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the ways of men-第34章

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h  effaced all royal emblems from church and palace alike。   Remembering his benefactor's love for antiquities with  historical associations; the grateful contractor appeared one  day at Marly with this column on a dray; and insisted on  erecting it where it now stands; pointing out to Sardou with  pride the crowned 〃H;〃 of Henri Quatre; and the entwined 〃M。  M。〃 of Marie de Medicis; topped by the Florentine lily in the  flutings of the shaft and on the capital。

A question of mine on Sardou's manner of working led to our  abandoning the gardens and mounting to the top floor of the  chateau; where his enormous library and collection of prints  are stored in a series of little rooms or alcoves; lighted  from the top and opening on a corridor which runs the length  of the building。  In each room stands a writing…table and a  chair; around the walls from floor to ceiling and in huge  portfolios are arranged his books and engravings according to  their subject。  The Empire alcove; for instance; contains  nothing but publications and pictures relating to that epoch。   Roman and Greek history have their alcoves; as have mediaeval  history and the reigns of the different Louis。  Nothing could  well be conceived more conducive to study than this  arrangement; and it makes one realize how honest was the  master's reply when asked what was his favorite amusement。   〃Work!〃 answered the author。

Our conversation; as was fated; soon turned to the enormous  success of ROBESPIERRE in London … a triumph that even  Sardou's many brilliant victories had not yet equalled。

It is characteristic of the French disposition that neither  the author nor any member of his family could summon courage  to undertake the prodigious journey from Paris to London in  order to see the first performance。  Even Sardou's business  agent; M。 Roget; did not get further than Calais; where his  courage gave out。  〃The sea was so terrible!〃  Both those  gentlemen; however; took it quite as a matter of course that  Sardou's American agent should make a three…thousand…mile  journey to be present at the first night。

The fact that the French author resisted Sir Henry Irving's  pressing invitations to visit him in no way indicates a lack  of interest in the success of the play。  I had just arrived  from London; and so had to go into every detail of the  performance; a rather delicate task; as I had been discouraged  with the acting of both Miss Terry and Irving; who have  neither of them the age; voice; nor temperament to represent  either the revolutionary tyrant or the woman he betrayed。  As  the staging had been excellent; I enlarged on that side of the  subject; but when pressed into a corner by the author; had to  acknowledge that in the scene where Robespierre; alone at  midnight in the Conciergerie; sees the phantoms of his victims  advance from the surrounding shadows and form a menacing  circle around him; Irving had used his poor voice with so  little skill that there was little left for the splendid  climax; when; in trying to escape from his ghastly visitors;  Robespierre finds himself face to face with Marie Antoinette;  and with a wild cry; half of horror; half of remorse; falls  back insensible。

In spite of previous good resolutions; I must have given the  author the impression that Sir Henry spoke too loud at the  beginning of this scene and was in consequence inadequate at  the end。

〃What!〃 cried Sardou。  〃He raised his voice in that act!  Why;  it's a scene to be played with the soft pedal down!  This is  the way it should be done!〃  Dropping into a chair in the  middle of the room my host began miming the gestures and  expression of Robespierre as the phantoms (which; after all;  are but the figments of an over…wrought brain) gather around  him。  Gradually he slipped to the floor; hiding his face with  his upraised elbow; whispering and sobbing; but never raising  his voice until; staggering toward the portal to escape; he  meets the Queen face to face。  Then the whole force of his  voice came out in one awful cry that fairly froze the blood in  my veins!

