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the red house mystery-第12章

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Bill grunted assent; but without prejudice to Mark。 〃All the same;〃 
he said; 〃I can't believe it。 That he would do it deliberately; I mean。〃 

〃Suppose it was an accident; as Cayley says; would he lose his head 
and run away?〃 


The Red House Mystery 

Bill considered for a moment。 

〃Yes; I really think he might; you know。 He nearly ran away when he 
saw the ghost。 Of course; that's different; rather。〃 

〃Oh; I don't know。 In each case it's a question of obeying your 
instinct instead of your reason。〃 

They had left the open land and were following a path through the 
bordering trees: Two abreast was uncomfortable; so Antony dropped 
behind; and further conversation was postponed until they were outside 
the boundary fence and in the high road。 The road sloped gently down to 
the village of Waldheim a few red…roofed cottages; and the grey tower of a 
church showing above the green。 

〃Well; now;〃 said Antony; as they stepped out more quickly; 〃what 
about Cayley?〃 

〃How do you mean; what about him?〃 

〃I want to see him。 I can see Mark perfectly; thanks to you; Bill。 You 
were wonderful。 Now let's have Cayley's character。 Cayley from 

Bill laughed in pleased embarrassment; and protested that he was not a 
blooming novelist。 

〃Besides;〃 he added; 〃Mark's easy。 Cayley's one of these heavy; quiet 
people; who might be thinking about anything。 Mark gives himself 
away。。。。 Ugly; black…jawed devil; isn't he?〃 

〃Some women like that type of ugliness。〃 

〃Yes; that's true。 Between ourselves; I think there's one here who 
does。 Rather a pretty girl at Jallands〃 he waved his left hand 〃down that 

〃What's Jallands?〃 

〃Well; I suppose it used to be a farm; belonging to a bloke called 
Jalland; but now it's a country cottage belonging to a widow called 
Norbury。 Mark and Cayley used to go there a good deal together。 Miss 
Norbury … the girl … has been here once or twice for tennis; seemed to 
prefer Cayley to the rest of us。 But of course he hadn't much time for 
that sort of thing。〃 

〃What sort of thing?〃 


The Red House Mystery 

〃Walking about with a pretty girl and asking her if she's been to any 
theatres lately。 He nearly always had something to do。〃 

〃Mark kept him busy?〃 

〃Yes。 Mark never seemed quite happy unless he had Cayley doing 
something for him。 He was quite lost and helpless without him。 And; 
funnily enough; Cayley seemed lost without Mark。〃 

〃He was fond of him?〃 

〃Yes; I should say so。 In a protective kind of way。 He'd sized Mark 
up; of course his vanity; his self…importance; his amateurishness and all the 
rest of it but he liked looking after him。 And he knew how to manage 

〃Yes。。。。 What sort of terms was he on with the guests … you and Miss 
Norris and all of them?〃 

〃Just polite and rather silent; you know。 Keeping himself to himself。 
We didn't see so very much of him; except at meals。 We were here to 
enjoy ourselves; and well; he wasn't。〃 

〃He wasn't there when the ghost walked?〃 

〃No。 I heard Mark calling for him when he went back to the house。 I 
expect Cayley stroked down his feathers a bit; and told him that girls will 
be girls。。。。 … Hallo; here we are。 

They went into the inn; and while Bill made himself pleasant to the 
landlady; Antony went upstairs to his room。 It appeared that he had not 
very much packing to do; after all。 He returned his brushes to his bag; 
glanced sound to see that nothing else had been taken out; and went down 
again to settle his bill。 He had decided to keep on his room for a few 
days; partly to save the landlord and his wife the disappointment of losing 
a guest so suddenly; partly in case he found it undesirable later on to 
remain at The Red House。 For he was taking himself seriously as a 
detective; indeed; he took himself seriously (while getting all the fun out 
of it which was possible) at every new profession he adopted; and he felt 
that there might come a time after the inquest; say when he could not 
decently remain at The Red House as a guest; a friend of Bill's; enjoying 
the hospitality of Mark or Cayley; whichever was to be regarded as his 
host; without forfeiting his independent attitude towards the events of that 


The Red House Mystery 

afternoon。 At present he was staying in the house merely as a necessary 
witness; and; since he was there; Cayley could not object to him using his 
eyes; but if; after the inquest; it appeared that there was still work for a 
pair of independent and very keen eyes to do; then he must investigate; 
either with his host's approval or from beneath the roof of some other host; 
the landlord of 〃The George;〃 for instance; who had no feelings in the 

