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five tales-第2章

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〃How?  Where?  You'd better tell me quietly from the beginning。 Drink this coffee; it'll clear your head。〃

Laurence took the little blue cup and drained it。

〃Yes;〃 he said。  〃It's like this; Keith。  There's a girl I've known for some months now〃

Women!  And Keith said between his teeth: 〃Well?〃

〃Her father was a Pole who died over here when she was sixteen; and left her all alone。  A man called Walenn; a mongrel American; living in the same house; married her; or pretended toshe's very pretty; Keithhe left her with a baby six months old; and another coming。 That one died; and she did nearly。  Then she starved till another fellow took her on。  She lived with him two years; then Walenn turned up again; and made her go back to him。  The brute used to beat her black and blue; all for nothing。  Then he left her again。  When I met her she'd lost her elder child; too; and was taking anybody who came along。〃

He suddenly looked up into Keith's face。

〃But I've never met a sweeter woman; nor ;a truer; that I swear。 Woman!  She's only twenty now!  When I went to her last night; that brutethat Walennhad found her out again; and when he came for me; swaggering and bullyingLook!〃he touched a dark mark on his forehead〃I took his throat in my hands; and when I let go〃


〃Dead。  I never knew till afterwards that she was hanging on to him behind。〃

Again he made that gesture…wringing his hands。

In a hard voice Keith said:

〃What did you do then?〃

〃We sat by it a long time。  Then I carried it on my back down the street; round a corner to an archway。〃

〃How far?〃

〃About fifty yards。〃

〃Was anyonedid anyone see?〃


〃What time?〃


〃And then?〃

〃Went back to her。〃

〃Whyin Heaven's name?〃

〃She was lonely and afraid; so was I; Keith。〃

〃Where is this place?〃

〃Forty…two; Borrow Street; Soho。〃

〃And the archway?〃

〃Corner of Glove Lane。〃

〃Good God!  WhyI saw it in the paper!〃

And seizing the journal that lay on his bureau; Keith read again that paragraph: 〃The body of a man was found this morning under an archway in Glove Lane; Soho。  From marks about the throat grave suspicions of foul play are entertained。  The body had apparently been robbed; and nothing was discovered leading to identification。〃

It was real earnest; then。  Murder!  His own brother!  He faced round and said:

〃You saw this in the paper; and dreamed it。  Understandyou dreamed it!〃

The wistful answer came:

〃If only I had; Keithif only I had!〃

In his turn; Keith very nearly wrung his hands。

〃Did you take anything from thebody?〃

〃This dropped while we were struggling。〃;

It was an empty envelope with a South American post…mark addressed: 〃Patrick Walenn; Simon's Hotel; Farrier Street; London。〃 Again with that twitching in his heart; Keith said:

〃Put it in the fire。〃

Then suddenly he stooped to pluck it out。  By that commandhe had identified himself with thisthis But he did not pluck it out。  It blackened; writhed; and vanished。  And once more he said:

〃What in God's name made you come here and tell me?〃

〃You know about these things。  I didn't mean to kill him。  I love the girl。  What shall I do; Keith?

〃Simple!  How simple!  To ask what he was to do!  It was like Larry! And he said:

〃You were not seen; you think?〃  〃It's a dark street。  There was no one about。〃

〃When did you leave this girl the second time?〃

〃About seven o'clock。〃

〃Where did you go?〃

〃To my rooms。〃

〃In Fitzroy Street?〃


〃Did anyone see you come in?〃


〃What have you done since?〃

〃Sat there。〃

〃Not been out?〃


〃Not seen the girl?〃


〃You don't know; then; what she's done since?〃


〃Would she give you away?〃


〃Would she give herself awayhysteria?〃


〃Who knows of your relations with her?〃

〃No one。〃

〃No one?〃

〃I don't know who should; Keith。〃

〃Did anyone see you going in last night; when you first went to her?〃

〃No。  She lives on the ground floor。  I've got keys。〃

〃Give them to me。  What else have you that connects you with her?〃


〃In your rooms?〃


〃No photographs。  No letters?〃


〃Be careful。〃


〃No one saw you going back to her the second time?〃


〃No one saw you leave her in the morning?〃


〃You were fortunate。  Sit down again; man。  I must think。〃

Think!  Think out this accursed thingso beyond all thought; and all belief。  But he could not think。  Not a coherent thought would come。 And he began again:

