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the red house mystery-第17章

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〃No。 But one doesn't want to shout。 One should modulate the voice; 
my dear William; while breathing gently from the hips。 Thus one avoids 
those chest…notes which have betrayed many a secret。 In other words; 
pass the toast。〃 

〃You seem bright this morning。〃 

〃I am。 Very bright。 Cayley noticed it。 Cayley said; 'Were it not 
that I have other business; I would come gathering nuts and may with thee。 
Fain would I gyrate round the mulberry…bush and hop upon the little hills。 
But the waters of Jordan encompass me and Inspector Birch tarries outside 
with his shrimping…net。 My friend William Beverley will attend thee 


The Red House Mystery 

anon。 Farewell; a long farewell to all …thy grape…nuts。' He then left 

up…centre。 Enter W。 Beverley; R。〃 

〃Are you often like this at breakfast?〃 

〃Almost invariably。 Said he with his mouth full。 'Exit W。 Beverley; 

〃It's a touch of the sun; I suppose;〃 said Bill; shaking his head sadly。 

〃It's the sun and the moon and the stars; all acting together on an 
empty stomach。 Do you know anything about the stars; Mr。 Beverley? 
Do you know anything about Orion's Belt; for instance? And why isn't 
there a star called Beverley's Belt? Or a novel? Said he masticating。 
Re…enter W。 Beverley through trap…door。〃 

〃Talking about trap…doors …〃 

〃Don't;〃 said Antony; getting up。 〃Some talk of Alexander and some 
of Hercules; but nobody talks about …what's the Latin for trap…door? 
Mensa a table; you might get it from that。 Well; Mr。 Beverley;〃 …and 
he slapped him heartily on the back as he went past him … 〃I shall see you 
later。 Cayley says that you will amuse me; but so far you have not made 
me laugh once。 You must try and be more amusing when you have 
finished your breakfast。 But don't hurry。 Let the upper mandibles have 
time to do the work。〃 With those words Mr。 Gillingham then left the 
spacious apartment。 

Bill continued his breakfast with a slightly bewildered air。 He did not 
know that Cayley was smoking a cigarette outside the windows behind 
him; not listening; perhaps; possibly not even overhearing; but within 
sight of Antony; who was not going to take any risks。 So he went on with 
his breakfast; reflecting that Antony was a rum fellow; and wondering if he 
had dreamed only of the amazing things which had happened the day 

Antony went up to his bedroom to fetch his pipe。 It was occupied by 
a housemaid; and he made a polite apology for disturbing her。 Then be 

〃Is it Elsie?〃 he asked; giving her a friendly smile。 

〃Yes; sir;〃 she said; shy but proud。 She had no doubts as to why it 
was that she had achieved such notoriety。 


The Red House Mystery 

〃It was you who heard Mr。 Mark yesterday; wasn't it? I hope the 
inspector was nice to you?〃 

〃Yes; thank you; sir。〃 

〃'It's my turn now。 You wait;'〃 murmured Antony to himself。 

〃Yes; sir。 Nasty…like。 Meaning to say his chance had come。〃 

〃I wonder。〃 

〃Well; that's what I heard; sir。 Truly。〃 

Antony looked at her thoughtfully and nodded。 

〃Yes。 I wonder。 I wonder why。〃 

〃Why what; sir?〃 

〃Oh; lots of things; Elsie。。。。 It was quite an accident your being outside 
just then?〃 

Elsie blushed。 She had not forgotten what Mrs。 Stevens had said 
about it。 

〃Quite; sir; In the general way I use the other stairs。〃 

〃Of course。〃 

He had found his pipe and was about to go downstairs again when she 
stopped him。 

〃I beg your pardon; sir; but will there be an inquest?〃 

〃Oh; yes。 To…morrow; I think。〃 

〃Shall I have to give my evidence; sir?〃 

〃Of course。 There's nothing to be frightened of。〃 

〃I did hear it; sir。 Truly。〃 

〃Why; of course you did。 Who says you didn't?〃 

〃Some of the others sir Mrs。 Stevens and all。〃 

〃Oh; that's just because they're jealous;〃 said Antony with a smile。 

He was glad to have spoken to her; because he had recognized at once 
the immense importance of her evidence。 To the inspector no doubt it 
had seemed only of importance in that it had shown Mark to have adopted 
something of a threatening attitude towards his brother。 To Antony it had 
much more significance。 It was the only trustworthy evidence that Mark 
had been in the office at all that afternoon。 

For who saw Mark go into the office? Only Cayley。 And if Cayley 
had been hiding the truth about the keys; why should he not be hiding the 


