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the memoirs of louis xiv-01-第9章

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upon the Duc de Chartres; and then said that; as they wished it; she had
nothing to say; made a slight reverence; and went away。  Her son
immediately followed her to explain his conduct; but railing against him;
with tears in her eyes; she would not listen; and drove him from her
room。  Her husband; who shortly afterwards joined her; met with almost
the same treatment。

That evening an 〃Apartment〃 was held at the palace; as was customary
three times a week during the winter; the other three evenings being set
apart for comedy; and the Sunday being free。  An Apartment as it was
called; was an assemblage of all the Court in the grand saloon; from
seven o'clock in the evening until ten; when the King sat down to table;
and; after ten; in one of the saloons at the end of the grand gallery
towards the tribune of the chapel。  In the first place there was some
music; then tables were placed all about for all kinds of gambling; there
was a 'lansquenet'; at which Monsieur and Monseigneur always played; also
a billiard…table; in a word; every one was free to play with every one;
and allowed to ask for fresh tables as all the others were occupied。
Beyond the billiards was a refreshment…room。  All was perfectly lighted。
At the outset; the King went to the 〃apartments〃 very often and played;
but lately he had ceased to do so。  He spent the evening with Madame de
Maintenon; working with different ministers one after the other。  But
still he wished his courtiers to attend assiduously。

This evening; directly after the music had finished; the King sent for
Monseigneur and Monsieur; who were already playing at 'lansquenet';
Madame; who scarcely looked at a; party of 'hombre' at which she had
seated herself; the Duc de Chartres; who; with a rueful visage; was
playing at chess; and Mademoiselle de Blois; who had scarcely begun to
appear in society; but who this evening was extraordinarily decked out;
and who; as yet; knew nothing and suspected nothing; and therefore; being
naturally very timid; and horribly afraid of the King; believed herself
sent for in order to be reprimanded; and trembled so that Madame de
Maintenon took her upon her knees; where she held her; but was scarcely
able to reassure her。  The fact of these royal persons being sent for by
the King at once made people think that a marriage was in contemplation。
In a few minutes they returned; and then the announcement was made
public。  I arrived at that moment。  I found everybody m clusters; and
great astonishment expressed upon every face。  Madame was walking in the
gallery with Chateauthiersher favourite; and worthy of being so。
She took long strides; her handkerchief in her hand; weeping without
constraint; speaking pretty loudly; gesticulating; and looking like Ceres
after the rape of her daughter Proserpine; seeking her in fury; and
demanding her back from Jupiter。  Every one respectfully made way to let
her pass。  Monsieur; who had returned to 'lansquenet'; seemed overwhelmed
with shame; and his son appeared in despair; and the bride…elect was
marvellously embarrassed and sad。  Though very young; and likely to be
dazzled by such a marriage; she understood what was passing; and feared
the consequences。  Most people appeared full of consternation。

The Apartment; which; however heavy in appearance; was full of interest
to; me; seemed quite short。  It finished by the supper of the King。  His
Majesty appeared quite at ease。  Madame's eyes were full of tears; which
fell from time to time as she looked into every face around; as if in
search of all our thoughts。  Her son; whose eyes too were red; she would
not give a glance to; nor to Monsieur: all three ate scarcely anything。
I remarked that the King offered Madame nearly all the dishes that were
before him; and that she refused with an air of rudeness which did not;
however; check his politeness。  It was furthermore noticeable that; after
leaving the table; he made to Madame a very marked and very low
reverence; during which she performed so complete a pirouette; that the
King on raising his head found nothing but her back before him; removed
about a step further towards the door。

On the morrow we went as usual to wait in the gallery for the breaking…up
of the council; and for the King's Mass。  Madame came there。  Her son
approached her; as he did every day; to kiss her hand。  At that very
moment she gave him a box on the ear; so sonorous that it was heard
several steps distant。  Such treatment in presence of all the Court
covered with confusion this unfortunate prince; and overwhelmed the
infinite number of spectators; of whom I was one; with prodigious