〃Was it his first reappearance with her?〃


〃She told you so?〃


〃How did he find out where she was?〃

〃I don't know。〃

〃How drunk were you?〃

〃I was not drunk。〃

〃How much had you drunk?〃

〃About two bottles of claretnothing。〃

〃You say you didn't mean to kill him?〃

〃No…God knows!〃

〃That's something。

What made you choose the arch?〃

〃It was the first dark place。〃

〃Did his face look as if he had been strangled?〃


〃Did it?〃


〃Very disfigured?〃


〃Did you look to see if his clothes were marked?〃


〃Why not?〃

〃Why not?  My God!  If you had done it!〃

〃You say he was disfigured。  Would he be recognisable?〃

〃I don't know。〃

〃When she lived with him lastwhere was that?〃

〃I don't know for certain。  Pimlico; I think。〃

〃Not Soho?〃


〃How long has she been at the Soho place?〃

〃Nearly a year。〃

〃Always the same rooms?〃


〃Is there anyone living in that house or street who would be likely to know her as his wife?〃

〃I don't think so。〃

〃What was he?〃

〃I should think he was a professional 'bully。'〃

〃I see。  Spending most of his time abroad; then?〃


〃Do you know if he was known to the police?〃

〃I haven't heard of it。〃

〃Now; listen; Larry。  When you leave here go straight home; and don't go out till I come to you; to…morrow morning。  Promise that!〃

〃I promise。〃

〃I've got a dinner engagement。  I'll think this out。  Don't drink。 Don't talk! Pull yourself together。〃

〃Don't keep me longer than you can help; Keith!〃

That white face; those eyes; that shaking hand!  With a twinge of pity in the midst of all the turbulence of his revolt; and fear; and disgust Keith put his hand on his brother's shoulder; and said:


And suddenly he thought: 'My God!  Courage!  I shall want it all myself!'


Laurence Darrant; leaving his brother's house in the Adelphi; walked northwards; rapidly; slowly; rapidly again。  For; if there are men who by force of will do one thing only at a time; there are men who from lack of will do now one thing; now another; with equal intensity。  To such natures; to be gripped by the Nemesis which attends the lack of self…control is no reason for being more self… controlled。  Rather does it foster their pet feeling: 〃What matter? To…morrow we die!〃  The effort of will required to go to Keith had relieved; exhausted and exasperated him。  In accordance with those three feelings was the progress of his walk。  He started from the door with the fixed resolve to go home and stay there quietly till Keith came。  He was in Keith's hands; Keith would know what was to be done。  But he had not gone three hundred yards before he felt so utterly weary; body and soul; that if he had but had a pistol in his pocket he would have shot himself in the street。  Not even the thought of the girlthis young unfortunate with her strange devotion; who had kept him straight these last five months; who had roused in him a depth of feeling he had never known beforewould have availed against that sudden black defection。  Why go ona waif at the mercy of his own nature; a straw blown here and there by every gust which rose in him?  Why not have done with it for ever; and take it out in sleep?

He was approaching the fatal street; where he and the girl; that early morning; had spent the hours clutched together; trying in the refuge of love to forget for a moment their horror and fear。  Should he go in?  He had promised Keith not to。  Why had he promised?  He caught sight of himself in a chemist's lighted window。  Miserable; shadowy brute!  And he remembered suddenly a dog he had picked up once in the streets of Pera; a black…and…white creaturedifferent from the other dogs; not one of their breed; a pariah of pariahs; who had strayed there somehow。  He had taken it home to the house where he was staying; contrary to all custom of the country; had got fond of it; had shot it himself; sooner than leave it behind again to the mercies of its own kind in the streets。  Twelve years ago!  And those sleevelinks made of little Turkish coins he had brought back for the girl at the hairdresser's in Chancery Lane where he used to get shavedpretty creature; like a wild rose。  He had asked of her a kiss for payment。  What queer emotion when she put her face forward to his lipsa sort of passionate tenderness and shame; at the softness and warmth of that flushed cheek; at her beauty and trustful gratitude。  She would soon have given herself to himthat one!  He had never gone there again!  And to this day he did not know why he had abstained; to this day he did not kno
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