The Red House Mystery 

truth about Mark's entry into the office? Obviously all Cayley's evidence 
went for nothing。 Some of it no doubt was true; but he was giving it; 
both truth and falsehood; with a purpose。 What the purpose was Antony 
did not know as yet; to shield Mark; to shield himself; even to betray Mark 
it might be any of these。 But since his evidence was given for his own 
ends; it was impossible that it could be treated as the evidence of an 
impartial and trustworthy onlooker。 Such; for instance; as Elsie appeared 
to be。 

Elsie's evidence; however; seemed to settle the point。 Mark had gone 
into the office to see his brother; Elsie had heard them both talking; and 
then Antony and Cayley had found the body of Robert。。。。 and the inspector 
was going to drag the pond。 

But certainly Elsie's evidence did not prove anything more than the 
mere presence of Mark in the room。 〃It's my turn now; you wait。〃 That 
was not an immediate threat; … it was a threat for the future。 If Mark had 
shot his brother immediately afterwards it must have been an accident; the 
result of a struggle; say; provoked by that 〃nasty…like〃 tone of voice。 
Nobody would say 〃You wait〃 to a man who was just going to be shot。 
〃You wait〃 meant 〃You wait; and see what's going to happen to you later 
on。〃 The owner of The Red House had had enough of his brother's 
sponging; his brother's blackmail; now it was Mark's turn to get a bit of his 
own back。 Let Robert just wait a bit; and he would see。 The 
conversation which Elsie had overheard might have meant something like 
this。 It couldn't have meant murder。 Anyway not murder of Robert by 

〃It's a funny business;〃 thought Antony。 〃The one obvious solution is 
so easy and yet so wrong。 And I've got a hundred things in my head; and 
I can't fit them together。 And this afternoon will make a hundred and one。 
I mustn't forget this afternoon。〃 

He found Bill in the hall and proposed a stroll。 Bill was only too 
ready。 〃Where do you want to go?〃 he asked。 

〃I don't mind much。 Show me the park。〃 


They walked out together。 


The Red House Mystery 

〃Watson; old man;〃 said Antony; as soon as they were away from the 
house; 〃you really mustn't talk so loudly indoors。 There was a gentleman 
outside; just behind you; all the time。〃 

〃Oh; I say;〃 said Bill; going pink。 〃I'm awfully sorry。 So that's why 
you were talking such rot。〃 

〃Partly; yes。 And partly because I do feel rather bright this morning。 
We're going to have a busy day。〃 

〃Are we really? What are we going to do?〃 

〃They're going to drag the pond … beg its pardon; the lake。 Where is 
the lake?〃 

〃We're on the way to it now; if you'd like to see it。〃 

〃We may as well look at it。 Do you haunt the lake much in the 
ordinary way?〃 

〃Oh; no; rather not。 There's nothing to do there。〃 

〃You can't bathe?〃 

〃Well; I shouldn't care to。 Too dirty。〃 

〃I see。。。。 This is the way we came yesterday; isn't it? The way to the 

〃Yes。 We go off a bit to the right directly。 What are they dragging it 


〃Oh; rot;〃 said Bill uneasily。 He was silent for a little; and then; 
forgetting his uncomfortable thoughts in his sudden remembrance of the 
exciting times they were having; said eagerly; 〃I say; when are we going to 
look for that passage?〃 

〃We can't do very much while Cayley's in the house。〃 

〃What about this afternoon when they're dragging the pond? He's 
sure to be there。〃 

Antony shook his head。 

〃There's something I must do this afternoon;〃 he said。 〃Of course we 
might have time for both。〃 

〃Has Cayley got to be out of the house for the other thing too?〃 

〃Well; I think he ought to be。〃 

〃I say; is it anything rather exciting?〃 


The Red House Mystery 

〃I don't know。 It might be rather interesting。 I daresay I could do it 
at some other time; but I rather fancy it at three o'clock; somehow。 I've 
been specially keeping it back for then。〃 

〃I say; what fun! You do want me; don't you?〃 

〃Of course I do。 Only; Bill don't talk about things inside the house; 
unless I begin。 There's a good Watson。〃 

〃I won't。 I swear I won't。〃 

They had come to the pond … Mark's lake … and they walked silently 
round it。 When they had made the circle; Antony sat down on the grass; 
and relit his pipe。 Bill followed his example。 

〃Well; Mark isn't there;〃 said Antony。 

〃No;〃 said Bill。 〃At least; I don't quite see why you know he isn't。〃 

〃It isn't 'knowing;' it's 'guessing;'〃 said Antony rapidly。 〃It's much 
easier to shoot yourself than to drown yourself; and if Mark had wanted to 
shoot himself in the water; with some idea of not letting the body be found; 
he'd have 
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