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beautiful stories from shakespeare-第18章

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o gaudy gold or shining silver for me。  I choose the lead casket; joy be the consequence!〃 And opening it; he found fair Portia's portrait inside; and he turned to her and asked if it were true that she was his。

〃Yes;〃 said Portia; 〃I am yours; and this house is yours; and with them I give you this ring; from which you must never part。〃

And Bassanio; saying that he could hardly speak for joy; found words to swear that he would never part with the ring while he lived。

Then suddenly all his happiness was dashed with sorrow; for messengers came from Venice to tell him that Antonio was ruined; and that Shylock demanded from the Duke the fulfilment of the bond; under which he was entitled to a pound of the merchant's flesh。  Portia was as grieved as Bassanio to hear of the danger which threatened his friend。

〃First;〃 she said; 〃take me to church and make me your wife; and then go to Venice at once to help your friend。  You shall take with you money enough to pay his debt twenty times over。〃

But when her newly…made husband had gone; Portia went after him; and arrived in Venice disguised as a lawyer; and with an introduction from a celebrated lawyer Bellario; whom the Duke of Venice had called in to decide the legal questions raised by Shylock's claim to a pound of Antonio's flesh。  When the Court met; Bassanio offered Shylock twice the money borrowed; if he would withdraw his claim。  But the money…lender's only answer was

   〃If every ducat in six thousand ducats;     Were in six parts; and every part a ducat;     I would not draw them;I would have my bond。〃

It was then that Portia arrived in her disguise; and not even her own husband knew her。  The Duke gave her welcome on account of the great Bellario's introduction; and left the settlement of the case to her。  Then in noble words she bade Shylock have mercy。 But he was deaf to her entreaties。  〃I will have the pound of flesh;〃 was his reply。

〃What have you to say?〃 asked Portia of the merchant。

〃But little;〃 he answered; 〃I am armed and well prepared。〃

〃The Court awards you a pound of Antonio's flesh;〃 said Portia to the money…lender。

〃Most righteous judge!〃 cried Shylock。  〃A sentence: come; prepare。〃

〃Tarry a little。  This bond gives you no right to Antonio's blood; only to his flesh。  If; then; you spill a drop of his blood; all your property will be forfeited to the State。  Such is the Law。〃

And Shylock; in his fear; said; 〃Then I will take Bassanio's offer。〃

〃No;〃 said Portia sternly; 〃you shall have nothing but your bond。 Take your pound of flesh; but remember; that if you take more or less; even by the weight of a hair; you will lose your property and your life。〃

Shylock now grew very much frightened。  〃Give me my three thousand ducats that I lent him; and let him go。〃

Bassanio would have paid it to him; but said Portia; 〃No!  He shall have nothing but his bond。〃

〃You; a foreigner;〃 she added; 〃have sought to take the life of a Venetian citizen; and thus by the Venetian law; your life and goods are forfeited。  Down; therefore; and beg mercy of the Duke。〃

Thus were the tables turned; and no mercy would have been shown to Shylock had it not been for Antonio。  As it was; the money…lender forfeited half his fortune to the State; and he had to settle the other half on his daughter's husband; and with this he had to be content。

Bassanio; in his gratitude to the clever lawyer; was induced to part with the ring his wife had given him; and with which he had promised never to part; and when on his return to Belmont he confessed as much to Portia; she seemed very angry; and vowed she would not be friends with him until she had her ring again。  But at last she told him that it was she who; in the disguise of the lawyer; had saved his friend's life; and got the ring from him。 So Bassanio was forgiven; and made happier than ever; to know how rich a prize he had drawn in the lottery of the caskets。


Four hundred years before the birth of Christ; a man lived in Athens whose generosity was not only great; but absurd。  He was very rich; but no worldly wealth was enough for a man who spent and gave like Timon。  If anybody gave Timon a horse; he received from Timon twenty better horses。  If anybody borrowed money of Timon and offered to repay it; Timon was offended。  If a poet had written a poem and Timon had time to read it; he would be sure to buy it; and a painter had only to hold up his canvas in front of Timon to receive double its market price。

