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the memoirs of louis xiv-01-第7章

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army under the King himself。  The Duc de Luxembourg; sole general of his
own army; covered the siege operations; and observed the enemy。  The
ladies went away to Dinant。  On the third day of the march M。 le Prince
went forward to invest the place。

The celebrated Vauban; the life and soul of all the sieges the King made;
was of opinion that the town should be attacked separately from the
castle; and his advice was acted upon。  The Baron de Bresse; however;
who had fortified the place; was for attacking town and castle together。
He was a humble down…looking man; whose physiognomy promised nothing; but
who soon acquired the confidence of the King; and the esteem of the army。

The Prince de Conde; Marechal d'Humieres; and the Marquis de Boufflers
each led an attack。  There was nothing worthy of note during the ten days
the siege lasted。  On the eleventh day; after the trenches had been
opened; a parley was beaten and a capitulation made almost as the
besieged desired it。  They withdrew to the castle; and it was agreed that
it should not be attacked from the town…side; and that the town was not
to be battered by it。  During the siege the King was almost always in his
tent; and the weather remained constantly warm and serene。  We lost
scarcely anybody of consequence。  The Comte de Toulouse received a slight
wound in the arm while quite close to the King; who from a prominent
place was witnessing the attack of a half…moon; which was carried in
broad daylight by a detachment of the oldest of the two companies of

The siege of the castle next commenced。  The position of the camp was
changed。  The King's tents and those of all the Court were pitched in a
beautiful meadow about five hundred paces from the monastery of
Marlaigne。  The fine weather changed to rain; which fell with an
abundance and perseverance never before known by any one in the army。
This circumstance increased the reputation of Saint Medard; whose fete
falls on the 8th of June。  It rained in torrents that day; and it is said
that when such is the case it will rain for forty days afterwards。  By
chance it happened so this year。  The soldiers in despair at this deluge
uttered many imprecations against the Saint; and looked for images of
him; burning and breaking as many as they could find。  The rains sadly
interfered with the progress of the siege。  The tents of the King could
only be communicated with by paths laid with fascines which required to
be renewed every day; as they sank down into the soil。  The camps and
quarters were no longer accessible; the trenches were full of mud and
water; and it took often three days to remove cannon from one battery to
another。  The waggons became useless; too; so that the transport of
bombs; shot; and so forth; could not be performed except upon the backs
of mules and of horses taken from the equipages of the Court and the
army。  The state of the roads deprived the Duc de Luxembourg of the use
of waggons and other vehicles。  His army was perishing for want of grain。
To remedy this inconvenience the King ordered all his household troops to
mount every day on horseback by detachments; and to take sacks of grain
upon their cruppers to a village where they were to be received and
counted by the officers of the Duc de Luxembourg。  Although the household
of the King had scarcely any repose during this siege; what with carrying
fascines; furnishing guards; and other daily services; this increase of
duty was given to it because the cavalry served continually also; and was
reduced almost entirely to leaves of trees for provender。

The household of the King; accustomed to all sorts of distinctions;
complained bitterly of this task。  But the King turned a deaf ear to
them; and would be obeyed。  On the first day some of the Gendarmes and of
the light horse of the guard arrived early in the morning at the depot of
the sacks; and commenced murmuring and exciting each other by their
discourses。  They threw down the sacks at last and flatly refused to
carry them。  I had been asked very politely if I would be of the
detachment for the sacks or of some other。  I decided for the sacks;
because I felt that I might thereby advance myself; the subject having
already made much noise。  I arrived with the detachment of the Musketeers
at the moment of the refusal of the others; and I loaded my sack before
their eyes。  Marin; a brigadier of cavalry and lieutenant of the body
guards; who was there to superintend the operation; noticed me; and full
of anger at the refusal he had just met with; exclaimed that as I did not
think such work beneath me; the rest would do well to imitate my example。
Without a word being spoken each took up his sack; and from that time
forward no further difficulty occurred in the matter。  As soon as the
detachment had gone; Marin went straight to the King and told him what
had occurred。  This was a service which procured for me several obliging
discourses from his Majesty; who during the rest of the siege always
sought to say something agreeable every time he met me。

The twenty…seventh day after opening the trenches; that is; the first of
July; 1692; a parley was sounded by the Prince de Barbanqon; governor of
the place; a fortunate circumstance for the besiegers; who were worn
out with fatigue; and destitute of means; on account of the wretched
weather which still continued; and which had turned the whole country
round into a quagmire。  Even the horses of the King lived upon leaves;
and not a horse of all our numerous cavalry ever thoroughly recovered
from the effects of such sorry fare。  It is certain that without the
presence of the King the siege might never have been successful; but he
being there; everybody was stimulated。  Yet had the place held out ten
days longer; there is no saying what might have happened。  Before the end
of the siege the King was so much fatigued with his exertions; that a new
attack of gout came on; with more pain than ever; and compelled him to
keep his bed; where; however; he thought of everything; and laid out his
plans as though he had been at Versailles。

During the entire siege; the Prince of Orange (William III。 of England)
had unavailingly used all his science to dislodge the Duc de Luxembourg;
but he had to do with a man who in matters of war was his superior; and
who continued so all his life。  Namur; which; by the surrender of the
castle; was now entirely in our power; was one of the strongest places in
the Low Countries; and had hitherto boasted of having never changed
masters。  The inhabitants could not restrain their tears of sorrow。  Even
the monks of Marlaigne were profoundly moved; so much so; that they could
not disguise their grief。  The King; feeling for the loss of their corn
that they had sent for safety into Namur; gave them double the quantity;
and abundant alms。  He incommoded them as little as possible; and would
not permit the passage of cannon across their park; until it was found
impossible to transport it by any other road。  Notwithstanding these acts
of goodness; they could scarcely look upon a Frenchman after the taking
of the place; and one actually refused to give a bottle of beer to an
usher of the King's antechamber; although offered a bottle of champagne
in exchange for it!

A circumstance happened just after the taking of Namur; which might have
led to the saddest results; under any other prince than the King。  Before
he entered the town; a strict examination of every place was made;
although by the capitulation all the mines; magazines; &c。; had to be
shown。  At a visit paid to the Jesuits; they pretended to show
everything; expressing; however; surprise and something more; that their
bare word was not enough。  But on examining here and there; where they
did not expect search would be made; their cellars were found to be
stored with gunpowder; of which they had taken good care to say no word。
What they meant to do with it is uncertain。  It was carried away; and as
they were Jesuits nothing was done。

During the course of this siege; the King suffered a cruel
disappointment。  James II。 of England; then a refugee in France; had
advised the King to give battle to the English fleet。  Joined to that of
Holland it was very superior to the sea forces of France。  Tourville; our
admiral; so famous for his valour and skill; pointed this circumstance
out to the King。  But it was all to no effect。  He was ordered to attack
the enemy。  He did so。  Many of his ships were burnt; and the victory was
won by the English。  A courier entrusted with this sad intelligence was
despatched to the King。  On his way he was joined by another courier; who
pressed him for his news。  The first courier knew that if he gave up his
news; the other; who was better mounted; would outstrip him; and be the
first to carry it to the King。  He told his companion; therefore; an idle
tale; very different indeed from the truth; for he changed the defeat
into a great victory。  Having gained this wonderful intelligence; the
second courier put spurs to his horse; and hurried away to the King's
camp; eager to be the bearer of good tidings。  He reached the camp first;
and was
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