For of one thing Antony was certain。 Cayley knew more than he 
professed to know。 That is to say; he knew more than he wanted other 
people to know he knew。 Antony was one of the 〃other people〃; if; 
therefore; he was for trying to find out what it was that Cayley knew; he 
could hardly expect Cayley's approval of his labours。 It would be 〃The 
George;〃 then; for Antony after the inquest。 

What was the truth? Not necessarily discreditable to Cayley; even 
though he were hiding something。 All that could be said against him at 
the moment was that he had gone the longest way round to get into the 
locked office and that this did not fit in with what he had told the 
inspector。 But it did fit in with the theory that he had been an accessory 
after the event; and that he wanted (while appearing to be in a hurry) to 
give his cousin as much time as possible in which to escape。 That might 
not be the true solution; but it was at least a workable one。 The theory 
which he had suggested to the inspector was not。 

However; there would be a day or two before the inquest; in which 
Antony could consider all these matters from within The Red House。 The 
car was at the door。 He got in with Bill; the landlord put his bag on the 
front seat next to the chauffeur; and they drove back。 


The Red House Mystery 


〃Do You Follow Me; Watson?〃 

Anthony's bedroom looked over the park at the back of the house。 
The blinds were not yet drawn while he was changing his clothes for 
dinner; and at various stages of undress he would pause and gaze out of 
the window; sometimes smiling to himself; sometimes frowning; as he 
tamed over in his mind all the strange things that he had seen that day。 
He was sitting on his bed; in shirt and trousers; absently smoothing down 
his thick black hair with his brushes; when Bill shouted an 〃Hallo!〃 
through the door; and came in。 

〃I say; buck up; old boy; I'm hungry;〃 he said。 

Antony stopped smoothing himself and looked up at him thoughtfully。 

〃Where's Mark?〃 he said。 

〃Mark? You mean Cayley。〃 

Antony corrected himself with a little laugh。 〃Yes; I mean Cayley。 Is 
he down? I say; I shan't be a moment; Bill。〃 He got up from the bed 
and went on briskly with his dressing。 〃Oh; by the way;〃 said Bill; taking 
his place on the bed; 〃your idea about the keys is a wash…out。〃 

〃Why; how do you mean?〃 

〃I went down just now and had a look at them。 We were asses not to 
have thought of it when we came in。 The library key is outside; but all 
the others are inside。〃 

〃Yes; I know。〃 

〃You devil; I suppose you did think of it; then?〃 

〃I did; Bill;〃 said Antony apologetically。 

〃Bother! I hoped you'd forgotten。 Well; that knocks your theory on 
the head; doesn't it?〃 

〃I never had a theory。 I only said that if they were outside; it would 
probably mean that the office key was outside; and that in that case 
Cayley's theory was knocked on the head。〃 

〃Well; now; it isn't; and we don't know anything。 Some were outside 
and some inside; and there you are。 It makes it much less exciting。 When 
you were talking about it on the lawn; I really got quite keen on the idea of 


The Red House Mystery 

the key being outside and Mark taking it in with him。〃 

〃It's going to be exciting enough;〃 said Antony mildly; as he 
transferred his pipe and tobacco into the pocket of his black coat。 〃Well; 
let's come down; I'm ready now。〃 

Cayley was waiting for them in the hall。 He made some polite 
inquiry as to the guest's comfort; and the three of them fell into a casual 
conversation about houses in general and The Red House in particular。 

〃You were quite right about the keys;〃 said Bill; during a pause。 He 
was less able than the other two; perhaps because he was younger than 
they; to keep away from the subject which was uppermost in the minds of 
them all。 

〃Keys?〃 said Cayley blankly。 

〃We were wondering whether they were outside or inside。〃 

〃Oh! oh; yes!〃 He looked slowly round the hall; at the different 
doors; and then smiled in a friendly way at Antony。 〃We both seem to 
have been right; Mr。 Gillingham。 So we don't get much farther。〃 

〃No。〃 He gave a shrug。 〃I just wondered; you know。 I thought it 
was worth mentioning。〃 

〃Oh; quite。 Not that you would have convinced me; you know。 Just 
as Elsie's evidence doesn't convince me。〃 

〃Elsie?〃 said Bil
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