〃What a teacher you would make!〃 instinctively rose to my lips  as he ended。

With a careless laugh; Sardou resumed his shabby velvet cap;  which had fallen to the floor; and answered: 〃Oh; it's  nothing!  I only wanted to prove to you that the scene was not  a fatiguing one for the voice if played properly。  I'm no  actor and could not teach; but any one ought to know enough  not to shout in that scene!〃

This with some bitterness; as news had arrived that Irving's  voice had given out the night before; and he had been replaced  by his half…baked son in the title role; a change hardly  calculated to increase either the box…office receipts or the  success of the new drama。

Certain ominous shadows which; like Robespierre's visions; had  been for some time gathering in the corners of the room warned  me that the hour had come for my trip back to Paris。   Declining reluctantly an invitation to take potluck with my  host; I was soon in the Avenue of the Sphinx again。  As we  strolled along; talking of the past and its charm; a couple of  men passed us; carrying a piece of furniture rolled in  burlaps。

〃Another acquisition?〃 I asked。  〃What epoch has tempted you  this time?〃

〃I'm sorry you won't stop and inspect it;〃 answered Sardou  with a twinkle in his eye。  〃It's something I bought yesterday  for my bedroom。  An armchair!  Pure Loubet!〃

Chapter 28 … Inconsistencies

THE dinner had been unusually long and the summer evening  warm。  During the wait before the dancing began I must have  dropped asleep in the dark corner of the piazza where I had  installed myself; to smoke my cigar; away from the other men  and their tiresome chatter of golf and racing。  Through the  open window groups of women could be seen in the ball…room;  and the murmur of their conversation floated out; mingling  with the laughter of the men。

Suddenly; in that casual way peculiar to dreams; I found  myself conversing with a solemn young Turk; standing in all  the splendor of fez and stambouline beside my chair。

〃Pardon; Effendi;〃 he was murmuring。  〃Is this an American  ball?  I was asked at nine o'clock; it is now past eleven。  Is  there not some mistake?〃

〃None;〃 I answered。  〃When a hostess puts nine o'clock on her  card of invitation she expects her guests at eleven or half… past; and would be much embarrassed to be taken literally。〃

As we were speaking; our host rose。  The men; reluctantly  throwing away their cigars; began to enter the ball…room  through the open windows。  On their approach the groups of  women broke up; the men joining the girls where they sat; or  inviting them out to the lantern…lit piazza; where the couples  retired to dim; palm…embowered corners。

〃Are you sure I have not made a mistake?〃 asked my  interlocutor; with a faint quiver of the eyelids。  〃It is my  intention; while travelling; to remain faithful to my harem。〃

I hastened to reassure him and explain that he was in an  exclusive and reserved society。

〃Indeed;〃 he murmured incredulously。  〃When I was passing  through New York last winter a lady was pointed out to me as  the owner of marvellous jewels and vast wealth; but with  absolutely no social position。  My informant added that no  well…born woman would receive her or her husband。

〃It's foolish; of course; but the handsome woman with the  crown on sitting in the centre of that circle; looks very like  the woman I mean。  Am I right?〃

〃It's the same lady;〃 I answered; wearily。  〃You are speaking  of last year。  No one could be induced to call on the couple  then。  Now we all go to their house; and entertain them in  return。〃

〃They have doubtless done some noble action; or the reports  about the husband have been proved false?〃

〃Nothing of the kind has taken place。  She's a success; and no  one asks any questions!  In spite of that; you are in a  society where the standard of conduct is held higher than in  any country of Europe; by a race of women more virtuous; in  all probability; than has yet been seen。  There is not a man  present;〃 I added; 〃who would presume to take; or a woman who  would permit; a liberty so slight even as the resting of a  youth's arm across the back of her chair。〃

While I was speaking; an invisible orchestra began to sigh out  the first passionate bars of a waltz。  A dozen couples rose;  the men clasping in their arms the slender matrons; whose  smiling faces sank to their partners' shoulders。  A blond  mustache brushed the forehead of a girl as she swept by us to  the rhythm of the music; and other cheeks seemed about to  touch as couples glided on in unison。

The sleepy Oriental eyes of my new acquaintance opened wide  with astonishment。

〃This; you must understand;〃 I continued; hastily; 〃is quite  another matter。  Those people are waltzing。  It is considered  perfectly proper; when the musicians over there play certain  measures; for men to take apparent liberties。  Our women are  infinitely self…respecting; and a man who put his arm around a  woman (in public) while a different measure was being played;  or when there was no music; would be ostracized from polite  society。〃

〃I am beginning to u
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