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the memoirs of louis xiv-01-第12章

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satisfactory conclusion。  The King allowed him to speak to the end; and
then assumed a severe air。  〃It is true;〃 said he; 〃that I am enamoured
of her; that I feel it; that I seek her; that I speak of her willingly;
and think of her still more willingly; it is true also that I act thus in
spite of myself; because I am mortal and have this weakness; but the more
facility I have as King to gratify myself; the more I ought to be on my
guard against sin and scandal。  I pardon you this time; but never address
to me a similar discourse again if you wish that I should continue to
love you。〃  This was a thunderbolt for my father; the scales fell from
his eyes; the idea of the King's timidity in love disappeared before the
display of a virtue so pure and so triumphant。

My father's career was for a long time very successful; but unfortunately
he had an enemy who brought it to an end。  This enemy was M。 de Chavigny:
he was secretary of state; and had also the war department。  Either from
stupidity or malice he had left all the towns in Picardy badly supported;
a circumstance the Spaniards knew well how to profit by when they took
Corbie in 1636。  My father had an uncle who commanded in one of these
towns; La Capelle; and who had several times asked for ammunition and
stores without success。  My father spoke upon this subject to Chavigny;
to the Cardinal de Richelieu; and to the King; but with no good effect。
La Capelle; left without resources; fell like the places around。  As I
have said before; Louis XIII。 did not long allow the Spaniards to enjoy
the advantages they had gained。  All the towns in Picardy were soon
retaken; and the King; urged on by Chavigny; determined to punish the
governors of these places for surrendering them so easily。  My father's
uncle was included with the others。  This injustice was not to be borne。
My father represented the real state of the case and used every effort;
to save his uncle; but it was in vain。  Stung to the quick he demanded
permission to retire; and was allowed to do so。  Accordingly; at the
commencement of 1637; he left for Blaye; and remained there until the
death of Cardinal Richelieu。  During this retirement the King frequently
wrote to him; in a language they had composed so as to speak before
people without being understood; and I possess still many of these
letters; with much regret that I am ignorant of their contents。

Chavigny served my father another ill turn。  At the Cardinal's death my
father had returned to the Court and was in greater favour than ever。
Just before Louis XIII。 died he gave my father the place of first master
of the horse; but left his name blank in the paper fixing the
appointment。  The paper was given into the hands of Chavigny。  At the
King's death he had the villainy; in concert with the Queen…regent; to
fill in the name of Comte d'Harcourt; instead of that the King had
instructed him of。  The indignation of my father was great; but; as he
could obtain no redress; he retired once again to his Government of
Blaye。  Notwithstanding the manner in which he had been treated by the
Queen…regent; he stoutly defended her cause when the civil war broke out;
led by M。 le Prince。  He garrisoned Blaye at his own expense; incurring
thereby debts which hung upon him all his life; and which I feel the
effects of still; and repulsed all attempts of friends to corrupt his
loyalty。  The Queen and Mazarin could not close their eyes to his
devotion; and offered him; while the war was still going on; a marechal's
baton; or the title of foreign prince。  But he refused both; and the
offer was not renewed when the war ended。  These disturbances over; and
Louis XIV。 being married; my father came again to Paris; where he had
many friends。  He had married in 1644; and had had; as I have said; one
only daughter。  His wife dying in 1670; and leaving him without male
children; he determined; however much he might be afflicted at the loss
he had sustained; to marry again; although old。  He carried out his
resolution in October of the same year; and was very pleased with the
choice he had made。  He liked his new wife so much; in fact; that when
Madame de Montespan obtained for her a place at the Court; he declined it
at once。  At his ageit was thus he wrote to Madame de Montespan; he had
taken a wife not for the Court; but for himself。  My mother; who was
absent when the letter announcing the appointment was sent; felt much
regret; but never showed it。

