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the ways of men-第35章

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yed;  or when there was no music; would be ostracized from polite  society。〃

〃I am beginning to understand;〃 replied the Turk。  〃The  husbands and brothers of these women guard them very  carefully。  Those men I see out there in the dark are  doubtless with their wives and sisters; protecting them from  the advances of other men。  Am I right?〃

〃Of course you're not right;〃 I snapped out; beginning to lose  my temper at his obtuseness。  〃No husband would dream of  talking to his wife in public; or of sitting with her in a  corner。  Every one would be laughing at them。  Nor could a  sister be induced to remain away from the ball…room with her  brother。  Those girls are ‘sitting out' with young men they  like; indulging in a little innocent flirtation。〃

〃What is that?〃 he asked。  〃Flirtation?〃

〃An American custom rather difficult to explain。  It may;  however; be roughly defined as the art of leading a man a long  way on the road to … nowhere!〃

〃Women flirt with friends or acquaintances; never with members  of their family?〃

〃The husbands are those dejected individuals wandering  aimlessly about over there like lost souls。  They are mostly  rich men; who; having married beautiful girls for love; wear  themselves out maintaining elaborate and costly establishments  for them。  In return for his labor a husband; however; enjoys  but little of his wife's society; for a really fashionable  woman can rarely be induced to go home until she has collapsed  with fatigue。  In consequence; she contributes little but  ‘nerves' and temper to the household。  Her sweetest smiles;  like her freshest toilets; are kept for the public。  The  husband is the last person considered in an American  household。  If you doubt what I say; look behind you。  There  is a newly married man speaking with his wife; and trying to  persuade her to leave before the cotillion begins。  Notice his  apologetic air!  He knows he is interrupting a tender  conversation and taking an unwarrantable liberty。  Nothing  short of extreme fatigue would drive him to such an extremity。   The poor millionnaire has hardly left his desk in Wall Street  during the week; and only arrived this evening in time to  dress for dinner。  He would give a fair slice of his income  for a night's rest。  See!  He has failed; and is lighting  another cigar; preparing; with a sigh; for a long wait。  It  will be three before my lady is ready to leave。〃

After a silence of some minutes; during which he appeared to  be turning these remarks over in his mind; the young Oriental  resumed: 〃The single men who absorb so much of your women's  time and attention are doubtless the most distinguished of the  nation;  … writers; poets; and statesmen?〃

I was obliged to confess that this was not the case; that; on  the contrary; the dancing bachelors were for the most part  impecunious youths of absolutely no importance; asked by the  hostess to fill in; and so lightly considered that a woman did  not always recognize in the street her guests of the evening  before。

At this moment my neighbor's expression changed from  bewilderment to admiration; as a young and very lovely matron  threw herself; panting; into a low chair at his side。  Her  decollete was so daring that the doubts of half an hour before  were evidently rising afresh in his mind。  Hastily resuming my  task of mentor; I explained that a decollete corsage was an  absolute rule for evening gatherings。  A woman who appeared in  a high bodice or with her neck veiled would be considered  lacking in politeness to her hostess as much if she wore a  bonnet。

〃With us; women go into the world to shine and charm。  It is  only natural they should use all the weapons nature has given  them。〃

〃Very good!〃 exclaimed the astonished Ottoman。  〃But where  will all this end?  You began by allowing your women to appear  in public with their faces unveiled; then you suppressed the  fichu and the collarette; and now you rob them of half their  corsage。  Where; O Allah; will you stop?〃

〃Ah!〃 I answered; laughing; 〃the tendency of civilization is  to simplify; many things may yet disappear。〃

〃I understand perfectly。  You have no prejudice against women  wearing in public toilets that we consider fitted only for  strict intimacy。  In that case your ladies may walk about the  streets in these costumes?〃

