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five tales-第50章

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〃Play me some Chopin。〃

By the cigars they smoke; and the composers they love; ye shall know the texture of men's souls。  Old Jolyon could not beara strong cigar or Wagner's music。  He loved Beethoven and Mozart; Handel and Gluck; and Schumann; and; for some occult reason; the operas of Meyerbeer; but of late years he had been seduced by Chopin; just as in painting he had succumbed to Botticelli。  In yielding to these tastes he had been conscious of divergence from the standard of the Golden Age。  Their poetry was not that of Milton and Byron and Tennyson; of Raphael and Titian; Mozart and Beethoven。  It was; as it were; behind a veil; their poetry hit no one in the face; but slipped its fingers under the ribs and turned and twisted; and melted up the heart。  And; never certain that this was healthy; he did not care a rap so long as he could see the pictures of the one or hear the music of the other。

Irene sat down at the piano under the electric lamp festooned with pearl…grey; and old Jolyon; in an armchair; whence he could see her; crossed his legs and drew slowly at his cigar。  She sat a few moments with her hands on the keys; evidently searching her mind for what to give him。  Then she began and within old Jolyon there arose a sorrowful pleasure; not quite like anything else in the world。  He fell slowly into a trance; interrupted only by the movements of taking the cigar out of his mouth at long intervals; and replacing it。  She was there; and the hock within him; and the scent of tobacco; but there; too; was a world of sunshine lingering into moonlight; and pools with storks upon them; and bluish trees above; glowing with blurs of wine…red roses; and fields of lavender where milk…white cows were grazing; and a woman all shadowy; with dark eyes and a white neck; smiled; holding out her arms; and through air which was like music a star dropped and was caught on a cow's horn。  He opened his eyes。  Beautiful piece; she played wellthe touch of an angel!  And he closed them again。  He felt mirac…ulously sad and happy; as one does; standing under a lime…tree in full honey flower。 Not live one's own life again; but just stand there and bask in the smile of a woman's eyes; and enjoy the bouquet!  And he jerked his hand; the dog Balthasar had reached up and licked it。

〃Beautiful!〃 He said: 〃Go onmore Chopin!〃

She began to play again。  This time the resemblance between her and 'Chopin' struck him。  The swaying he had noticed in her walk was in her playing too; and the Nocturne she had chosen and the soft darkness of her eyes; the light on her hair; as of moonlight from a golden moon。  Seductive; yes; but nothing of Delilah in her or in that music。  A long blue spiral from his cigar ascended and dispersed。  'So we go out!' he thought。  'No more beauty! Nothing?'

Again Irene stopped。

〃Would you like some Gluck?  He used to write his music in a sunlit garden; with a bottle of Rhine wine beside him。〃

〃Ah!; yes。  Let's have 'Orfeo。〃' Round about him now were fields of gold and silver flowers; white forms swaying in the sunlight; bright birds flying to and fro。  All was summer。  Lingering waves of sweetness and regret flooded his soul。  Some cigar ash dropped; and taking out a silk handkerchief to brush it off; he inhaled a mingled scent as of snuff and eau de Cologne。  'Ah!' he thought; 'Indian summerthat's all!' and he said: 〃You haven't played me 'Che faro。'〃

She did not answer; did not move。  He was conscious of something some strange upset。  Suddenly he saw her rise and turn away; and a pang of remorse shot through him。  What a clumsy chap!  Like Orpheus; she of courseshe too was looking for her lost one in the hall of memory!  And disturbed to the heart; he got up from his chair。  She had gone to the great window at the far end。  Gingerly he followed。 Her hands were folded over her breast; he could just see her cheek; very white。  And; quite emotionalized; he said:

〃There; there; my love!〃  The words had escaped him mechanically; for they were those he used to Holly when she had a pain; but their effect was instantaneously distressing。  She raised her arms; covered her face with them; and wept。

Old Jolyon stood gazing at her with eyes very deep from age。  The passionate shame she seemed feeling at her abandonment; so unlike the control and quietude of her whole presence was as if she had never before broken down in the presence of another being。

〃There; therethere; there!〃 he murmured; and putting his hand out reverently; touched her。  She turned; and leaned the arms which covered her face against him。  Old Jolyon stood very still; keeping one thin hand on her shoulder。  Let her cry her heart outit would do her good。

