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hunting the grisly and other sketches-第4章

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in spite of the many scores of thousands that must have crossed over
the river during the stampede of the afternoon and night。 The barren…
ground caribou is the only American animal which is now ever seen in
such enormous herds。

In 1862 Mr。 Clarence King; while riding along the overland trail
through western Kansas; passed through a great buffalo herd; and was
himself injured in an encounter with a bull。 The great herd was then
passing north; and Mr。 King reckoned that it must have covered an area
nearly seventy miles by thirty in extent; the figures representing his
rough guess; made after travelling through the herd crosswise; and
upon knowing how long it took to pass a given point going northward。
This great herd of course was not a solid mass of buffaloes; it
consisted of innumerable bands of every size; dotting the prairie
within the limits given。 Mr。 King was mounted on a somewhat
unmanageable horse。 On one occasion in following a band he wounded a
large bull; and became so wedged in by the maddened animals that he
was unable to avoid the charge of the bull; which was at its last
gasp。 Coming straight toward him it leaped into the air and struck the
afterpart of the saddle full with its massive forehead。 The horse was
hurled to the ground with a broken back; and King's leg was likewise
broken; while the bull turned a complete somerset over them and never
rose again。

In the recesses of the Rocky Mountains; from Colorado northward
through Alberta; and in the depths of the subarctic forest beyond the
Saskatchewan; there have always been found small numbers of the bison;
locally called the mountain buffalo and wood buffalo; often indeed the
old hunters term these animals 〃bison;〃 although they never speak of
the plains animals save as buffalo。 They form a slight variety of what
was formerly the ordinary plains bison; intergrading with it; on the
whole they are darker in color; with longer; thicker hair; and in
consequence with the appearance of being heavier…bodied and shorter…
legged。 They have been sometimes spoken of as forming a separate
species; but; judging from my own limited experience; and from a
comparison of the many hides I have seen; I think they are really the
same animal; many individuals of the two so…called varieties being
quite indistinguishable。 In fact; the only moderate…sized herd of wild
bison in existence to…day; the protected herd in the Yellowstone Park;
is composed of animals intermediate in habits and coat between the
mountain and plains varietiesas were all the herds of the Bighorn;
Big Hole; Upper Madison; and Upper Yellowstone valleys。

However; the habitat of these wood and mountain bison yielded them
shelter from hunters in a way that the plains never could; and hence
they have always been harder to kill in the one place than in the
other; for precisely the same reasons that have held good with the
elk; which have been completely exterminated from the plains; while
still abundant in many of the forest fastnesses of the Rockies。
Moreover; the bison's dull eyesight is no special harm in the woods;
while it is peculiarly hurtful to the safety of any beast on the
plains; where eyesight avails more than any other sense; the true game
of the plains being the prong…buck; the most keen…sighted of American
animals。 On the other hand the bison's hearing; of little avail on the
plains; is of much assistance in the woods; and its excellent nose
helps equally in both places。

Though it was always more difficult to kill the bison of the forests
and the mountains than the bison of the prairie; yet now that the
species is; in its wild state; hovering on the brink of extinction;
the difficulty is immeasurably increased。 A merciless and terrible
process of natural selection; in which the agents were rifle…bearing
hunters; has left as the last survivors in a hopeless struggle for
existence only the wariest of the bison and those gifted with the
sharpest senses。 That this was true of the last lingering individuals
that survived the great slaughter on the plains is well shown by Mr。
Hornaday in his graphic account of his campaign against the few
scattered buffalo which still lived in 1886 between the Missouri and
the Yellowstone; along the Big Dry。 The bison of the plains and the
prairies have now vanished; and so few of their brethren of the
mountains and the northern forests are left; that they can just barely
be reckoned among American game; but whoever is so fortunate as to
find any of these animals must work his hardest; and show all his
skill as a hunter if he wishes to get one。

In the fall of 1889 I heard that a very few bison were still left
around the head of Wisdom river。 Thither I went and hunted faithfully;
there was plenty of game of other kind; but of bison not a trace did
we see。 Nevertheless a few days later that same year I came across
these great wild cattle at a time when I had no idea of seeing them。

It was; as nearly as we could tell; in Idaho; just south of the
Montana boundary line; and some twenty…five miles west of the line of
Wyoming。 We were camped high among the mountains; with a small pack…
train。 On the day in question we had gone out to find moose; but had
seen no sign of them; and had then begun to climb over the higher
peaks with an idea of getting sheep。 The old hunter who was with me
was; very fortunately; suffering from rheumatism; and he therefore
carried a long staff instead of his rifle; I say fortunately; for if
he had carried his rifle it would have been impossible to stop his
firing at such game as bison; nor would he have spared the cows and

About the middle of the afternoon we crossed a low; rocky ridge; above
timber line; and saw at our feet a basin or round valley of singular
beauty。 Its walls were formed by steep mountains。 At its upper end lay
a small lake; bordered on one side by a meadow of emerald green。 The
lake's other side marked the edge of the frowning pine forest which
filled the rest of the valley; and hung high on the sides of the gorge
which formed its outlet。 Beyond the lake the ground rose in a pass
evidently much frequented by game in bygone days; their trails lying
along it in thick zigzags; each gradually fading out after a few
hundred yards; and then starting again in a little different place; as
game trails so often seem to do。

We bent our steps toward these trails; and no sooner had we reached
the first than the old hunter bent over it with a sharp exclamation of
wonder。 There in the dust were the unmistakable hoof…marks of a small
band of bison; apparently but a few hours old。 They were headed
towards the lake。 There had been a half a dozen animals in the party;
one a big bull; and two calves。

We immediately turned and followed the trail。 It led down to the
little lake; where the beasts had spread and grazed on the tender;
green blades; and had drunk their fill。 The footprints then came
together again; showing where the animals had gathered and walked off
in single file to the forest。 Evidently they had come to the pool in
the early morning; walking over the game pass from some neighboring
valley; and after drinking and feeding had moved into the pine forest
to find some spot for their noontide rest。

It was a very still day; and there were nearly three hours of daylight
left。 Without a word my silent companion; who had been scanning the
whole country with hawk…eyed eagerness; besides scrutinizing the sign
on his hands and knees; took the trail; motioning me to follow。 In a
moment we entered the woods; breathing a sigh of relief as we did so;
for while in the meadow we could never tell that the buffalo might not
see us; if they happened to be lying in some place with a commanding

The old hunter was thoroughly roused; and he showed himself a very
skilful tracker。 We were much favored by the character of the forest;
which was rather open; and in most places free from undergrowth and
down timber。 As in most Rocky Mountain forests the timber was small;
not only as compared to the giant trees of the groves of the Pacific
coast; but as compared to the forests of the northeast。 The ground was
covered with pine needles and soft moss; so that it was not difficult
to walk noiselessly。 Once or twice when I trod on a small dry twig; or
let the nails in my shoes clink slightly against a stone; the hunter
turned to me with a frown of angry impatience; but as he walked
slowly; continually halting to look ahead; as well as stooping over to
examine the trail; I did not find it very difficult to move silently。
I kept a little behind him; and to one side; save when he crouched to
take advantage of some piece of cover; and I crept in his footsteps。 I
did not look at the trail at all; but kept watching ahead; hoping at
any moment to see the game。

It was not very long before we struck their day beds; which were made
on a knoll; where the forest was open and where there was much down
timber。 After leaving the day beds the animals had at first fed
separately around the grassy base and sides of the knoll; and had then
made off in their usual single file; going straight to a small pool in
the forest。 After dr
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