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the ways of men-第36章

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iting of verses in the open air; and incidentally; by  the eating of Gascony dishes and the degustation of delicate  local wines; the whole to culminate with a representation in  the arena at Beziers of DEJANIRE; Louis Gallet's and Saint… Saens's latest work; under the personal supervision of those  two masters。

A tempting programme; was it not; in these days of cockney  tours and 〃Cook〃 couriers?  At any rate; one that we; with  plenty of time on our hands and a weakness for out…of…the…way  corners and untrodden paths; found it impossible to resist。

Rostand; in CYRANO DE BERGERAC; has shown us the 〃Cadets〃 of  Moliere's time; a fighting; rhyming; devil…may…care band; who  wore their hearts on their sleeves and chips on their stalwart  shoulders; much such a brotherhood; in short; as we love to  imagine that Shakespeare; Kit Marlowe; Greene; and their  intimates formed when they met at the 〃Ship〃 to celebrate a  success or drink a health to the drama。

The men who compose the present society (which has now for  many years borne a name only recently made famous by M。  Rostand's genius) come delightfully near realizing the happy  conditions of other days; and … less the fighting … form as  joyous and picturesque a company as their historic elders。   They are for the most part Southern…born youths; whose  interests and ambitions centre around the stage; devotees at  the altar of Melpomene; ardent lovers of letters and kindred  arts; and proud of the debt that literary France owes to  Gascony。

It is the pleasant custom of this coterie to meet on winter  evenings in unfrequented CAFES; transformed by them for the  time into clubs; where they recite new…made verses; discuss  books and plays; enunciate paradoxes that make the very  waiters shudder; and; between their 〃bocks;〃 plan vast  revolutions in the world of literature。

As the pursuit of 〃letters〃 is; if anything; less lucrative in  France than in other countries; the question of next day's  dinner is also much discussed among these budding Molieres;  who are often forced to learn early in their careers; when  meals have been meagre; to satisfy themselves with rich rhymes  and drink their fill of flowing verse。

From time to time older and more successful members of the  corporation stray back into the circle; laying aside their  laurel crowns and Olympian pose; in the society of the new… comers to Bohemia。  These honorary members enjoy nothing more  when occasion offers than to escape from the toils of  greatness and join the 〃Cadets〃 in their summer journeys to  and fro in France; trips which are made to combine the  pleasures of an outing with the aims of a literary campaign。   It was an invitation to join one of these tramps that tempted  my friend and me away from Paris at the season when that city  is at its best。  Being unable; on account of other  engagements; to start with the cohort from the capital; we  made a dash for it and caught them up at Carcassonne during  the fetes that the little Languedoc city was offering to its  guests。

After having seen Aigues Mortes; it was difficult to believe  that any other place in Europe could suggest more vividly the 

days of military feudalism。  St。 Louis's tiny city is;  however; surpassed by Carcassonne!

Thanks to twenty years of studious restoration by Viollet le  Duc; this antique jewel shines in its setting of slope and  plain as perfect to…day (seen from the distance) as when the  Crusaders started from its crenelated gates for the conquest  of the Holy Sepulchre。  The acropolis of Carcassonne is  crowned with Gothic battlements; the golden polygon of whose  walls; rising from Roman foundations and layers of ruddy  Visigoth brick to the stately marvel of its fifty towers;  forms a whole that few can view unmoved。

We found the Cadets lunching on the platform of the great  western keep; while a historic pageant organized in their  honor was winding through the steep mediaeval streets … a  cavalcade of archers; men at arms; and many…colored  troubadours; who; after effecting a triumphal entrance to the  town over lowered drawbridges; mounted to unfurl their banner  on our tower。  As the gaudy standard unfolded on the evening  air; Mounet…Sully's incomparable voice breathed the very soul  of the 〃Burgraves〃 across the silent plain and down through  the echoing corridors below。  While we were still under the  impression of the stirring lines; he changed his key and  whispered:…


