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the memoirs of louis xiv-01-第22章

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of the prelates; they imposed their yoke upon them; or ruined them
hopelessly; thus the Sulpicians grew apace。  None amongst them could
compare in any way with the Abbe de Fenelon; so that he was able easily
to play first fiddle; and to make for himself protectors who were
interested in advancing him; in order that they might be protected in

His piety; which was all things to all men; and his doctrine that he
formed upon theirs (abjuring; as it were; in whispers; the impurities he
might have contracted amongst those he had abandoned)the charms; the
graces; the sweetness; the insinuation of his mind; rendered him a dear
friend to this new congregation; and procured for him what he had long
sought; people upon whom he could lean; and who could and would serve。
Whilst waiting opportunities; he carefully courted these people; without
thinking; however; of positively joining them; his views being more
ambitious; so that he ever sought to make new acquaintances and friends。
His was a coquettish mind; which from people the most influential down to
the workman and the lackey sought appreciation and was determined to
please; and his talents for this work perfectly seconded his desires。

At this time; and while still obscure; he heard speak of Madame Guyon;
who has since made so much noise in the world; and who is too well known
to need that I should dwell upon her here。  He saw her。  There was an
interchange of pleasure between their minds。  Their sublimes amalgamated。
I know not if they understood each other very clearly in that system; and
that new tongue which they hatched subsequently; but they persuaded
themselves they did; and friendship grew up between them。  Although more
known than he; Madame Guyon was nevertheless not much known; and their
intimacy was not perceived; because nobody thought of them; Saint Sulpice
even was ignorant of what was going on。

The Duc de Beauvilliers became Governor of the children of France almost
in spite of himself; without having thought of it。  He had to choose a
preceptor for Monseigneur le Duc de Bourgogne。  He addressed himself to
Saint Sulpice; where for a long time he had confessed; for he liked and
protected it。  He had heard speak of Fenelon with eulogy: the Sulpicians
vaunted his piety; his intelligence; his knowledge; his talents; at last
they proposed him for preceptor。  The Duc de Beauvilliers saw him; was
charmed with him; and appointed him to the office。

As soon as installed; Fenelon saw of what importance it would be to gain
the entire favour of the Duc de Beauvilliers; and of his brother…in…law
the Duc de Chevreuse; both very intimate friends; and both in the highest
confidence of the King and Madame de Maintenon。  This was his first care;
and he succeeded beyond his hopes; becoming the master of their hearts
and minds; and the director of their consciences。

Madame de Maintenon dined regularly once a week at the house of one or
other of the two Dukes; fifth of a little party; composed of the two
sisters and the two husbands;with a bell upon the table; in order to
dispense with servants in waiting; and to be able to talk without
restraint。  Fenelon was at last admitted to this sanctuary; at foot of
which all the Court was prostrated。  He was almost as successful with
Madame de Maintenon as he had been with the two Dukes。  His spirituality
enchanted her: the Court soon perceived the giant strides of the
fortunate Abbe; and eagerly courted him。  But; desiring to be free and
entirely devoted to his great object; he kept himself aloof from their
flatteriesmade for himself a shield with his modesty and his duties of
preceptorand thus rendered himself still more dear to the persons he
had captivated; and that he had so much interest in retaining in that

Among these cares he forgot not his dear Madame Guyon; he had already
vaunted her to the two Dukes and to Madame de Maintenon。  He had even
introduced her to them; but as though with difficulty and for a few
moments; as a woman all in God; whose humility and whose love of
contemplation and solitude kept her within the strictest limits; and
whose fear; above all; was that she should become known。  The tone of her
mind pleased Madame de Maintenon extremely; her reserve; mixed with
delicate flatteries; won upon her。  Madame de Maintenon wished to hear
her talk upon matters of piety; with difficulty she consented to speak。
She seemed to surrender herself to the charms and to the virtue of Madame
de Maintenon; and Madame de Maintenon fell into the nets so skilfully
prepared for her。

