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the life and perambulations of a mouse-第13章

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 you what I said) Miss Betsy; and Miss Rachael; and Master James; show such contempt to all their inferiors。  Nobody could wish children of their fortunes to make themselves too free; or play with their servants; but if they were little kings and queens; still they ought to speak kind and civil to everyone。  Indeed our king and queen would scorn to behave like the children of this family; and if〃  She was going on; but they stopped her; saying; 〃If you say another word; we will push you out of the room this moment; you rude; bold; insolent woman; you ought to be ashamed of speaking so disrespectfully of your betters; but we will tell our mamma; that we will; and she won't suffer you to allow your tongue such liberties。〃  〃If;〃 replied Molly; 〃I have offended you; I am sorry for it; and beg your pardon; ladies; I am sure I had no wish to do so; and you should remember that you both insisted upon my telling you what I had been saying。〃  〃So we did;〃 said they; 〃but you had no business to say it all; and I promise you my mamma shall know it。〃

'In this manner they went on for some time; but; to make short of my story; they represented the matter in such a manner to their mother; that she dismissed Molly from her service; with a strict charge never to visit the house again。  〃For;〃 said Mrs。 Speedgo; 〃no servant who behaves as you have done; shall ever enter my doors again; or eat another mouthful in my house。〃 Molly had no desire so suddenly to quit her place; but as her conscience perfectly acquitted her of any wilful crime; after receiving her wages; respectfully wishing all the family their health; and taking a friendly leave of her fellow…servants; she left the house; and soon engaged herself as dairy…maid in a farmer's family; about three miles off; in which place she behaved so extremely well; and so much to the satisfaction of her master and mistress; that; after she had lived there a little more than two years; with their entire approbation; she was married to their eldest son; a sober; worthy young man; to whom his father gave a fortune not much less than three thousand pounds; with which he bought and stocked a very pretty farm in Somersetshire; where they lived as happy as virtue and affluence could make them。  By industry and care they prospered beyond their utmost expectations; and; by their prudence and good behaviour; gained the esteem and love of all who knew them。

'To their servants (for they soon acquired riches enough to keep three or four; I mean household ones; besides the number that were employed in the farming business) they behaved with such kindness and civility; that had they even given less wages than their neighbours; they would never have been in want of any; everyone being desirous of getting into a family where they were treated with such kindness and condescension。

'In this happy manner they continued to live for many years; bringing up a large family of children to imitate their virtues; but one great mortification they were obliged to submit to; which was that of putting their children very early to boarding school; a circumstance which the want of education in Mrs。 and indeed I may add Mr。 Flail; rendered absolutely necessary。

'But I am afraid; Mrs。 Sally and Mrs。 Nelly; you will be tired; as I have but half told my story; but I will endeavour to make short work of it; though indeed it deserves to be noticed; for it will teach one a great deal; and convince one how little the world's riches are to be depended on。

'I have said; you know; that Mr。 Speedgo was a merchant; and a very rich one too。  It is unknown what vast sums of money he used to spend! when; would you think it; either through spending it too fast; or some losses he met with in trade; he broke all to nothing; and had not a farthing to pay his creditors。  I forgot how many thousand pounds it was he owed; but it was a vast great many。  Well! this you may be sure was a great mortification to them; they begged for mercy from their creditors; but as in their prosperity they had never shown much mercy themselves to those they thought beneath them; so now they met with very little from others:  the poor saying they deserved it for their pride; the rich condemning them for their presumption; in trying to vie with those of superior birth; and those who had been less successful in business; blaming them for their extravagance; which; they said; had justly brought on them their misfortunes。

'In this distress; in vain it was they applied for assistance to those they had esteemed their friends; for as they never had been careful to form their connections with people of real merit; only seeking to be acquainted with those who were rich and prosperous; so now they could no longer return their civilities; they found none were ready to show them any; but everyone seemed anxious to keep from them as much as possible。  Thus distressed; and finding no one willing to help them; the young squire; Master James; was obliged to go to sea:  while Miss Betsy and Miss Rachael were even forced to try to get their living by service; a way of life they were both ill qualified to undertake; for they had always so accustomed themselves to be waited on and attended; that they scarcely knew how to help themselves; much less how to work for others。  The consequence of which was; they gave so little satisfaction to their employers; that they staid but a little time in a place; and from so frequently changing; no family; who wished to be well settled; would admit them; as they thought it impossible they could be good servants whom no one thought worthy of keeping。

'It is impossible to describe the many and great mortifications those two young ladies met with。  They now frequently recollected the words of Molly Mount; and earnestly wished they had attended to them whilst it was in their power; as by so doing they would have secured to themselves friends。  And they very forcibly found; that; although they were poor and servants; yet they were as sensible of kind treatment and civility; as if they had been richer。

'After they had been for some years changing from place to place; always obliged to put up with very low wages; upon account of their being so ill qualified for servants; it happened that Miss Betsy got into service at Watchet; a place about three miles distant from Mr。 Flail's farm。  Here she had a violent fit of illness; and not having been long enough in the family to engage their generosity to keep her; she was dismissed upon account of her ill health rendering her wholly incapable of doing her business for which she was hired。  She then; with the very little money she had; procured a lodging in a miserable little dirty cottage; but through weakness being unable to work; she soon exhausted her whole stock; and was even obliged to quit this habitation; bad as it was; and for some days support herself wholly by begging from door to door; often meeting with very unkind language for so idle an employment; some people telling her to go to her parish; when; alas! her parish was many miles distant; and she; poor creature; had no means of getting there。

'At last she wandered; in this distressful situation; to the house of Mr。 Flail; and walked into the farm yard just at the time the cows were being milked。  She; who for a long time had tasted nothing but bits of broken bread; and had no drink besides water she had scooped up in her hands; looked at the quantity of fresh milk with a most wishful eye; and; going to the women who were milking; she besought them in a moving manner to give her a draught; as she was almost ready to perish。  〃For pity's sake;〃 said she; 〃have compassion upon a poor wretch; dying with sickness; hunger; and thirst; it is a long time since I have tasted a mouthful of wholesome victuals; my lips are now almost parched with thirst; and I am so faint for want; that I can scarcely stand; my sufferings are very great indeed; it would melt a heart of stone to hear the story of my woes。  Oh! have pity upon a fellow…creature then; and give me one draught of that milk; which can never be missed out of so vast a quantity as you have there; and may you never; never; know what it is to suffer as I now do。〃  To this piteous request; she received for answer; the common one of 〃Go about your business; we have nothing for you; so don't come here。〃  〃We should have enough to do indeed;〃 said one of the milkers; 〃if we were to give every idle beggar who would like a draught of this delicious milk; but no; indeed; we shall not give you a drop; so go about your business; and don't come plaguing us here。〃  Mrs。 Flail; who happened to be in the yard; with one of her children who was feeding the chickens; overheard enough of this to make her come forward; and enquire what was the matter。  〃Nothing; ma〃am;〃 replied the milk…maid; 〃only I was sending away this nasty dirty creature; who was so bold as to come asking for milk indeed!  But beggars grow so impudent now…a…days there never was the like of it。〃  〃Oh fie!〃 returned Mrs。 Flail; shocked at her inhuman way of speaking; 〃fie upon you; to speak in so unkind a manner of a poor creature in distress。〃  Then turning to the beggar; she inquired what she wanted; in so mild a tone of voice; that it encoura
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