Night came on ere the singing and reciting ended; a balmy  Southern evening; lit by a thousand fires from tower and  battlement and moat; the old walls glowing red against the  violet sky。

Picture this scene to yourself; reader mine; and you will  understand the enthusiasm of the artists and writers in our  clan。  It needed but little imagination then to reconstruct  the past and fancy one's self back in the days when the  〃Trancavel〃 held this city against the world。

Sleep that night was filled with a strange phantasmagoria of  crenelated chateaux and armored knights; until the bright  Provencal sunlight and the call for a hurried departure  dispelled such illusions。  By noon we were far away from  Carcassonne; mounting the rocky slopes of the Cevennes amid a  wild and noble landscape; the towering cliffs of the  〃Causses;〃 zebraed by zig…zag paths; lay below us; disclosing  glimpses of fertile valley and vine…engarlanded plain。

One asks one's self in wonder why these enchanting regions are  so unknown。  EN ROUTE our companions were like children fresh  from school; taking haphazard meals at the local inns and  clambering gayly into any conveyance that came to hand。  As  our way led us through the Cevennes country; another charm  gradually stole over the senses。

〃I imagine that Citheron must look like this;〃 murmured  Catulle Mendes; as we stood looking down from a sun…baked  eminence; 〃with the Gulf of Corinth there where you see that  gleam of water。〃  As he spoke he began declaiming the passage  from Sophocles's OEDIPUS THE KING descriptive if that classic  scene。

Two thousand feet below lay Ispanhac in a verdant valley; the  River Tarn gleaming amid the cultivated fields like a cimeter  thrown on a Turkish carpet。  Our descent was an avalanche of  laughing; singing 〃Cadets;〃 who rolled in the fresh…cut grass  and chased each other through the ripening vineyards; shouting  lines from tragedies to groups of open…mouthed farm…hands; and  invading the tiny inns on the road with song and tumult。  As  we neared our goal its entire population; headed by the cure;  came out to meet us and offer the hospitality of the town。

In the market…place; one of our number; inspired by the  antique solemnity of the surroundings; burst into the noble  lines of Hugo's DEVANT DIEU; before which the awestruck  population uncovered and crossed themselves; imagining;  doubtless; that it was a religious ceremony。

Another scene recurs vividly to my memory。  We were at St。  Enimie。  I had opened my window to breathe the night air after  the heat and dust of the day and watch the moonlight on the  quaint bridge at my feet。  Suddenly from out the shadows there  rose (like sounds in a dream) the exquisite tone of Sylvain's  voice; alternating with the baritone of d'Esparbes。  They were  seated at the water's edge; intoxicated by the beauty of the  scene and apparently oblivious of all else。

The next day was passed on the Tarn; our ten little boats  following each other single file on the narrow river; winding  around the feet of mighty cliffs; or wandering out into sunny  pasture lands where solitary peasants; interrupted in their  labors; listened in astonishment to the chorus thundered from  the passing boats; and waved us a welcome as we moved by。

Space is lacking to give more than a suggestion of those days;  passed in every known conveyance from the antique diligence to  the hissing trolley; in company with men who seemed to have  left their cares and their years behind them in Paris。

Our last stop before arriving at Beziers was at La Case; where  luncheon was served in the great hall of the chateau。  Armand  Sylvestre presided at the repast; his verses alternated with  the singings of Emma Calve; who had come from her neighboring  chateau to greet her old friends and compatriots; the  〃Cadets。〃

As the meal terminated; more than one among the guests; I  imagine; felt his heart heavy with the idea that to…morrow  would end this pleasant ramble and send him back to the  realities of life and the drudgery of daily bread…winning。

The morning of the great day dawned cloudless and cool。  A  laughing; many…colored throng early invaded the arena; the  women's gay toilets lending it some resemblance to a parterre  of fantastic flowers。  Before the bell sounded its three  strokes that announced the representation; over ten thousand  spectators had taken their places and were studying the  gigantic stage and its four thousand yards of painted canvas。   In the foreground a cluster of Greek palaces and temples  surround a market…place; higher 
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