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the ways of men-第40章

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the modern time…saving young man。

It is his habit upon entering to dash for the bill…of…fare;  and give an order (if he is adroit enough to catch one of the  maids on the fly) before removing either coat or hat。  At  least fifteen seconds may be economized in this way。  Once  seated; the luncher falls to on anything at hand; bread; cold  slaw; crackers; or catsup。  When the dish ordered arrives; he  gets his fork into it as it appears over his shoulder; and has  cleaned the plate before the sauce makes its appearance; so  that is eaten by itself or with bread。

Cups of coffee or tea go down in two swallows。  Little piles  of cakes are cut in quarters and disappear in four mouthfuls;  much after the fashion of children down the ogre's throat in  the mechanical toy; mastication being either a lost art or  considered a foolish waste of energy。

A really accomplished luncher can assimilate his last quarter  of cakes; wiggle into his coat; and pay his check at the desk  at the same moment。  The next; he is down the block in pursuit  of a receding trolley。

To any one fresh from the Continent; where the entire  machinery of trade comes to a stand…still from eleven to one  o'clock; that DEJEUNER may be taken in somnolent tranquillity;  the nervous tension pervading a restaurant here is prodigious;  and what is worse … catching!  During recent visits to the  business centres of our city; I find that the idea of eating  is repugnant。  It seems to be wrong to waste time on anything  so unproductive。  Last week a friend offered me a 〃luncheon  tablet〃 from a box on his desk。  〃It's as good as a meal;〃 he  said; 〃and so much more expeditious!〃

The proprietor of one down…town restaurant has the stock  quotations exhibited on a black…board at the end of his room;  in this way his patrons can keep in touch with the 〃Street〃 as  they hurriedly stoke up。

A parlor car; toward a journey's end; is another excellent  place to observe our native ways。  Coming from Washington the  other day my fellow…passengers began to show signs of  restlessness near Newark。  Books and papers were thrown aside;  a general 〃uprising; unveiling〃 followed; accompanied by our  objectionable custom of having our clothes brushed in each  other's faces。  By the time Jersey City appeared on the  horizon; every man; woman; and child in that car was jammed;  baggage in hand; into the stuffy little passage which precedes  the entrance; swaying and staggering about while the train  backed and delayed。

The explanation of this is quite simple。  The 〃influence〃 was  at work; preventing those people from acting like other  civilized mortals; and remaining seated until their train had  come to a standstill。

Being fresh from the 〃other side;〃 and retaining some of my  acquired calm; I sat in my chair!  The surprise on the faces  of the other passengers warned me; however; that it would not  be safe to carry this pose too far。  The porter; puzzled by  the unaccustomed sight; touched me kindly on the shoulder; and  asked if I 〃felt sick〃!  So now; to avoid all affectation of  superiority; I struggled into my great…coat; regardless of  eighty degrees temperature in the car; and meekly joined the  standing army of martyrs; to hurry; scampering with them from  the still…moving car to the boat; and on to the trolley before  the craft had been moored to its landing pier。

In Paris; on taking an omnibus; you are given a number and the  right to the first vacant seat。  When the places in a 〃bus〃  are all occupied it receives no further occupants。  Imagine a  traction line attempting such a reform here!  There would be a  riot; and the conductors hanged to the nearest trolley…poles  in an hour!

To prevent a citizen from crowding into an over…full vehicle;  and stamping on its occupants in the process; would be to  infringe one of his dearest privileges; not to mention his  chance of riding free。

A small boy of my acquaintance tells me he rarely finds it  necessary to pay in a New York car。  The conductors are too  hurried and too preoccupied pocketing their share of the  receipts to keep count。  〃When he passes; I just look blank!〃  remarked the ingenious youth。

Of all the individuals; however; in the community; our idle  class suffer the most acutely from lack of time; though; like  Charles Lamb's gentleman; they have all there is。

From the moment a man of leisure; or his wife; wakens in the  morning until they drop into a fitful slumber at night; their  day is an agitated chase。  No matter where or when you meet  them; they are always on the wing。

