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the ways of men-第23章

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n that a sound or a  combination of colors has effected on his own organs; is an  artist!

Of course much of this has been recognized through all time。   The formula in which Tolstoi has presented his meditations to  the world is; however; so fresh that it comes like a  revelation; with the additional merit of being understood;  with little or no mental effort; by either the casual reader;  who; with half…attention attracted by a headline; says to  himself; 〃‘What is art?'  That looks interesting!〃 and skims  lightly down the lines; or the thinker who; after perusing  Tolstoi's lucid words; lays down the volume with a sigh; and  murmurs in his humiliation; 〃Why have I been all these years  seeking in the clouds for what was lying ready at my hand?〃

The wide…reaching definition of the Russian writer has the  effect of a vigorous blow from a pickaxe at the foundations of  a shaky and too elaborate edifice。  The wordy superstructure  of aphorisms and paradox falls to the ground; disclosing fair  〃Truth;〃 so long a captive within the temple erected in her  honor。  As; however; the newly freed goddess smiles on the  ignorant and the pedants alike; the result is that with one  accord the aesthetes raise a howl!  〃And the ‘beautiful;'〃  they say; 〃the beautiful?  Can there be any ‘Art' without the  ‘Beautiful'?  What! the little greengrocer at the corner is an  artist because; forsooth; he has arranged some lettuce and  tomatoes into a tempting pile!  Anathema!  Art is a secret  known only to the initiated few; the vulgar can neither  understand nor appreciate it!  We are the elect!  Our mission  is to explain what Art is and point out her beauty to a coarse  and heedless world。  Only those with a sense of the  ‘beautiful' should be allowed to enter into her sacred  presence。〃

Here the expounders of 〃Art〃 plunge into a sea of words;  offering a dozen definitions each more obscure than its  predecessor; all of which have served in turn as watchwords of  different 〃schools。〃  Tolstoi's sweeping truth is too far… reaching to please these gentry。  Like the priests of past  religions; they would have preferred to keep such knowledge as  they had to themselves and expound it; little at a time; to  the ignorant。  The great Russian has kicked away their altar  and routed the false gods; whose acolytes will never forgive  him。

Those of my readers who have been intimate with painters;  actors; or musicians; will recall with amusement how lightly  the performances of an associate are condemned by the  brotherhood as falling short of the high standard which  according to these wiseacres; 〃Art〃 exacts; and how sure each  speaker is of understanding just where a brother carries his  〃mote。〃

Voltaire once avoided giving a definition of the beautiful by  saying; 〃Ask a toad what his ideas of beauty are。  He will  indicate the particular female toad he happens to admire and  praise her goggle…eyes and yellow belly as the perfection of  beauty!〃  A negro from Guiana will make much the same  unsatisfactory answer; so the old philosopher recommends us  not to be didactic on subjects where judgments are relative;  and at the same time without appeal。

Tolstoi denies that an idea as subtle as a definition of Art  can be classified by pedants; and proceeds to formulate the  following delightful axiom: 〃A principle upon which no two  people can agree does not exist。〃  A truth is proved by its  evidence to all。  Discussion outside of that is simply beating  the air。  Each succeeding 〃school〃 has sounded its death…knell  by asserting that certain combinations alone produced beauty …  the weakness of to…day being an inclination to see art only in  the obscure and the recondite。  As a result we drift each hour  further from the truth。  Modern intellectuality has formed  itself into a scornful aristocracy whose members; esteeming  themselves the elite; withdraw from the vulgar public; and  live in a world of their own; looking (like the Lady of  Shalott) into a mirror at distorted images of nature and  declaring that what they see is art!

