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prester john-第31章

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ridiculous memories。  I was trying to remember the plan I had made in Machudi's glen。  I kept saying to myself like a parrot: 'The army cannot know about the jewels。  Laputa must keep his loss secret。  I can get my life from him if I offer to give them back。' It had sounded a good scheme three hours before; but with the man's hard face before me; it seemed a frail peg to hang my fate on。

Laputa's eye fell on me; a clear searching eye with a question in it。

There was something he was trying to say to me which he dared not put into words。  I guessed what the something was; for I saw his glance run over my shirt and my empty pockets。

'You have made little of your treachery;' he said。  'Fool; did you think to escape me?  I could bring you back from the ends of the earth。'

'There was no treachery;' I replied。  'Do you blame a prisoner for trying to escape?  When shooting began I found myself free; and I took the road for home。  Ask Machudi's men and they will tell you that I came quietly with them; when I saw that the game was up。'

He shrugged his shoulders。  'It matters very little what you did。  You are here now。  … Tie him up and put him in my kya;' he said to the bodyguard。  'I have something to say to him before he dies。'

As the men laid hands on me; I saw the exultant grin on Henriques' face。  It was more than I could endure。

'Stop;' I said。  'You talk of traitors; Mr Laputa。  There is the biggest and blackest at your elbow。  That man sent word to Arcoll about your crossing at Dupree's Drift。  At our outspan at noon yesterday he came to me and offered me my liberty if I would help him。  He told me he was a spy; and I flung his offer in his face。  It was he who shot the Keeper by the river side; and would have stolen the Snake if I had not broken his head。  You call me a traitor; and you let that thing live; though he has killed your priest and betrayed your plans。  Kill me if you like; but by God let him die first。'

I do not know how the others took the revelation; for my eyes were only for the Portugoose。  He made a step towards me; his hands twitching by his sides。

'You lie;' he screamed in that queer broken voice which much fever gives。  'It was this English hound that killed the Keeper; and felled me when I tried to save him。  The man who insults my honour is dead。'  And he plucked from his belt a pistol。

A good shot does not miss at two yards。  I was never nearer my end than in that fraction of time while the weapon came up to the aim。  It was scarcely a second; but it was enough for Colin。  The dog had kept my side; and had stood docilely by me while Laputa spoke。  The truth is; he must have been as tired as I was。  As the Kaffirs approached to lay hands on me he had growled menacingly; but when I spoke again he had stopped。  Henriques' voice had convinced him of a more urgent danger; and so soon as the trigger hand of the Portugoose rose; the dog sprang。  The bullet went wide; and the next moment dog and man were struggling on the ground。

A dozen hands held me from going to Colin's aid; but oddly enough no one stepped forward to help Henriques。  The ruffian kept his head; and though the dog's teeth were in his shoulder; he managed to get his right hand free。  I saw what would happen; and yelled madly in my apprehension。  The yellow wrist curved; and the pistol barrel was pressed below the dog's shoulder。  Thrice he fired; the grip relaxed; and Colin rolled over limply; fragments of shirt still hanging from his jaw。  The Portugoose rose slowly with his hand to his head; and a thin stream of blood dripping from his shoulder。 As I saw the faithful eyes glazing in death; and knew that I had lost the best of all comrades; I went clean berserk mad。 The cluster of men round me; who had been staring open…eyed at the fight; were swept aside like reeds。  I went straight for the Portugoose; determined that; pistol or no pistol; I would serve him as he had served my dog。

For my years I was a well…set…up lad; long in the arms and deep in the chest。  But I had not yet come to my full strength; and in any case I could not hope to fight the whole of Laputa's army。  I was flung back and forwards like a shuttlecock。  They played some kind of game with me; and I could hear the idiotic Kaffir laughter。  It was blind man's buff; so far as I was concerned; for I was blind with fury。  I struck out wildly left and right; beating the air often; but sometimes getting in a solid blow on hard black flesh。  I was soundly beaten myself; pricked with spears; and made to caper for savage sport。 Suddenly I saw Laputa before me; and hurled myself madly at his chest。  Some one gave me a clout on the head; and my senses fled。

When I came to myself; I was lying on a heap of mealie…stalks in a dark room。  I had a desperate headache; and a horrid nausea; which made me fall back as soon as I tried to raise myself。 A voice came out of the darkness as I stirred … a voice speaking English。

'Are you awake; Mr Storekeeper?'