〃Not at all!〃 I cried。  〃It would provoke a scandal if a woman  were to be seen during the daytime in such attire; either at  home or abroad。  The police and the law courts would  interfere。  Evening dress is intended only for reunions in  private houses; or at most; to be worn at entertainments where  the company is carefully selected and the men asked from lists  prepared by the ladies themselves。  No lady would wear a ball  costume or her jewels in a building where the general public  was admitted。  In London great ladies dine at restaurants in  full evening dress; but we Americans; like the French;  consider that vulgar。〃

〃Yet; last winter;〃 he said; 〃when passing through New York; I  went to a great theatre; where there were an orchestra and  many singing people。  Were not those respectable women I saw  in the boxes?  There were no MOUCHARABIES to screen them from  the eyes of the public。  Were all the men in that building  asked by special invitation?  That could hardly be possible;  for I paid an entrance fee at the door。  From where I sat I  could see that; as each lady entered her box; opera…glasses  were fixed on her; and her ‘points;' as you say; discussed by  the crowd of men in the corridors; who; apparently; belonged  to quite the middle class。〃

〃My poor; innocent Padischa; you do not understand at all。   That was the opera; which makes all the difference。  The  husbands of those women pay enormous prices; expressly that  their wives may exhibit themselves in public; decked in jewels  and suggestive toilets。  You could buy a whole harem of fair  Circassians for what one of those little square boxes costs。   A lady whose entrance caused no sensation would feel bitterly  disappointed。  As a rule; she knows little about music; and  cares still less; unless some singer is performing who is paid  a fabulous price; which gives his notes a peculiar charm。   With us most things are valued by the money they have cost。   Ladies attend the opera simply and solely to see their friends  and be admired。

〃It grieves me to see that you are forming a poor opinion of  our woman kind; for they are more charming and modest than any  foreign women。  A girl or matron who exhibits more of her  shoulders than you; with your Eastern ideas; think quite  proper; would sooner expire than show an inch above her ankle。   We have our way of being modest as well as you; and that is  one of our strongest prejudices。〃

〃Now I know you are joking;〃 he replied; with a slight show of  temper; 〃or trying to mystify me; for only this morning I was  on the beach watching the bathing; and I saw a number of  ladies in quite short skirts … up to their knees; in fact …  with the thinnest covering on their shapely extremities。  Were  those women above suspicion?〃

〃Absolutely;〃 I assured him; feeling inclined to tear my hair  at such stupidity。  〃Can't you see the difference?  That was  in daylight。  Our customs allow a woman to show her feet; and  even a little more; in the morning。  It would be considered  the acme of indecency to let those beauties be seen at a ball。   The law allows a woman to uncover her neck and shoulders at a  ball; but she would be arrested if she appeared decollete on  the beach of a morning。〃

A long silence followed; broken only by the music and laughter  from the ball…room。  I could see my dazed Mohammedan remove  his fez and pass an agitated hand through his dark hair; then  he turned; and saluting me gravely; murmured:

〃It is very kind of you to have taken so much trouble with me。   I do not doubt that what you have said is full of the wisdom  and consistency of a new civilization; which I fail to  appreciate。〃  Then; with a sigh; he added: 〃It will be better  for me to return to my own country; where there are fewer  exceptions to rules。〃

With a profound salaam the gentle youth disappeared into the  surrounding darkness; leaving me rubbing my eyes and asking  myself if; after all; the dreamland Oriental was not about  right。  Custom makes many inconsistencies appear so logical  that they no longer cause us either surprise or emotion。  But  can we explain them?

Chapter 29 … Modern 〃Cadets de Gascogne〃

AFTER witnessing the performance given by the Comedie  Francaise in the antique theatre at Orange; we determined … my  companion and I … if ever another opportunity of the kind  offered; to attend; be the material difficulties what they  might。

The theatrical 〃stars〃 in their courses proved favorable to  the accomplishment of this vow。  Before the year ended it was  whispered to us that the 〃Cadets de Gascogne〃 were planning a  tram through the Cevennes Mountains and their native Languedoc  … a sort of lay pilgrimage to famous historic and literary  shrines; a voyage to be enlivened by much crowning of busts  and reciting of verses in the open air; and incidentally; by  the eating of Gascony dishes and the degustat
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