In literature that which is difficult to understand is much  admired by the simple…minded; who also decry pictures that  tell their own story!  A certain class of minds enjoy being  mystified; and in consequence writers; painters; and musicians  have appeared who are willing to juggle for their amusement。   The simple definition given to us by the Russian writer comes  like a breath of wholesome air to those suffocating in an  atmosphere of perfumes and artificial heat。  Art is our common  inheritance; not the property of a favored few。  The wide  world we love is full of it; and each of us in his humble way  is an artist when with a full heart he communicates his  delight and his joy to another。  Tolstoi has given us back our  birthright; so long withheld; and crowned with his aged hands  the true artist。

Chapter 19 … The Genealogical Craze

THERE undoubtedly is something in the American temperament  that prevents our doing anything in moderation。  If we take up  an idea; it is immediately run to exaggeration and then  abandoned; that the nation may fly at a tangent after some new  fad。  Does this come from our climate; or (as I am inclined to  think) from the curiously unclassified state of society in our  country; where so few established standards exist and so few  are sure of their own or their neighbors' standing?  In  consequence; if Mrs。 Brown starts anything; Mrs。 Jones; for  fear of being left behind; immediately 〃goes her one better〃  to be in turn 〃raised〃 by Mrs。 Robinson。

In other lands a reasonable pride of birth has always been one  of the bonds holding communities together; and is estimated at  its just value。  We; after having practically ignored the  subject for half a century; suddenly rush to the other  extreme; and develop an entire forest of genealogical trees at  a growth。

Chagrined; probably; at the small amount of consideration that  their superior birth commanded; a number of aristocratically  minded matrons united a few years ago as 〃Daughters of the  Revolution;〃 restricting membership to women descended from  officers of Washington's army。  There may have been a reason  for the formation of this society。  I say 〃may〃 because it  does not seem quite clear what its aim was。  The originators  doubtless imagined they were founding an exclusive circle; but  the numbers who clamored for admittance quickly dispelled this  illusion。  So a small group of the elect withdrew in disgust  and banded together under the cognomen of 〃Colonial Dames。〃

The only result of these two movements was to awaken envy;  hatred; and malice in the hearts of those excluded from the  mysterious rites; which to outsiders seemed to consist in  blackballing as many aspirants as possible。  Some victims of  this bad treatment; thirsting for revenge; struck on the happy  thought of inaugurating an 〃Aztec〃 society。  As that title  conveyed absolutely no idea to any one; its members were  forced to explain that only descendants of officers who fought  in the Mexican War were eligible。  What the elect did when  they got into the circle was not specified。

The 〃Social Order of Foreign Wars〃 was the next creation; its  authors evidently considering the Mexican campaign as a  domestic article; a sort of family squabble。  Then the  〃Children of 1812〃 attracted attention; both groups having  immediate success。  Indeed; the vogue of these enterprises has  been in inverse ratio to their usefulness or RAISON D'ETRE;  people apparently being ready to join anything rather than get  left out in the cold。

Jealous probably of seeing women enjoying all the fun; their  husbands and brothers next banded together as 〃Sons of the  Revolution。〃  The wives retaliated by instituting the  〃Granddaughters of the Revolution〃 and 〃The Mayflower Order;〃  the 〃price of admission〃 to the latter being descent from some  one who crossed in that celebrated ship … whether as one of  the crew or as passenger is not clear。

It was not; however; in the American temperament to rest  content with modest beginnings; the national motto being; 〃The  best is good enough for me。〃  So wind was quickly taken out of  the Mayflower's sails by 〃The Royal Order of the Crown;〃 to  which none need apply who were not prepared to prove descent  from one or more royal ancestors。  It was not stated in the  prospectus whether Irish sovereigns and Fiji Island kings  counted; but I have been told that bar sinisters form a class  apart; and are deprived of the right to vote or hold office。

Descent from any old king was; however; not sufficient for the  high…toned people of our republic。  When you come to think of  it; such a circle might be 〃mixed。〃 One really must draw the  line somewhere (as the Boston parvenu replied when asked why  he had not invited his brother to a ball)。  So the founders of  the 〃Circle of Holland Dames of the New Netherlands〃 drew the  line at descent from a sovereign of the Low Countries。  It  does not seem as if this could be a large society; although  those old Dutch pashas had an unconscionable number of  children。

The promoters of this enterprise seem nevertheless to have  been fairly successful; for they gave a fete recent
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