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I replied in a hard voice; rising from my seat:

〃You must permit me; my dear Marguerite; to share only the benefits of those enterprises which I have conceived and carried out myself。〃

〃What does that mean?〃

〃It means that I have a strong suspicion that M。 de G。 is to be your associate in this pretty plan; of which I can accept neither the cost nor the benefits

〃What a child you are! I thought you loved me。 I was mistaken; all right。〃 

She rose; opened the piano and began to play the Invitation a la Valse; as far as the famous passage in the major which always stopped her。 Was it through force of habit; or was it to remind me of the day when we first met? All I know is that the melody brought back that recollection; and; coming up to her; I took her head between my hands and kissed her。 〃You forgive me?〃 I said。

〃You see I do;〃 she answered; 〃but observe that we are only at our second day; and already I have had to forgive you something。 Is this how you keep your promise of blind obedience?〃

〃What can I do; Marguerite? I love you too much and I am jealous of the least of your thoughts。 What you proposed to me just now made me frantic with delight; but the mystery in its carrying out hurts me dreadfully。〃

〃Come; let us reason it out;〃 she said; taking both my hands and looking at me with a charming smile which it was impossible to resist; 〃You love me; do you not? and you would gladly spend two or three months alone with me in the country? I too should be glad of this solitude a deux; and not only glad of it; but my health requires it。 I can not leave Paris for such a length of time without putting my affairs in order; and the affairs of a woman like me are always in great confusion; well; I have found a way to reconcile everything; my money affairs and my love for you; yes; for you; don't laugh; I am silly enough to love you! And here you are taking lordly airs and talking big words。 Child; thrice child; only remember that I love you; and don't let anything disturb you。 Now; is it agreed?〃 

〃I agree to all you wish; as you know。〃

〃Then; in less than a month's time we shall be in some village; walking by the river side; and drinking milk。 Does it seem strange that Marguerite Gautier should speak to you like that? The fact is; my friend; that when this Paris life; which seems to make me so happy; doesn't burn me; it wearies me; and then I have sudden aspirations toward a calmer existence which might recall my childhood。 One has always had a childhood; whatever one becomes。 Don't be alarmed; I am not going to tell you that I am the daughter of a colonel on half…pay; and that I was brought up at Saint…Denis。 I am a poor country girl; and six years ago I could not write my own name。 You are relieved; aren't you? Why is it you are the first whom I have ever asked to share the joy of this desire of mine? I suppose because I feel that you love me for myself and not for yourself; while all the others have only loved me for themselves。

〃I have often been in the country; but never as I should like to go there。 I count on you for this easy happiness; do not be unkind; let me have it。 Say this to yourself: 'She will never live to be old; and I should some day be sorry for not having done for her the first thing she asked of me; such an easy thing to do!'〃

What could I reply to such words; especially with the memory of a first night of love; and in the expectation of a second?

An hour later I held Marguerite in my arms; and; if she had asked me to commit a crime; I would have obeyed her。

At six in the morning I left her; and before leaving her I said: 〃Till to…night!〃 She kissed me more warmly than ever; but said nothing。

During the day I received a note containing these words:

〃DEAR CHILD: I am not very well; and the doctor has ordered quiet。 I shall go to bed early to…night and shall not see you。 But; to make up; I shall expect you to…morrow at twelve。 I love you。〃

My first thought was: She is deceiving me!

A cold sweat broke out on my forehead; for I already loved this woman too much not to be overwhelmed by the suspicion。 And yet; I was bound to expect such a thing almost any day with Marguerite; and it had happened to me often enough with my other mistresses; without my taking much notice of it。 What was the meaning of the hold which this woman had taken upon my life?

Then it occurred to me; since I had the key; to go and see her as usual。 In this way I should soon know the truth; and if I found a man there I would strike him in the face。

Meanwhile I went to the Champs…Elysees。 I waited there four hours。 She did not appear。 At night I went into all the theatres where she was accustomed to go。 She was in none of them。

At eleven o'clock I went to the Rue d'Antin。 There was no light in Marguerite's windows。 All the same; I rang。 The porter asked me where I was going。

〃To Mlle。 Gautier's;〃 I said。

〃She has not come in。〃

〃I will go up and wait for her。〃

〃There is no one there。〃

Evidently I could get in; since I had the key; but; fearing foolish scandal; I went away。 Only I did not return home; I could not leave the street; and I never took my eyes off Marguerite's house。 It seemed to me that there was still something to be found out; or at least that my suspicions were about to be confirmed。

About midnight a carriage that I knew well stopped before No。 9。 The Comte de G。 got down and entered the house; after sending away the carriage。 For a moment I hoped that the same answer would be given to him as to me; and that I should see him come out; but at four o'clock in the morning I was still awaiting him。

I have suffered deeply during these last three weeks; but that is nothing; I think; in comparison with what I suffered that night。 

Chapter 14

When I reached home I began to cry like a child。 There is no man to whom a woman has not been unfaithful; once at least; and who will not know what I suffered。

I said to myself; under the weight of these feverish resolutions which one always feels as if one had the force to carry out; that I must break with my amour at once; and I waited impatiently for daylight in order to set out forthwith to rejoin my father and my sister; of whose love at least I was certain; and certain that that love would never be betrayed。

However; I did not wish to go away without letting Marguerite know why I went。 Only a man who really cares no more for his mistress leaves her without writing to her。 I made and remade twenty letters in my head。 I had had to do with a woman like all other women of the kind。 I had been poetizing too much。 She had treated me like a school…boy; she had used in deceiving me a trick which was insultingly simple。 My self…esteem got the upper hand。 I must leave this woman without giving her the satisfaction of knowing that she had made me suffer; and this is what I wrote to her in my most elegant handwriting and with tears of rage and sorrow in my eyes:

〃MY DEAR MARGUERITE: I hope that your indisposition yesterday was not serious。 I came; at eleven at night; to ask after you; and was told that you had not come in。 M。 de G。 was more fortunate; for he presented himself shortly afterward; and at four in the morning he had not left。

〃Forgive me for the few tedious hours that I have given you; and be assured that I shall never forget the happy moments which I owe to you。

〃I should have called to…day to ask after you; but I intend going back to my father's。

〃Good…bye; my dear Marguerite。 I am not rich enough to love you as I would nor poor enough to love you as you would。 Let us then forget; you a name which must be indifferent enough to you; I a happiness which has become impossible。

〃I send back your key; which I have never used; and which might be useful to you; if you are often ill as you were yesterday。〃

As you will see; I was unable to end my letter without a touch of impertinent irony; which proved how much in love I still was。

I read and reread this letter ten times over; then the thought of the pain it would give to Marguerite calmed me a little。 I tried to persuade myself of the feelings which it professed; and when my servant came to my room at eight o'clock; I gave it to him and told him to take it at once。

〃Shall I wait for an answer?〃 asked Joseph (my servant; like all servants; was called Joseph)。

〃If they ask whether there is a reply; you will say that you don't know; and wait。〃

I buoyed myself up with the hope that she would reply。 Poor; feeble creatures that we are! All the time that my servant was away I was in a state of extreme agitation。 At one moment I would recall how Marguerite had given herself to me; and ask myself by what right I wrote her an impertinent letter; when she could reply that it was not M。 de G。 who supplanted me; but I who had supplanted M。 de G。: a mode of reasoning which permits many women to have many lovers。 At another moment I would recall her promises; and endeavour to convince myself that my letter was only too gentle; and that there were not expressions forcible enough to punish a woman who laughed at a love like mine。 Then I said to myself that I should have done better not to have written to her; but to have gone to see her; and that the
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