That day the immense dowry was declared; and on Sunday there was a grand
ball; that is; a ball opened by a 'branle' which settled the order of the
dancing throughout the evening。  Monseigneur the Duc de Bourgogne danced
on this occasion for the first time; and led off the 'branle' with
Mademoiselle。  I danced also for the first time at Court。  My partner was
Mademoiselle de Sourches; daughter of the Grand Prevot; she danced
excellently。  I had been that morning to wait on Madame; who could not
refrain from saying; in a sharp and angry voice; that I was doubtless
very glad of the promise of so many ballsthat this was natural at my
age; but that; for her part; she was old; and wished they were well over。
A few days after; the contract of marriage was signed in the closet of
the King; and in the presence of all the Court。  The same day the
household of the future Duchesse de Chartres was declared。  The King gave
her a first gentleman usher and a Dame d'Atours; until then reserved to
the daughters of France; and a lady of honour; in order to carry out
completely so strange a novelty。  I must say something about the persons
who composed this household。

M。 de Villars was gentleman usher; he was grandson of a recorder of
Coindrieu; and one of the best made men in France。  There was a great
deal of fighting in his young days; and he had acquired a reputation for
courage and skill。  To these qualities he owed his fortune。  M。 de
Nemours was his first patron; and; in a duel which he had with M。 de
Beaufort; took Villars for second。  M。 de Nemours was killed; but Villars
was victorious against his adversary; anal passed into the service of the
Prince de Conti as one of his gentlemen。  He succeeded in gaining
confidence in his new employment; so much so; that the marriage which
afterwards took place between the Prince de Conti and the niece of
Cardinal Mazarin was brought about in part by his assistance。  He became
the confidant of the married pair; and their bond: of union with the
Cardinal。  His position gave him an opportunity of mixing in society much
above him; but on this he never presumed。  His face was his; passport
with the ladies: he was gallant; even discreet; and this means was not
unuseful to him。  He pleased Madame Scarron; who upon the throne never
forgot the friendships of this kind; so freely intimate; which she had
formed as a private person。  Villars was employed in diplomacy; and from
honour to honour; at last reached the order of the Saint Esprit; in 1698。
His wife was full of wit; and scandalously inclined。  Both were very
poorand always dangled about the Court; where they had many powerful

The Marechale de Rochefort was lady of honour。  She was of the house of
Montmorencya widowhandsomesprightly; formed by nature to live at
Courtapt for gallantry and intrigues; full of worldly cleverness; from
living much in the world; with little cleverness of any other kind;
nearly enough for any post and any business。  M。 de Louvois found her
suited to his taste; and she accommodated herself very well to his purse;
and to the display she made by this intimacy。  She always became the
friend of every new mistress of the King; and when he favoured Madame de
Soubise; it was at the Marechale's house that she waited; with closed
doors; for Bontems; the King's valet; who led her by private ways to his
Majesty。  The Marechale herself has related to me how one day she was
embarrassed to get rid of the people that Madame de Soubise (who had not
had time to announce her arrival) found at her house; and how she most
died of fright lest Bontems should return and the interview be broken off
if he arrived before the company had departed。  The Marechale de
Rochefort was in this way the friend of Mesdames de la Valliere; de
Montespan; and de Soubise; and she became the friend of Madame de
Maintenon; to whom she attached herself in proportion as she saw her
favour increase。  She had; at the marriage of Monseigneur; been made Dame
d'Atours to the new Dauphiness; and; if people were astonished at that;
they were also astonished to see her lady of honour to an 〃illegitimate
grand…daughter of France。〃

The Comtesse de Mailly was Dame d'Atours。  She was related to Madame de
Maintenon; to whose favour she owed her marriage with the Comte de
Mailly。  She had come to Paris with all her provincial awkwardness; and;
from want of wit; had never been able to get rid of it。  On the contrary;
she grafted thereon an immense conceit; caused by the favour of Madame
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