Flavius; his steward; looked with dismay at his reckless mode of life。  When Timon's house was full of noisy lords drinking and spilling costly wine; Flavius would sit in a cellar and cry。  He would say to himself; 〃There are ten thousand candles burning in this house; and each of those singers braying in the concert…room costs a poor man's yearly income a night〃; and he would remember a terrible thing said by Apemantus; one of his master's friends; 〃O what a number of men eat Timon; and Timon sees them not!〃

Of course; Timon was much praised。

A jeweler who sold him a diamond pretended that it was not quite perfect till Timon wore it。  〃You mend the jewel by wearing it;〃 he said。  Timon gave the diamond to a lord called Sempronius; and the lord exclaimed; 〃O; he's the very soul of bounty。〃  〃Timon is infinitely dear to me;〃 said another lord; called Lucullus; to whom he gave a beautiful horse; and other Athenians paid him compliments as sweet。

But when Apemantus had listened to some of them; he said; 〃I'm going to knock out an honest Athenian's brains。〃

〃You will die for that;〃 said Timon。

〃Then I shall die for doing nothing;〃 said Apemantus。  And now you know what a joke was like four hundred years before Christ。

This Apernantus was a frank despiser of mankind; but a healthy one; because he was not unhappy。  In this mixed world anyone with a number of acquaintances knows a person who talks bitterly of men; but does not shun them; and boasts that he is never deceived by their fine speeches; and is inwardly cheerful and proud。  Apemantus was a man like that。

Timon; you will be surprised to hear; became much worse than Apemantus; after the dawning of a day which we call Quarter Day。

Quarter Day is the day when bills pour in。  The grocer; the butcher; and the baker are all thinking of their debtors on that day; and the wise man has saved enough money to be ready for them。  But Timon had not; and he did not only owe money for food。  He owed it for jewels and horses and furniture; and; worst of all; he owed it to money…lenders; who expected him to pay twice as much as he had borrowed。

Quarter Day is a day when promises to pay are scorned; and on that day Timon was asked for a large sum of money。  〃Sell some land;〃 he said to his steward。  〃You have no land;〃 was the reply。 〃Nonsense!  I had a hundred; thousand acres;〃 said Timon。  〃You could have spent the price of the world if you had possessed it;〃 said Flavius。

〃Borrow some then;〃 said Timon; 〃try Ventidius。〃  He thought of Ventidius because he had once got Ventidius out of prison by paying a creditor of this young man。  Ventidius was now rich。  Timon trusted in his gratitude。  But not for all; so much did he owe! Servants were despatched with requests for loans of money to several friends:

One servant (Flaminius) went to Lucullus。  When he was announced Lucullus said; 〃A gift; I warrant。  I dreamt of a silver jug and basin last night。〃  Then; changing his tone; 〃How is that honorable; free…hearted; perfect gentleman; your master; eh?〃

〃Well in health; sir;〃 replied Flaminius。

〃And what have you got there under your cloak?〃 asked Lucullus; jovially。

〃Faith; sir; nothing but an empty box; which; on my master's behalf; I beg you to fill with money; sir。〃

〃La! la! la!〃 said Lucullus; who could not pretend to mean; 〃Ha! ha! ha!〃 〃Your master's one fault is that he is too fond of giving parties。  I've warned him that it was expensive。  Now; look here; Flaminius; you know this is no time to lend money without security; so suppose you act like a good boy and tell him that I was not at home。  Here's three solidares for yourself。〃

〃Back; wretched money;〃 cried Flaminius; 〃to him who worships you!〃

Others of Timon's friends were tried and found stingy。  Amongst them was Sempronius。

〃Hum;〃 he said to Timon's servant; 〃has he asked Ventidius?  Ventidius is beholden to him。〃

〃He refused。〃

〃Well; have you asked Lucullus?〃

〃He refused。〃

〃A poor compliment to apply to me last of all;〃 said Sempronius; in affected anger。  〃If he had sent to me at first; I would gladly have lent him money; but I'm not going to be such a fool as to lend him any now。〃

〃Your lordship makes a good villain;〃 said the servant。

When Timon found that his friends were so mean; he took advantage of a lull in his storm of creditors to invite Ventidius and Company to a banquet。  Flavius was horrified; but Ventidius and Company; were not in the least ashamed; and they assembled accordingly in Timon's house; and said to one another that their princely host had been jesting with them。

〃I had to put off an important engagement in order to come here;〃 said Lucullus; 〃but who could refuse Timon?〃

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