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five tales-第14章

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〃You know I never smoke。  Is there no other way?〃

〃Yes。  Sell stock in London; bank the proceeds there; and bring me six thousand pounds in notes。  I'll hold 'em till after the general meeting。  If the thing doesn't go through; I'll hand 'em back to you。〃

〃No; I like that even less。〃

〃Rather I trusted you; eh!〃

〃No; not at all; Sylvanus; not at all。  But it's all playing round the law。〃

〃There's no law to prevent you doing what you like with your money。 What I do's nothing to you。  And mind you; I'm taking nothing from itnot a mag。  You assist the widowed and the fatherlessjust your line; Joe!〃

〃What a fellow you are; Sylvanus; you don't seem capable of taking anything seriously。〃

〃Care killed the cat!〃

Left alone after this second interview he had thought: 'The beggar'll jump。'

And the beggar had。  That settlement was drawn and only awaited signature。  The Board to…day had decided on the purchase; and all that remained was to get it ratified at the general meeting。  Let him but get that over; and this provision for his grandchildren made; and he would snap his fingers at Brownbee and his crew…the canting humbugs!  〃Hope you have many years of this life before you!〃  As if they cared for anything but his moneytheir money rather!  And becoming conscious of the length of his reverie; he grasped the arms of his chair; heaved at his own bulk; in an effort to rise; growing redder and redder in face and neck。  It was one of the hundred things his doctor had told him not to do for fear of apoplexy; the humbug! Why didn't Farney or one of those young fellows come and help him up? To call out was undignified。  But was he to sit there all night? Three times he failed; and after each failure sat motionless again; crimson and exhausted; the fourth time he succeeded; and slowly made for the office。  Passing through; he stopped and said in his extinct voice:

〃You young gentlemen had forgotten me。〃

〃Mr。 Farney said you didn't wish to be disturbed; sir。〃

〃Very good of him。  Give me my hat and coat。〃

〃Yes; sir。〃

〃Thank you。  What time is it?〃

〃Six o'clock; sir。〃

〃Tell Mr。 Farney to come and see me tomorrow at noon; about my speech for the general meeting。〃

〃Yes; Sir。〃

〃Good…night to you。〃

〃Good…night; Sir。〃

At his tortoise gait he passed between the office stools to the door; opened it feebly; and slowly vanished。

Shutting the door behind him; a clerk said:

〃Poor old chairman!  He's on his last!〃

Another answered:

〃Gosh!  He's a tough old hulk。  He'll go down fightin'。〃


Issuing from the offices of 〃The Island Navigation Company;〃 Sylvanus Heythorp moved towards the corner whence he always took tram to Sefton Park。  The crowded street had all that prosperous air of catching or missing something which characterises the town where London and New York and Dublin meet。  Old Heythorp had to cross to the far side; and he sallied forth without regard to traffic。  That snail…like passage had in it a touch of the sublime; the old man seemed saying: 〃Knock me down and be d…d to youI'm not going to hurry。〃  His life was saved perhaps ten times a day by the British character at large; compounded of phlegm and a liking to take something under its protection。  The tram conductors on that line were especially used to him; never failing to catch him under the arms and heave him like a sack of coals; while with trembling hands he pulled hard at the rail and strap。

〃All right; sir?〃

〃Thank you。〃

He moved into the body of the tram; where somebody would always get up from kindness and the fear that he might sit down on them; and there he stayed motionless; his little eyes tight closed。  With his red face; tuft of white hairs above his square cleft block of shaven chin; and his big high…crowned bowler hat; which yet seemed too petty for his head with its thick hairhe looked like some kind of an idol dug up and decked out in gear a size too small。

One of those voices of young men from public schools and exchanges where things are bought and sold; said:

〃How de do; Mr。 Heythorp?〃

Old Heythorp opened his eyes。  That sleek cub; Joe Pillin's son! What a young pup…with his round eyes; and his round cheeks; and his little moustache; his fur coat; his spats; his diamond pin!

