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five tales-第4章

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watched straddling; whom; as a little fellow; he had fagged; whom he had seen through scrapes at college; to whom he had lent money time and again; and time and again admonished in his courses。  Larry!  Five years younger than himself; and committed to his charge by their mother when she died。  To become for life one of those men with faces like diseased plants; with no hair but a bushy stubble; with arrows marked on their yellow clothes!  Larry!  One of those men herded like sheep; at the beck and call of common men!  A gentleman; his own brother; to live that slave's life; to be ordered here and there; year after year; day in; day out。  Something snapped within him。  He could not give that advice。  Impossible!  But if not; he must make sure of his ground; must verify; must know。  This Glove Lanethis arch way?  It would not be far from where he was that very moment。  He looked for someone of whom to make enquiry。  A policeman was standing at the corner; his stolid face illumined by a lamp; capable and watchfulan excellent officer; no doubt; but; turning his head away; Keith passed him without a word。  Strange to feel that cold; uneasy feeling in presence of the law!  A grim little driving home of what it all meant!  Then; suddenly; he saw that the turning to his left was Borrow Street itself。  He walked up one side; crossed over; and returned。  He passed Number Forty…two; a small house with business names printed on the lifeless windows of the first and second floors; with dark curtained windows on the ground floor; or was there just a slink of light in one corner?  Which way had Larry turned?  Which way under that grisly burden?  Fifty paces of this squalid street…narrow; and dark; and empty; thank heaven!  Glove Lane!  Here it was!  A tiny runlet of a street。  And here!  He had run right on to the arch; a brick bridge connecting two portions of a warehouse; and dark indeed。

〃That's right; gov'nor!  That's the place!〃  He needed all his self… control to turn leisurely to the speaker。  〃'Ere's where they found the bodyvery spot leanin' up 'ere。  They ain't got 'im yet。 Lytestme lord!〃

It was a ragged boy holding out a tattered yellowish journal。  His lynx eyes peered up from under lanky wisps of hair; and his voice had the proprietary note of one making 〃a corner〃 in his news。  Keith took the paper and gave him twopence。  He even found a sort of comfort in the young ghoul's hanging about there; it meant that others besides himself had come morbidly to look。  By the dim lamplight he read: 〃Glove Lane garrotting mystery。  Nothing has yet been discovered of the murdered man's identity; from the cut of his clothes he is supposed to be a foreigner。〃  The boy had vanished; and Keith saw the figure of a policeman coming slowly down this gutter of a street。  A second's hesitation; and he stood firm。  Nothing obviously could have brought him here save this 〃mystery;〃 and he stayed quietly staring at the arch。  The policeman moved up abreast。 Keith saw that he was the one whom he had passed just now。  He noted the cold offensive question die out of the man's eyes when they caught the gleam of white shirt…front under the opened fur collar。 And holding up the paper; he said:

〃Is this where the man was found?〃

〃Yes; sir。〃

〃Still a mystery; I see?〃

〃Well; we can't always go by the papers。  But I don't fancy they do know much about it; yet。〃

〃Dark spot。  Do fellows sleep under here?〃

The policeman nodded。  〃There's not an arch in London where we don't get 'em sometimes。〃

〃Nothing found on himI think I read?〃

〃Not a copper。  Pockets inside out。  There's some funny characters about this quarter。  Greeks; Hitaliansall sorts。〃

Queer sensation this; of being glad of a policeman's confidential tone!

〃Well; good…night!〃

〃Good…night; sir。  Good…night!〃

He looked back from Borrow Street。  The policeman was still standing there holding up his lantern; so that its light fell into the archway; as if trying to read its secret。