〃Am I late again?〃 gasped a thin little woman to me the other  evening; as she hurried into the drawing…room; where she had  kept her guests and dinner waiting。  〃I've been so driven all  day; I'm a wreck!〃  A glance at her hatchet…faced husband  revealed the fact that he; too; was chasing after a stray  half…hour lost somewhere in his youth。  His color and most of  his hair had gone in its pursuit; while his hands had acquired  a twitch; as though urging on a tired steed。

Go and ask that lady for a cup of tea at twilight; ten to one  she will receive you with her hat on; explaining that she has  not had time to take it off since breakfast。  If she writes to  you; her notes are signed; 〃In great haste;〃 or 〃In a tearing  hurry。〃  She is out of her house by half…past eight on most  mornings; yet when calling she sits on the edge of her chair;  and assures you that she has not a moment to stay; 〃has only  run in;〃 etc。

Just what drives her so hard is a mystery; for beyond a vague  charity meeting or two and some calls; she accomplishes  little。  Although wealthy and childless; with no cares and few  worries; she succumbs to nervous prostration every two or  three years; 〃from overwork。〃

Listen to a compatriot's account of his European trip!  He  will certainly tell you how short the ocean crossing was;  giving hours and minutes with zest; as though he had got ahead  of Father Time in a transaction。  Then follows a list of the  many countries seen during his tour。

I know a lady lying ill to…day because she would hurry herself  and her children; in six weeks last summer; through a  Continental tour that should have occupied three months。  She  had no particular reason for hurrying; indeed; she got ahead  of her schedule; and had to wait in Paris for the steamer; a  detail; however; that in no way diminished madame's pleasure  in having done so much during her holiday。  This same lady  deplores lack of leisure hours; yet if she finds by her  engagement book that there is a free week ahead; she will run  to Washington or Lakewood; 〃for a change;〃 or organize a party  to Florida。

To realize how our upper ten scramble through existence; one  must also contrast their fidgety way of feeding with the  bovine calm in which a German absorbs his nourishment and the  hours Italians can pass over their meals; an American dinner  party affords us the opportunity。

There is an impression that the fashion for quickly served  dinners came to us from England。  If this is true (which I  doubt; it fits too nicely with our temperament to have been  imported); we owe H。R。H。 a debt of gratitude; for nothing is  so tiresome as too many courses needlessly prolonged。

Like all converts; however; we are too zealous。  From oysters  to fruit; dinners now are a breathless steeplechase; during  which we take our viand hedges and champagne ditches at a dead  run; with conversation pushed at much the same speed。  To be  silent would be to imply that one was not having a good time;  so we rattle and gobble on toward the finger…bowl winning… post; only to find that rest is not there!

As the hostess pilots the ladies away to the drawing…room; she  whispers to her spouse; 〃You won't smoke long; will you?〃  So  we are mulcted in the enjoyment of even that last resource of  weary humanity; the cigar; and are hustled away from that and  our coffee; only to find that our appearance is a signal for a  general move。

One of the older ladies rises; the next moment the whole  circle; like a flock of frightened birds; are up and off;  crowding each other in the hallway; calling for their  carriages; and confusing the unfortunate servants; who are  trying to help them into their cloaks and overshoes。

Bearing in mind that the guests come as late as they dare;  without being absolutely uncivil; that dinners are served as  rapidly as is physically possible; and that the circle breaks  up as soon as the meal ends; one asks one's self in wonder  why; if a dinner party is such a bore that it has to be  scrambled through; COUTE QUE COUTE; we continue to dine out?

It is within the bounds of possibility that people may have  reasons for hurrying through their days; and that dining out A  LA LONGUE becomes a weariness。

The one place; however; where you might expect to find people  reposeful and calm is at the theatre。  The labor of the day is  then over; they have assembled for an hour or two of  relaxation and amusement。  Yet it is at the play that our  restlessness is most apparent。  Watch an audience (which; be  it remarked in passing; has arrived late) during the last ten  minutes of a performance。  No sooner do they discover that the  end is 
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