The voice was Laputa's; but I could not see him。  The room was pitch dark; except for a long ray of sunlight on the floor。

'I'm awake;' I said。  'What do you want with me?'

Some one stepped out of the gloom and sat down near me。 A naked black foot broke the belt of light on the floor。

'For God's sake get me a drink;' I murmured。 The figure rose and fetched a pannikin of water from a pail。 I could hear the cool trickle of the drops on the metal。  A hand put the dish to my mouth; and I drank water with a strong dash of spirits。  This brought back my nausea; and I collapsed on the mealie…stalks till the fit passed。 Again the voice spoke; this time from close at hand。

'You are paying the penalty of being a fool; Mr Storekeeper。 You are young to die; but folly is common in youth。  In an hour you will regret that you did not listen to my advice at Umvelos'。'

I clawed at my wits and strove to realize what he was saying。 He spoke of death within an hour。  If it only came sharp and sudden; I did not mind greatly。  The plan I had made had slipped utterly out of my mind。  My body was so wretched; that I asked only for rest。  I was very lighthearted and foolish at that moment。

'Kill me if you like;' I whispered。  'Some day you will pay dearly for it all。  But for God's sake go away and leave me alone。'

Laputa laughed。  It was a horrid sound in the darkness。

'You are brave; Mr Storekeeper; but I have seen a brave man's courage ebb very fast when he saw the death which I have arranged for you。  Would you like to hear something of it by way of preparation?'

In a low gentle voice he began to tell me mysteries of awful cruelty。  At first I scarcely heard him; but as he went on my brain seemed to wake from its lethargy。  I listened with freezing blood。  Not in my wildest nightmares had I imagined such a fate。  Then in despite of myself a cry broke from me。

'It interests you?' Laputa asked。  'I could tell you more; but something must be left to the fancy。  Yours should be an active one;' and his hand gripped my shaking wrist and felt my pulse。

'Henriques will see that the truth does not fall short of my forecast;' he went on。  'For I have appointed Henriques your executioner。'

The name brought my senses back to me。

'Kill me;' I said; 'but for God's sake kill Henriques too。  If you did justice you would let me go and roast the Portugoose alive。  But for me the Snake would be over the Lebombo by this time in Henriques' pocket。'

'But it is not; my friend。  It was stolen by a storekeeper; who will shortly be wishing he had died in his mother's womb。'

My plan was slowly coming back to me。

'If you value Prester John's collar; you will save my life。 What will your rising be without the Snake?  Would they follow you a yard if they suspected you had lost it?'

'So you would threaten me;' Laputa said very gently。  Then in a burst of wrath he shouted; 'They will follow me to hell for my own sake。  Imbecile; do you think my power is built on a trinket?  When you are in your grave; I will be ruling a hundred millions from the proudest throne on earth。'

He sprang to his feet; and pulled back a shutter of the window; letting a flood of light into the hut。  In that light I saw that he had in his hands the ivory box which had contained the collar。

'I will carry the casket through the wars;' he cried; 'and if I choose never to open it; who will gainsay me?  You besotted fool; to think that any theft of yours could hinder my destiny!' He was the blustering savage again; and I preferred him in the part。  All that he said might be true; but I thought I could detect in his voice a keen regret; and in his air a touch of disquiet。  The man was a fanatic; and like all fanatics had his superstitions。

'Yes;' I said; 'but when you mount the throne you speak of; it would be a pity not to have the rubies on your neck after all your talk in the cave。'

I thought he would have throttled me。  He glowered down at me with murder in his eyes。  Then he dashed the casket on the floor with such violence that it broke into fragments。

'Give me back the Ndhlondhlo;' he cried; like a petted child。 'Give me back the collar of John。'

This was the moment I had been waiting for。

'Now see here; Mr Laputa;'
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