Now that he had seen this dark; deserted spot; the chances seemed to him much better。  〃Pockets inside out!〃  Either Larry had had presence of mind to do a very clever thing; or someone had been at the body before the police found it。  That was the more likely。  A dead backwater of a place。  At three o'clockloneliest of all hours… …Larry's five minutes' grim excursion to and fro might well have passed unseen!  Now; it all depended on the girl; on whether Laurence had been seen coming to her or going away; on whether; if the man's relationship to her were discovered; she could be relied on to say nothing。  There was not a soul in Borrow Street now; hardly even a lighted window; and he took one of those rather desperate decisions only possible to men daily accustomed to the instant taking of responsibility。  He would go to her; and see for himself。  He came to the door of Forty…two; obviously one of those which are only shut at night; and tried the larger key。  It fitted; and he was in a gas… lighted passage; with an oil…clothed floor; and a single door to his left。  He stood there undecided。  She must be made to understand that he knew everything。  She must not be told more than that he was a friend of Larry's。  She must not be frightened; yet must be forced to give her very soul away。  A hostile witnessnot to be treated as hostilea matter for delicate handling!  But his knock was not answered。

Should he give up this nerve…racking; bizarre effort to come at a basis of judgment; go away; and just tell Laurence that he could not advise him?  And thenwhat?  Something must be done。  He knocked again。  Still no answer。  And with that impatience of being thwarted; natural to him; and fostered to the full by the conditions of his life; he tried the other key。  It worked; and he opened the door。 Inside all was dark; but a voice from some way off; with a sort of breathless relief in its foreign tones; said:

〃Oh!  then it's you; Larry!  Why did you knock?  I was so frightened。 Turn up the light; dear。  Come in!〃

Feeling by the door for a switch in the pitch blackness he was conscious of arms round his neck; a warm thinly clad body pressed to his own; then withdrawn as quickly; with a gasp; and the most awful terror…stricken whisper:

〃Oh!  Who is it?〃

With a glacial shiver down his own spine; Keith answered

〃A friend of Laurence。  Don't be frightened!〃

There was such silence that he could hear a clock ticking; and the sound of his own hand passing over the surface of the wall; trying to find the switch。  He found it; and in the light which leaped up he saw; stiffened against a dark curtain evidently screening off a bedroom; a girl standing; holding a long black coat together at her throat; so that her face with its pale brown hair; short and square… cut and curling up underneath; had an uncanny look of being detached from any body。  Her face was so alabaster pale that the staring; startled eyes; dark blue or brown; and the faint rose of the parted lips; were like colour stainings on a white mask; and it had a strange delicacy; truth; and pathos; such as only suffering brings。 Though not susceptible to aesthetic emotion; Keith was curiously affected。  He said gently:

〃You needn't be afraid。  I haven't come to do you harmquite the contrary。  May I sit down and talk?〃  And; holding up the keys; he added: 〃Laurence wouldn't have given me these; would he; if he hadn't trusted me?〃

Still she did not move; and he had the impression that he was looking at a spirita spirit startled out of its flesh。  Nor at the moment did it seem in the least strange that he should conceive such an odd thought。  He stared round the roomclean and tawdry; with its tarnished gilt mirror; marble…topped side…table; and plush…covered sofa。  Twenty years and more since he had been in such a place。  And he said:

〃Won't you sit down?  I'm sorry to have startled you。〃

But still she did not move; whispering:

〃Who are you; please?〃

And; moved suddenly beyond the realm of caution by the terror in that whisper; he answered:

〃Larry's brother。〃

She uttered a little sigh of relief which went to Keith's heart; and; still holding the dark coat together at her throat; came forward and sat down on the sofa。  He could see that her feet; thrust into slippers; were bare; with her short hair; and those candid startled eyes; she looked like a tall child。  He drew up a chair and said:

〃You must forgive me coming at such an hour; he's told me; you see。〃 He expected her to flinch and gasp; but she only clasped her hands together on her knees; and said:


Then horror and discomfort rose up in him; afresh。

〃An awful business!〃

Her whisper echoed him:

〃Yes; oh! yes!  Awfulit is awful!〃

And suddenly realising that the man must have fallen dead just where he was sitting; Keith became stock silent; staring at the floor。

〃Yes;〃 she whispered; 〃Just there。  I see him now always falling!〃

How she said that!  With what a strange gentle despair!  In this girl of evil life; who had brought on them this tragedy; what was it which moved him to a sort of unwilling compassion?

〃You look very young;〃 he said。

〃I am twenty。〃

〃And you are fond ofmy brother?〃

〃I would die for him。〃

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