And the dog Balthasar; puzzled; sat down on his stern to examine them。

The window was still open; the curtains had not been drawn; the last of daylight from without mingled with faint intrusion from the lamp within; there was a scent of new…mown grass。  With the wisdom of a long life old Jolyon did not speak。  Even grief sobbed itself out in time; only Time was good for sorrowTime who saw the passing of each mood; each emotion in turn; Time the layer…to…rest。  There came into his mind the words: 'As panteth the hart after cooling streams'but they were of no use to him。  Then; conscious of a scent of violets; he knew she was drying her eyes。  He put his chin forward; pressed his moustache against her forehead; and felt her shake with a quivering of her whole body; as of a tree which shakes itself free of raindrops。  She put his hand to her lips; as if saying: 〃All over now!  Forgive me!〃

The kiss filled him with a strange comfort; he led her back to where she had been so upset。  And the dog Balthasar; following; laid the bone of one of the cutlets they had eaten at their feet。

Anxious to obliterate the memory of that emotion; he could think of nothing better than china; and moving with her slowly from cabinet to cabinet; he kept taking up bits of Dresden and Lowestoft and Chelsea; turning them round and round with his thin; veined hands; whose skin; faintly freckled; had such an aged look。

〃I bought this at Jobson's;〃 he would say; 〃cost me thirty pounds。 It's very old。  That dog leaves his bones all over the place。  This old 'ship…bowl' I picked up at the sale when that precious rip; the Marquis; came to grief。  But you don't remember。  Here's a nice piece of Chelsea。  Now; what would you say this was?〃  And he was comforted; feeling that; with her taste; she was taking a real interest in these things; for; after all; nothing better composes the nerves than a doubtful piece of china。

When the crunch of the carriage wheels was heard at last; he said

〃You must come again; you must come to lunch; then I can show you these by daylight; and my little sweetshe's a dear little thing。 This dog seems to have taken a fancy to you。〃

For Balthasar; feeling that she was about to leave; was rubbing his side against her leg。  Going out under the porch with her; he said:

〃He'll get you up in an hour and a quarter。  Take this for your protegees;〃 and he slipped a cheque for fifty pounds into her hand。 He saw her brightened eyes; and heard her murmur: 〃Oh Uncle Jolyon!〃 and a real throb of pleasure went through him。  That meant one or two poor creatures helped a little; and it meant that she would come again。  He put his hand in at the window and grasped hers once more。 The carriage rolled away。  He stood looking at the moon and the shadows of the trees; and thought: 'A sweet night! She 。。。!'


Two days of rain; and summer set in bland and sunny。  Old Jolyon walked and talked with Holly。  At first he felt taller and full of a new vigour; then he felt restless。  Almost every afternoon they would enter the coppice; and walk as far as the log。  'Well; she's not there!' he would think; 'of course not!'  And he would feel a little shorter; and drag his feet walking up the hill home; with his hand clapped to his left side。  Now and then the thought would move in him: 'Did she comeor did I dream it?' and he would stare at space; while the dog Balthasar stared at him。  Of course she would not come again!  He opened the letters from Spain with less excitement。  They were not returning till July; he felt; oddly; that he could bear it。 Every day at dinner he screwed up his eyes and looked at where she had sat。  She was not there; so he unscrewed his eyes again。

On the seventh afternoon he thought: 'I must go up and get some boots。'  He ordered Beacon; and set out。  Passing from Putney towards Hyde Park he reflected: 'I might as well go to Chelsea and see her。' And he called out: 〃Just drive me to where you took that lady the other night。〃  The coachman turned his broad red face; and his juicy lips answered: 〃The lady in grey; sir?〃

〃Yes; the lady in grey。〃  What other ladies were there!  Stodgy chap!

The carriage stopped before a small three…storied block of flats; standing a little back from the river。  With a practised eye old Jolyon saw that they were cheap。  'I should think about sixty pound a year;'  he mused; and entering; he looked at the name…board。  The name 'Forsyte' was not on it; but against 'First Floor; Flat C' were the words: 'Mrs。 Irene Heron。'  Ah! She had ta
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