Such was the situation of Fenelon when he became Archbishop of Cambrai;
increasing the admiration in which he was held by taking no step to gain
that great benefice。  He had taken care not to seek to procure himself
Cambrai; the least spark of ambition would have destroyed all his
edifice; and; moreover; it was not Cambrai that he coveted。

Little by little he appropriated to himself some distinguished sheep of
the small flock Madame Guyon had gathered together。  He only conducted
them; however; under the direction of that prophetess; and; everything
passed with a secrecy and mystery that gave additional relish to the
manna distributed。

Cambrai was a thunderbolt for this little flock。  It was the
archbishopric of Paris they wished。  Cambrai they looked upon with
disdain as a country diocese; the residence in which (impossible to avoid
from time to time) would deprive them of their pastor。  Their grief was
then profound at what the rest of the world took for a piece of amazing
luck; and the Countess of Guiche was so affected as to be unable to hide
her tears。  The new prelate had not neglected such of his brethren as
made the most figure; they; in turn; considered it a distinction to
command his regard。  Saint Cyr; that spot so valuable and so
inaccessible; was the place chosen for his consecration; and M。 de Meaux;
dictator then of the episcopacy and or doctrine; consecrated him。  The
children of France were among the spectators; and Madame de Maintenon was
present with her little court of familiars。  No others were invited; the
doors were closed to those who sought to pay their court。

The new Archbishop of Cambrai; gratified with his influence over Madame
de Maintenon and with the advantages it had brought him; felt that unless
he became completely master of her; the hopes he still entertained could
not be satisfied。  But there was a rival in his wayGodet; Bishop of
Chartres; who was much in the confidence of Madame de Maintenon; and had
long discourses with her at Saint Cyr。  As he was; however; of a very ill
figure; had but little support at Court; and appeared exceedingly simple;
M。 de Cambrai believed he could easily overthrow him。  To do this; he
determined to make use of Madame Guyon; whose new spirituality had
already been so highly relished by Madame de Maintenon。  He persuaded
this latter to allow Madame Guyon to enter Saint Cyr; where they could
discourse together much more at their ease than at the Hotel de Chevreuse
or Beauvilliers。  Madame Guyon went accordingly to Saint Cyr two or three
times。  Soon after; Madame de Maintenon; who relished her more and more;
made her sleep there; and their meetings grew longer。  Madame Guyon
admitted that she sought persons proper to become her disciples; and in a
short time she formed a little flock; whose maxims and language appeared
very strange to all the rest of the house; and; above all; to M。 de
Chartres。  That prelate was not so simple as M。 de Cambrai imagined。
Profound theologian and scholar; pious; disinterested; and of rare
probity; he could be; if necessary; a most skilful courtier; but he
rarely exerted this power; for the favour of Madame de Maintenon sufficed
him of itself。  As soon as he got scent of this strange doctrine; he
caused two ladies; upon whom he could count; to be admitted to Saint Cyr;
as if to become disciples of Madame Guyon。  He gave them full
instructions; and they played their parts to perfection。  In the first
place they appeared to be ravished; and by degrees enchanted; with the
new doctrine。  Madame Guyon; pleased with this fresh conquest; took the
ladies into her most intimate confidence in order to gain them entirely。
They communicated everything to M。 de Chartres; who quietly looked on;
allowed things to take their course; and; when he believed the right
moment had arrived; disclosed all he had learnt to Madame de Maintenon。
She was strangely surprised when she saw the extraordinary drift of the
new doctrine。  Troubled and uncertain; she consulted with M。 de Cambrai;
who; not suspecting she had been so well instructed; became; when he
discovered it; embarrassed; and thus augmented her suspicions。

Suddenly Madame Guyon was driven away from Saint Cyr; and prohibited from
spreading her doctrine elsewhere。  But the admiring disciples she had
made still gathered round her in secret; and this becoming known; she was
ordered to leave Paris。  She feigned obedience; but in effect went no
further than the Faubourg Saint Antoine; where; with great secrecy; she
continued to receive her flock。  But being again detected; she was sent;
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