Before I finish this account of my father; I will here relate adventures
which happened to him; and which I ought to have placed before his second
marriage。  A disagreement arose between my father and M。 de Vardes; and
still existed long after everybody thought they were reconciled。  It was
ultimately agreed that upon an early day; at about twelve o'clock; they
should meet at the Porte St。 Honore; then a very deserted spot; and that
the coach of M。 de Vardes should run against my father's; and a general
quarrel arise between masters and servants。  Under cover of this quarrel;
a duel could easily take place; and would seem simply to arise out of the
broil there and then occasioned。  On the morning appointed; my father
called as usual upon several of his friends; and; taking one of them for
second; went to the Porte St。 Honore。  There everything fell out just as
had been arranged。  The coach of M。 de Vardes struck against the other。
My father leaped out; M。 de Vardes did the same; and the duel took place。
M。 de Vardes fell; and was disarmed。  My father wished to make him beg
for his life; he would not do this; but confessed himself vanquished。
My father's coach being the nearest; M。 de Vardes got into it。  He
fainted on the road。  They separated afterwards like brave people; and
went their way。  Madame de Chatillon; since of Mecklenburg; lodged in one
of the last houses near the Porte St。 Honore; and at the noise made by
the coaches; put; her head to the window; and coolly looked at the whole
of the combat。  It soon made a great noise。  My father was complimented
everywhere。  M。 de Vardes was sent for ten or twelve days to the
Bastille。  My father and he afterwards became completely reconciled to
each other。

The other adventure was of gentler ending。  The Memoirs of M。 de la
Rochefoucauld appeared。  They contained certain atrocious and false
statements against my father; who so severely resented the calumny; that
he seized a pen; and wrote upon the margin of the book; 〃The author has
told a lie。〃  Not content with this; he went to the bookseller; whom he
discovered with some difficulty; for the book was not sold publicly at
first。  He asked to see all the copies of the work; prayed; promised;
threatened; and at last succeeded in obtaining them。  Then he took a pen
and wrote in all of them the same marginal note。  The astonishment of the
bookseller may be imagined。  He was not long in letting M。 de la
Rochefoucauld know what had happened to his books: it may well be
believed that he also was astonished。  This affair made great noise。  My
father; having truth on his side; wished to obtain public satisfaction
from M。 de la Rochefoucauld。  Friends; however; interposed; and the
matter was allowed to drop。  But M。 de la Rochefoucauld never pardoned my
father; so true it is that we less easily forget the injuries we inflict
than those that we receive。

My father passed the rest of his long life surrounded by friends; and
held in high esteem by the King and his ministers。  His advice was often
sought for by them; and was always acted upon。  He never consoled himself
for the loss of Louis XIII。; to whom he owed his advancement and his
fortune。  Every year he kept sacred the day of his death; going to Saint…
Denis; or holding solemnities in his own house if at Blaye。  Veneration;
gratitude; tenderness; ever adorned his lips every time he spoke of that


After having paid the last duties to my father I betook myself to Mons to
join the Royal Roussillon cavalry regiment; in which I was captain。  The
King; after stopping eight or ten days with the ladies at Quesnoy; sent
them to Namur; and put himself at the head of the army of M。 de
Boufflers; and camped at Gembloux; so that his left was only half a
league distant from the right of M。 de Luxembourg。  The Prince of Orange
was encamped at the Abbey of Pure; was unable to receive supplies; and
could not leave his position without having the two armies of the King to
grapple with: he entrenched himself in haste; and bitterly repented
having allowed himself to be thus driven into a corner。  We knew
afterwards that he wrote several times to his intimate friend the Prince
de Vaudemont; saying that he was lost; and that nothing short of a
miracle could save him。

We were in this position; with an army in every way infinitely superior
to that of the Prince of Orange; and with four whole months before us to
profit by our strength; when the King declared on the 8th of June that he
should return to Versailles; and sent off a large detachment of the army
into Germany。  The surprise of the Marechal de Luxembourg was without
bounds。  He represented the facility with wh
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