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admirable Surrey scenery to a pretty little village

called Ripley; where I had my tea at an inn; and took

the precaution of filling my flask and of putting a

paper of sandwiches in my pocket。  There I remained

until evening; when I set off for Woking again; and

found myself in the high…road outside Briarbrae just

after sunset。

〃Well; I waited until the road was clearit is never

a very frequented one at any time; I fancyand then I

clambered over the fence into the grounds。〃

〃Surely the gate was open!〃 ejaculated Phelps。

〃Yes; but I have a peculiar taste in these matters。  I

chose the place where the three fir…trees stand; and

behind their screen I got over without the least

chance of any one in the house being able to see me。 

I crouched down among the bushes on the other side;

and crawled from one to the otherwitness the

disreputable state of my trouser kneesuntil I had

reached the clump of rhododendrons just opposite to

your bedroom window。  There I squatted down and

awaited developments。

〃The blind was not down in your room; and I could see

Miss Harrison sitting there reading by the table。  It

was quarter…past ten when she closed her book;

fastened the shutters; and retired。

〃I heard her shut the door; and felt quite sure that

she had turned the key in the lock。〃

〃The key!〃 ejaculated Phelps。

〃Yes; I had given Miss Harrison instructions to lock

the door on the outside and take the key with her when

she went to bed。  She carried out every one of my

injunctions to the letter; and certainly without her

cooperation you would not have that paper in you

coat…pocket。  She departed then and the lights went

out; and I was left squatting in the


〃The night was fine; but still it was a very weary

vigil。  Of course it has the sort of excitement about

it that the sportsman feels when he lies beside the

water…course and waits for the big game。  It was very

long; thoughalmost as long; Watson; as when you and

I waited in that deadly room when we looked into the

little problem of the Speckled Band。  There was a

church…clock down at Woking which struck the quarters;

and I thought more than once that it had stopped。  At

last however about two in the morning; I suddenly

heard the gentle sound of a bolt being pushed back and

the creaking of a key。  A moment later the servant's

door was opened; and Mr。 Joseph Harrison stepped out

into the moonlight。〃

〃Joseph!〃 ejaculated Phelps。

〃He was bare…headed; but he had a black coat thrown

over his shoulder so that he could conceal his face in

an instant if there were any alarm。  He walked on

tiptoe under the shadow of the wall; and when he

reached the window he worked a long…bladed knife

through the sash and pushed back the catch。  Then he

flung open the window; and putting his knife through

the crack in the shutters; he thrust the bar up and

swung them open。

〃From where I lay I had a perfect view of the inside

of the room and of every one of his movements。  He lit

the two candles which stood upon the mantelpiece; and

then he proceeded to turn back the corner of the

carpet in the neighborhood of the door。  Presently he

stopped and picked out a square piece of board; such

as is usually left to enable plumbers to get at the

joints of the gas…pipes。  This one covered; as a

matter of fact; the T joint which gives off the pipe

which supplies the kitchen underneath。  Out of this

hiding…place he drew that little cylinder of paper;

pushed down the board; rearranged the carpet; blew out

the candles; and walked straight into my arms as I

stood waiting for him outside the window。

〃Well; he has rather more viciousness than I gave him

credit for; has Master Joseph。  He flew at me with his

knife; and I had to grass him twice; and got a cut

over the knuckles; before I had the upper hand of him。 

He looked murder out of the only eye he could see with

when we had finished; but he listened to reason and

gave up the papers。  Having got them I let my man go;

but I wired full particulars to Forbes this morning。 

If he is quick enough to catch is bird; well and good。 

But if; as I shrewdly suspect; he finds the nest empty

before he gets there; why; all the better for the

government。  I fancy that Lord Holdhurst for one; and

Mr。 Percy Phelps for another; would very much rather

that the affair never got as far as a police…court。

〃My God!〃 gasped our client。  〃Do you tell me that

during these long ten weeks of agony the stolen papers

were within the very room with me all the time?〃

〃So it was。〃

〃And Joseph!  Joseph a villain and a thief!〃

〃Hum!  I am afraid Joseph's character is a rather

deeper and more dangerous one than one might judge

from his appearance。  From what I have heard from him

this morning; I gather that he has lost heavily in

dabbling with stocks; and that he is ready to do

anything on earth to better his fortunes。  Being an

absolutely selfish man; when a chance presented itself

he did not allow either his sister's happiness or your

reputation to hold his hand。〃

Percy Phelps sank back in his chair。  〃My head

whirls;〃 said he。  〃Your words have dazed me。〃

〃The principal difficulty in your case;〃 remarked

Holmes; in his didactic fashion; 〃lay in the fact of

there being too much evidence。  What was vital was

overlaid and hidden by what was irrelevant。  Of all

the facts which were presented to us we had to pick

just those which we deemed to be essential; and then

piece them together in their order; so as to

reconstruct this very remarkable chain of events。  I

had already begun to suspect Joseph; from the fact

that you had intended to travel home with him that

night; and that therefore it was a likely enough thing

that he should call for you; knowing the Foreign

Office well; upon his way。  When I heard that some one

had been so anxious to get into the bedroom; in which

no one but Joseph could have concealed anythingyou

told us in your narrative how you had turned Joseph

out when you arrived with the doctormy suspicions

all changed to certainties; especially as the attempt

was made on the first night upon which the nurse was

absent; showing that the intruder was well acquainted

with the ways of the house。〃

〃How blind I have been!〃

〃The facts of the case; as far as I have worked them

out; are these:  this Joseph Harrison entered the

office through the Charles Street door; and knowing

his way he walked straight into your room the instant

after you left it。  Finding no one there he promptly

rang the bell; and at the instant that he did so his

eyes caught the paper upon the table。  A glance showed

him that chance had put in his way a State document of

immense value; and in an instant he had thrust it into

his pocket and was gone。  A few minutes elapsed; as

you remember; before the sleepy commissionnaire drew

your attention to the bell; and those were just enough

to give the thief time to make his escape。

〃He made his way to Woking by the first train; and

having examined his booty and assured himself that it

really was of immense value; he had concealed it in

what he thought was a very safe place; with the

intention of taking it out again in a day or two; and

carrying it to the French embassy; or wherever he

thought that a long price was to be had。  Then came

your sudden return。  He; without a moment's warning;

was bundled out of his room; and from that time onward

there were always at least two of you there to prevent

him from regaining his treasure。  The situation to him

must have been a maddening one。  But at last he

thought he saw his chance。  He tried to steal in; but

was baffled by your wakefulness。  You remember that

you did not take your usual draught that night。〃

〃I remember。〃

〃I fancy that he had taken steps to make that draught

efficacious; and that he quite relied upon your being

unconscious。  Of course; I understood that he would

repeat the attempt whenever it could be done with

safety。  Your leaving the room gave him the chance he

wanted。  I kept Miss Harrison in it all day so that he

might not anticipate us。  Then; having given him the

idea that the coast was clear; I kept guard as I have

described。  I already knew that the papers were

probably in the room; but I had no desire to rip up

all the planking and skirting in search of them。  I

let him take them; therefore; from the hiding…place;

and so saved myself an infinity of trouble。  Is there

any other point which I can make clear?〃

〃Why did he try the window on the first occasion;〃 I

asked; 〃when he might have entered by the door?〃

〃In reaching the door he would have to pass seven

bedrooms。  On the other hand; he could get out on to

the lawn with ease。  Anything else?〃

〃You do not think;〃 asked Phelps; 〃that he had any

murderous intent
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