite pathos; … the inspired young face  lighted up by the passion and power of the lines。  The burst  of applause that his talent called forth would hardly have  died away before another figure would take the poet's place; a  wave of laughter welcoming the new…comer; whose twinkling eyes  and demure smile promised a treat of fun and humor。  So the  evening would wear gayly to its end; the younger element in  the audience; full of the future; drinking in long draughts of  poetry and art; the elders charmed to live over again the days  of their youth and feel in touch once more with the present。

In this world of routine and conventions an innovation as  brilliantly successful as this could hardly be inaugurated 
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