〃How's your father?〃  he said。

〃Thanks; rather below par; worryin' about his ships。  Suppose you haven't any news for him; sir?〃

Old Heythorp nodded。  The young man was one of his pet abominations; embodying all the complacent; little…headed mediocrity of this new generation; natty fellows all turned out of the same mould; sippers and tasters; chaps without drive or capacity; without even vices; and he did not intend to gratify the cub's curiosity。

〃Come to my house;〃 he said; 〃I'll give you a note for him。〃

〃Tha…anks; I'd like to cheer the old man up。〃

The old man!  Cheeky brat!  And closing his eyes he relapsed into immobility。  The tram wound and ground its upward way; and he mused。 When he was that cub's agetwenty…eight or whatever it might behe had done most things; been up Vesuvius; driven four…in…hand; lost his last penny on the Derby and won it back on the Oaks; known all the dancers and operatic stars of the day; fought a duel with a Yankee at Dieppe and winged him for saying through his confounded nose that Old England was played out; been a controlling voice already in his shipping firm; drunk five other of the best men in London under the table; broken his neck steeple…chasing; shot a burglar in the legs; been nearly drowned; for a bet; killed snipe in Chelsea; been to Court for his sins; stared a ghost out of countenance; and travelled with a lady of Spain。  If this young pup had done the last; it would be all he had; and yet; no doubt; he would call himself a 〃spark。〃

The conductor touched his arm。

〃'Ere you are; sir。〃

〃Thank you。〃

He lowered himself to the ground; and moved in the bluish darkness towards the gate of his daughter's house。  Bob Pillin walked beside him; thinking: 'Poor old josser; he is gettin' a back number!'  And he said: 〃I should have thought you ought to drive; sir。  My old guv'nor would knock up at once if he went about at night like this。〃

The answer rumbled out into the misty air:

〃Your father's got no chest; never had。〃

Bob Pillin gave vent to one of those fat cackles which come so readily from a certain type of man; and old Heythorp thought:

'Laughing at his father!  Parrot!'

They had reached the porch。

A woman with dark hair and a thin; straight face and figure was arranging some flowers in the hall。  She turned and said:

〃You really ought not to be so late; Father!  It's wicked at this time of year。  Who is itoh!  Mr。 Pillin; how do you do?  Have you had tea?  Won't you come to the drawing…room; or do you want to see my father?〃

〃Tha…anks!  I believe your father〃  And he thought: 'By Jove! the old chap is a caution!'  For old Heythorp was crossing the hall without having paid the faintest attention to his daughter。 Murmuring again:

〃Tha…anks awfully; he wants to give me something;〃 he followed。  Miss Heythorp was not his style at all; he had a kind of dread of that thin woman who looked as if she could never be unbuttoned。  They said she was a great churchgoer and all that sort of thing。

In his sanctum old Heythorp had moved to his writing…table; and was evidently anxious to sit down。

〃Shall I give you a hand; sir?〃

Receiving a shake of the head; Bob Pillin stood by the fire and watched。  The old 〃sport〃 liked to paddle his own canoe。  Fancy having to lower yourself into a chair like that!  When an old Johnny got to such a state it was really a mercy when he snuffed out; and made way for younger men。  How his Companies could go on putting up with such a fossil for chairman was a marvel!  The fossil rumbled and said in that almost inaudible voice:

〃I suppose you're beginning to look forward to your father's shoes?〃

Bob Pillin's mouth opened。  The voice went on:

〃Dibs and no responsibility。  Tell him from me to drink portadd five years to his life。〃

To this unwarranted attack Bob Pillin made no answer save a laugh; he perceived that a manservant had entered the room。

〃A Mrs。 Larne; sir。  Will you see her?〃

At this announcement the old man seemed to try and start; then he nodded; and held out the note he had written。  Bob Pillin received it together with the impression of a murmur which sounded like: 〃Scratch a poll; Poll!〃  and passing the fine figure of a woman in a fur coat; who seemed to warm the air as she went by; he was in the hall again before he perceived that he had left his hat。

A young and pretty girl was standing on the bearskin before the fire; looking at him with round…eyed innocence。  He thought: 'This is better; I mustn't disturb them for my hat'; and approaching the fire; said:

〃Jolly cold; isn't it?〃

The girl smiled: 〃Yes…jolly。〃

He noticed that she had a large bunch of violets at her breast; a lot of fair hair; a short straight nose; and round blue…grey eyes very frank and open。  〃Er〃 he said; 〃I've left my hat in there。〃

〃What larks!〃  And at her little clear laugh something moved within Bob Pillin。

〃You know this house well?〃

She shook her head。  
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